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WTT: 21" MY Uberturbines - your two for my two, so we can square up & rotate!

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hi all,

as title states, looking to square up. ideally you are local in Los Angeles, and we can meet at a shop like firestone (20/wheel for mount + balance) to do the swap.

- indifferent on keeping fronts or rears
- my set has the pirellis ~7/8 / 32 on each, 3500 miles
- no damage to rims or tires, ever
- i dont mind trading for your two that have michelin rubber (ideally want to move to those after my two pirellis wear out anyway)

NOT interested in trading for any other wheel (inductions etc) or folks that are looking for some cash contribution from my end. if you are looking to square up and have the ability to rotate tires long term, then my proposition is a $40/pp option to get to that outcome.

PM or reply here, thanks!