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WTB X75D+ w/ subzero

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Only needs are at least 75D and subzero package. $65-70k, higher with range, options, low miles. Not looking to drop >$80k.

I'm a very happy owner of a 2015 S70D trying to upgrade our 2011 Volt for bigger family. I've been following for a while and have found some well treated Xs on either coast. I'm in MN, but anything is fair game, especially if autopilot enabled and I can just supercharge on home...

Happy to give you my day 1 M3 reservation (though reservations don't seem to matter much these days), which I think I'll end up giving back because I like my S too much and the wife wants an SUV for family.

Time frame is sometime between tomorrow and 2020. Not interested in lease takeovers, unless you can convince me.