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Recent content by hey8you

  1. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    On occasion I do. I don't like how it stops short at the stop line however I mostly got over it. Ill tap the accelerator if I notice the car may not be on the sensor. I'll sometimes close the gap at the light if it looks like the cars behind me are trying to use a turn lane but cant because they...
  2. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I agree. There is a spot where v12 goes too fast for the turn so I always have slow it down before I get there. I daily drive that areas so it helps to know how fast the car should be going.
  3. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    IV seen this once so far on v12.3.6 and it was correct. Was night time and CHP had someone pulled over. Was recognized and slowed down.
  4. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Same here. I don't know how often and what data gets updated but the "no turn on red" at one intersection near me is 6 years old and where v12 inappropriately enters the wrong lane during a turn on another intersection is 13+ years old.
  5. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    1, 2, 3...Not it! There is a spot at work i'v been playing with autopark. Its on the higher floors of the garage so there is usually less traffic. I think that is a good spot for me to play with some ASS.
  6. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I had something odd happen yesterday. I don't believe I've ever seen this before but while sitting at a red light in a left turn lane. V12.3.6 randomly decided to turn the wheel to the right(about 45deg). I was not moving and the other cars in my lane and neighboring lane was not moving. Wheel...
  7. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Tried V12.3.6 today when I went to grab lunch. It tried to do a lane change too close to some road pylons(or whatever they are called). If I hadn't intervened, I think it would have hit them. It tried to do it twice and both times I intervened. There also was some hesitation when trying to enter...
  8. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    After using 12.3.6 for a bit I feel there is some improvements over 12.3.4, maybe? I didn't really get to use 12.3.5 other than auto park. I tried Autopark in the garage using the same spots Iv been testing in and there is no change since .5. I did try new spot and it would have hit another car...
  9. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Tried 12.3.6 from work to home. 29 miles, some street, mostly freeway. For the most part it did well. It did something weird on the freeway exit. It shot over to the far right lane causing it to over correct. This caused it to bounce back and forth in the lane. Terrible visual aid below.
  10. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just updated to 12.3.6. Bank A and B is 2.17gb. Same size as 12.3.5 and 12.3.4
  11. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I tied autopark with 12.3.5 where 12.3.4 had issues. I parked in the same 3 spots. 2 times parked great, The 3rd try I had to intervene. First 2 attempts were great. Last attempt was not so great. I had the hit the brakes.
  12. hey8you

    Consequences for blocking EV chargers

    I agree with this. I posted a video of a truck driver nailing power lines and the idiot and left without reporting it. Not only did I reported it to PD(live power lines downed) but I posed video of it on social media and tagged the trucking company. I got a response quickly. I think they made...
  13. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    2 in one day? wow. Im guessing this cant be that common. At my work we had a few spots compact spots that say no backing in. The funny thing with those spots, because a 1973 C10 has huge overhang behind the rear wheels. Parking forward mean the bed sticks out quite far into the lanes but...
  14. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just updated to 12.3.5. I was hoping to get .6 but oh well.
  15. hey8you

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Today I decided to try v12.3.4 on the way to work. For some reason, it behaved at an intersection it had trouble with in the past. It did a left turn and stayed in the lane it was supposed to. Nice. Did 2 disengagements, both for trying to use the turn lane to go straight.