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Recent content by parsec

  1. P

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    But only a bit clearer. There is still the glaringly obvious lie of "Full Self Driving Capability" which, to be truthful, would be called "Beta Prototype of a Possible Self-Driving System that has Never Gone Beyond Level 2 Capability." Granted, that's a little cumbersome to say. How about...
  2. P

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    It is discouraging. Tesla is "Lies are Us" in a way that no other Fortune 500 company is. Rain Sensing Wipers? A lie. 10000 lb ft Cybertruck torque? A huge lie. Full Self Driving? A lie. "Additional Savings" in lease payments and financing (from comparisons with a hypothetical ICE)...
  3. P

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I am not so quick to blame the media, given that no Tesla driver would say "self driving" to mean TACC or AP or anything other than FSD. The medium in question, the LA TImes, at least has some journalistic standards, and my inclination is to consider them innocent (of sloppy journalism) until...
  4. P

    A/C comes on when sitting in the car with everything turned off

    Only if your electricity comes from a pollution free source, which does not yet exist. If I set my cabin overheat protection to "On" my battery is more quickly drained. Keeping the car at a comfortable temperature while I am not in it uses even more battery charge.
  5. P

    Coming Soon - Tesla Summon

    This seems to be meaningless drivel to make gullible investors think that Tesla will compete with Uber sometime "soon". "Summon" is intended to strongly suggest that the summon feature from the Model S will be available again, after it magically starts to work right. It won't be available...
  6. P

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    The driver attention monitoring features don't work reliably. Numerous YouTube videos show distracted drivers, drivers with hands off the wheel, etc with fsd engaged.
  7. P

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Given that the caption for the photo in the news article says full self driving mode was in use, I have an idea what was in use. I'm thinking the full self driving mode. My own experience with FSD is that it is the most likely of the driver assist modes to cause an accident, so I have no...
  8. P

    Guideline for future directors to add value to Tesla

    Yes! Sandy Monroe's sycophantism makes me want to vomit. I think all your points are very sound. I have seen nothing from Tesla that indicates that they can produce solid software; better that they should focus on being a car company. At least they have been able to bring their fit and...
  9. P

    Using AI to improve wipe malfunction

    What on earth does this mean??? Tesla has no commitment to cutting edge technology. Companies that do (regarding rain sensing wipers) use rain sensors and develop systems that actually work, and do not release beta systems on an unsuspecting and gullible public. They also do not use AI in...
  10. P

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    I've had robotic surgery performed on me. Does that count?
  11. P

    Battery Health

    From the app you can select Service/Battery and charging. Then describe issue as "loss of range", then submit that. A test is performed and if you are ok, you will see "no issue detected."
  12. P

    Battery Health

    Based upon that graph, the curve of best fit intercepts the 69kWh line at about 12,000 miles. To me, that looks substantially worse than the fleet average -- the slope is quite a bit steeper. I can't speak to the validity of Tessie, however. The fleet average looks almost perfectly linear...
  13. P

    Battery Health

    About 1/4 of the way to red, after 2 years. That seems to suggest an 8 year battery life, which I would find concerning. Is the graphic posted from the app? My app doesn't appear to have a battery tab.
  14. P

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    I was involved in developing some stuff that passed for AI in the first wave of investment in AI (early 80's. ) Then, the industry was loaded with jargon-spewing hucksters who were selling vaporware. The climate seems exactly the same now. Elon has been promising full self-driving by the end...