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WTT: 21" Model S Silver for Grey Turbines

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Title says it all.

I'm looking to trade my silver turbines for a set of grey ones. Mine are in good condition, although there are small chips on 2 separate wheels (see pics below).

There is otherwise no curb rash or other damage.

I'd prefer a local swap in the metro Phoenix area for mutual convenience.

If there is no interest, I'll probably just end up powder coating my current wheels to either the OEM grey color or black in a couple of weeks.

IMG_2059.JPG IMG_2063.JPG
Never mind. I've decided to powder coat these black. As much as a I have been liking the grey, there is no other grey on the car so it matches nothing. Silver looks nice and elegant, but I simply prefer the more aggressive look of the darker wheel colors.

Thanks for looking.