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WTB: Wall Connector Gen2 (can't order from Tesla Store)

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TSLA shareholder
Supporting Member
I'd like to purchase a new or used (in great condition) Wall Connector, second generation only (from 2016 - ), with 24' cable.

Unfortunately, the online Tesla store won't process my billing address (a PO box) or my home address, and when I tried to raise this issue, all I got was a generic form response. We live in an area where USPS provides no home delivery, and this sometimes causes problems when merchants rely exclusively on the USPS database to validate addresses even though FedEx, UPS, and every other carrier delivers here. And I'm not keen on driving 2.5 hours round trip to the nearest Service Center to pick something up.

So, if someone has a Wall Connector to sell and ship for a fair price, this might be the easiest approach.
UPDATE: Our service center is going to order the Wall Connector for us, since the online store won't process our order, and the service center will bill us for it when we have to go in for service in the not too distant future (we just learned that our battery's arrival is imminent and that our loaner battery will be going back). While it's unfortunate that the online store won't help us, it's great that others within Tesla stepped up to the plate to make things work out.

you can physically walk into a Tesla service center and they are just available.
Well, ideally. The problem is that our nearest service center is a 2.5 hour roundtrip drive away, and they don't have Wall Connectors in stock at the moment.

Given this, if anyone has a Wall Connector to sell, it might not be hard to find other potential buyers who need one immediately.
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