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WTB - winter wheel/tire package

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I am scheduled to get winter tires put on my wife's Model S this upcoming weekend.

If you have a set of wheels/tires that you are looking to unload (Michelin X-ice or Nokian Hakkapeliitta) pm me with details and asking price (I can get new for about $1600).
Where can you get a set of new wheels and tires for $1600? Winter tires alone are typically $900-1k for the set
I am having X-ice installed tomorrow for $800 (after $100 rebate) based on a Discount Tire Black Friday sale (local shop is matching their price).

You can pick up rims for ~$200 each multiple places, including Tire Rack, 1010tires or even Amazon. I will probably buy Replika R187s in the spring ($194ea) and use the OEM rims for the winter set.
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