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  1. M

    Bug in spring update

    Not sure where to report bug for the spring update: frequently when park I tap open trunk-trunk opens but so does frunk ?. I assume this is already rectified in new update ?….so I await the bug fixes and improvements
  2. M

    Hire some update people

    Is there any chance Tesla could hire some update techs back so the sea of people waiting for the spring update or any new update to actually get the improvement software ?.
  3. M

    iPhone wont load new update

    Downloaded new update 4.33.0 from App Store, installed but phone shows 2024.3.25 ?. Tried rebooting phone, reboot car. I’m worried that if I delete app and reinstall, it will take 2-3 days before it syncs with car. Don’t have my keycard handy.
  4. M

    Can someone explain software

    Ok so last month I got the fsd free trial, I always download the latest Tesla app for phone and the bug fixes but when I view my specs for my car it says 11.1 but in brackets it reads 2024.3.25 ? How do I get caught up to 12. Do I need to be on 12 or can 11 be sufficient for new updates ?
  5. M

    Why don’t the cars talk ?

    Teslas are great but I’m curious as to why they don’t speak, they understand voice commands. It sure would be cool if the greeted us when we opened the door or told us the temperature, warned us about speed traps instead of chimes. Kit we need u pal.
  6. M

    Minor improvements & bug fixes ?

    Just how many do they send out for FSD, I think 8 so far?
  7. M

    Must have security items

    We all know Tesla has car alarm, sentry video camera, walk away locks, pin to drive, multiple cameras, uwb digital key. I recently had someone unplug my car while using the adapter. If u charge on public non super charger stations u need to get the adapter lock. It’s just a few bucks but deters...
  8. M

    Type of lifting Jack ?

    So, I got the pucks but when I went to put a jack underneath to lift car, the puck was in the way-height is too low for Jack-what type of jack do I need ?
  9. M

    Self parking ?

    Can someone educate me-is there a difference between park assist, auto park and smart park ?
  10. M

    Bug report fsd trial

    Summon mode-for some reason my mirrors keep folding in/closed when I use come to me command. I tried highlighting unfold mirrors on display screen but it keeps folding them with summon ?
  11. M

    Non Tesla chargers

    Ok I tried charge point free type 2 charger- seems these free chargers very slightly from 5 kw to 7.5 kw. Flo-fluctuates from like $1.50 to $4.00 per hour and as a first time user they hold $20 from yr bank account wyf the is app non user friendly. Tesla super charger is so easy we are spoiled...
  12. M

    Phone left in car chime

    Can we please get a card or phone left inside car instant warning alert(like they have in ice cars). The walk-away door lock chime is useless if you leave yr phone in car and thieves get yr phone and your car.
  13. M

    Red seatbelts

    Anyone know where I can swap out the Tesla seatbelts and does it void warranty ?
  14. M

    How do U force update?

    So I updated on phone app, parked my car and connected to wifi but stlll no update for car ?. Is there a way to force update or premium customers get updates first ?
  15. M


    So I drove a 2021 Kona electric and a 2022 Prius and is it just me or do these cars suck. Complex, combersome, lack any cool factor, no way are these cars comparable to a Tesla…..not even close. People associate these cars as an example of electric vehicles and they are reluctant to try Tesla...
  16. M

    Model 3 RWD got beat by an Audi turbo

    I put it in standard mode and got beat by an Audi turbo-would speed change anything ? Cost and is it worth it ?
  17. M


    I tried saying play fm 98 or tune to fm 95.5 but Tesla not understanding those. Not even “change stations or go back”
  18. M

    Feature suggestion: Icon updates (visualization)

    Can we please get an icon update-add the train at RR Crossings, make the brake lights brighter (the head lights huge but brakes are dim), etc. I am sure there are more like maybe, police fire ambulance icon with a warning to pull over, school bus, snow plow, shopping cart, animals, other Tesla...
  19. M

    Trains displayed as trucks

    So I’m sitting at a railway crossing waiting for train to pass and on my Tesla screen it shows a series of transport trucks passing by? I voice command “bug report” but it not leave room for specifics. Does the lydar just not recognize trains ?
  20. M


    Was wondering if Tesla is ever coming out with a total retractable sun roof ?
  21. M


    So Stellantis has a new concept car for 2025 Halcyon (may not even come to be) and in their promo video it boasts “unlimited range” How is this even possible and is this the future or end to range anxiety ?
  22. M

    Wrong pin 3X

    I’m Wondering what happens when u enter the wrong pin to drive after 3 attempts?
  23. M


    All I ever seem to get is 6 - 7 kW from type 2 public chargers , they are free but is that the standard range. Also what’s the + digit kWh
  24. M

    Solar charger for 12 volt battery

    I was wondering if plugging a small solar charger into cigarette lighter port would help extend life of the 12 volt battery or any benefits at all ?.
  25. M


    In the service screen -does anyone know what this is and should I be concerned ?
  26. M


    First time using service center and they don’t require a key or phone ?. Apparently once you’re scheduled for service, the scanner puts your phone on service mode and unlocks your car. How cool is that, is this new ?
  27. M


    First time using service center and they don’t require a key or phone ?. Apparently once you’re scheduled for service, the scanner puts your phone on service mode and unlocks your car. How cool is that, is this new ?
  28. M


    Ok so it’s cold and I noticed regen braking is reduced or not working completely. I charged for 2 minutes only and regen came back ? Is this a fluke, can someone try this and let me know if it worked for u.
  29. M

    Your Sketches

    I was bored waiting for a charge to complete and started to explore the sketch pad. I wish we could view all the published sketches. Here is a doodle I sketched.
  30. M

    Car Key Evolution-what's next ?

    Some of you might recall metal keys-needed mutiple keys to open door, another to start the ingnition, another to unlock glove box, etc, Then in the late 1970's came the single metal key-one key to open door and same key to start. Next, was the transponder key and some much needed plastic for...
  31. M

    Wireless Charging Roads?

    Michigan just introduced First north american charging road, was wondering if anyone has tried it yet, how much of a charge you get, how long one has to be on the road, as its only less than a mile long and what might the cost per user be ?
  32. M

    Improvements I would like to see

    How about when u start yr Tesla-some cool logo with electrical spark spelling out Tesla as an intro, then normal screen pops up. This would be easy to introduce-maybe even the option of choosing or customizing yr intro
  33. M


    1-no more gas. 2-free charging:at work, within your city. 3-decreased pollution, reducing your carbon footprint. 4-rebates: tax rebate, government rebate 5-decreased repair costs 6-cool tech 7-no more keys/battery key fobs 8-security features:alarm, sentry mode,PIN code to drive 9-reduced...
  34. M

    EASTER EGGS 2023 ?

    Just wondering if anyone at Tesla snuck in some new Easter eggs for 2023 in the updates, you know maybe some cool new voice commands, modes, fun icons, etc
  35. M

    Navigation voice vanished ?

    So my nav female voice has been quiet-tried unmute, scroll wheel volume, etc. Then I tried voice commands “increase navigation volume” and despite Tesla displaying “command not understood” the voice suddenly re-appeared ?
  36. M

    Service appointments in US when coming from Canada?

    SO, one of my tire sensors malfuctioned (that popup warnning message is so annoying) along with my trunk not opening durring lightshows and the vanishing of FM radio after I a did a reset, thought its time to get some service. I reside in Canada and the closests service center is in Michigan...
  37. M


    1) GAS PRICES-when they go up, all you hear is everyone complaining about how they can't afford to it. Gas prices go down-everyone is lined up, fighting over who was next. 2) LINES UPS-no not at the pump, when U go inside to pay and there's an old person checking his lotto tickets, holding up...