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WTB Wall Connector Gen2 24ft NIB

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It depends on what you consider a "reasonable price" for the level of success you're going to have finding one. If you're able to find one and it's only slightly above retail I'd buy it if you need it because that's the "reasonable price" now that they're officially discontinued from Tesla. Not sure if you know the reasoning behind this or not but I'll try to summarize briefly if not or for anyone else reading with interest in this topic.

Previously the Gen 2 HPWC (24ft cable & capable of 80A power delivery) went out of stock unexpectedly when Tesla switched all production to the new 3rd Gen HPWC (a lesser device by most accounts so far until software updates unlock more features, especially if you have an car equipped with the high-speed charging option) instead. The market price on the Gen 2 units quickly went up to around $1,000 before they came back in stock again from Tesla briefly to clear out the rest of the inventory they had of them. Now that back stock been fully depleted, they will likely go up over $1,000 pretty quickly. If you see one that you think is overpriced just wait a bit and the price will probably be double before long.

The 3rd gen thing you see is just people cashing in on people's impatience and stupidity. They've been going in and out of stock as production can't quite past the demand for supply but that item hasn't been discontinued and will be coming back in stock from time to time. It's funny to me to see 3rd gen HPWC on eBay for $850 when you can get one on Tesla brand new for $500 if you wait a day or two. The 2nd gen is a different story though as the supply is a set amount now and it's just whomever wants it bad enough that's willing to pay the market value markup.