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      I understood it was only if the alarm had been triggered which will send a message to the app. Normal sentry mode recordings do not send...
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      The figures on Teslafi are only for subscribed vehicles which I would guess is a small proportion of the total.
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      I realise that but to give advanced warning it has to know that you will still be on the same road when you arrive at the camera. There...
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] 2024.14.x.
      How could you expect to get advanced speed camera warning if the car didn't know where you would be traveling?
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] Spring Software Update.
      In Spain shouldn't it tell you to keep left, keeping right would be exit.
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] Spring Software Update.
      There are no "front facing pillar" cameras, never have been.
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      Andywil replied to the thread Supercharger team sacked?.
      I would love to know where all these chargers are that have supposedly been installed in the North East. I live in North Yorkshire and...
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] Spring Software Update.
      Why not just use voice command "save dashcam" It works flawlessly.
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      Andywil replied to the thread Security of Phone/Card/Key?.
      Bluetooth relay attack has only been demonstrated by having one thief within a few cm of your phone and the other within a few cm of the...
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      Andywil replied to the thread Changes to Supercharging?.
      Tesla owners have always paid a lower price ever since non Tesla drivers were allowed access.
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      I would hope you have to stop charge first, otherwise anyone else could stop your charge and remove connector.
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      Andywil replied to the thread UK FSD Discussion.
      There are two large bus queues of school children on both sides of the road, an steroid is about to hit the road in front of you. Do you...
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      Andywil replied to the thread UK FSD Discussion.
      I thought we were past April fools day, surely this discussion is not seriously considering increasingly unlikely scenarios. Humans make...
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      Andywil replied to the thread [UK] 2024.8.x.
      Slower than average? Doesn't average rely on some results less and some more.
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      Andywil replied to the thread Where's solar charging gone?.
      That works but it then disappears again later!
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