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  1. Not Sure

    SpaceX F9 - Starlink 2 - SLC-40

    I'm not sure. Is this is a good thing for the planet?
  2. Not Sure

    Open glove box voice command

    I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
  3. Not Sure


    Is that an underpass or a red fire-truck? I'm just not sure.
  4. Not Sure

    Model 3 Motors on the Tesla Parts Catalog

    I'm really not sure :confused:
  5. Not Sure

    Bosch enters lidar business

    We are slaughtering some chickens tomorrow and I wondered if anyone knows anything about reading chicken entrails. Does the person whose fortune is being told have to do the killing? Or is the reader supposed to do that? Does the reader have to handle and examine the entrails her/himself? Or can...
  6. Not Sure

    Racism lawsuit will go ahead

  7. Not Sure

    The Beast of Burbage

    I can help once I get my teeth into it.
  8. Not Sure

    Northampton supercharger - BE WARNED !!

    Blood suckers.
  9. Not Sure

    Bosch enters lidar business

    I'm not sure I see where you are going with this.
  10. Not Sure

    AP in Fog

    Don't suppose they have fire trucks in Portugal?
  11. Not Sure

    AP in Fog

    I'm not sure if that's a good ide
  12. Not Sure

    Hope for salvaged ownership!!

    I'm not sure. But you already know this.
  13. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Climate alarmists are whooping with excitement.
  14. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    FIREBUGS AT WORK Fires Near Me These new fires that are popping up everywhere are highly suspicious. There is no lightening activity. Even in tinder dry hot conditions fires do not start by themselves. Keep watching that site, there is a rash of new fires a very long way from the fire-grounds.
  15. Not Sure

    Autosteer oopsie

    I'll drink to that.
  16. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    The worst bushfires in Australia's history - Australian Geographic
  17. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Neither the temperatures nor the dryness nor the fires are unprecedented. What is highly unusual is that innumerable spot fires have broken out far ahead of the fires already burning making the job of fire fighters near impossible. Many of those fires are the result of arson. Hard to know what...
  18. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Australia is becoming a nation of dread – and the world looks on with pity and scorn | David Marr As that news sank in this summer an unfamiliar emotion took hold in Australia: not fear so much as dread. These fires are not going out. We’re used to seeing the bush growing back quickly, green...
  19. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Not "denying" that CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases and may be a factor in climate change. What I am saying is that there are other factors and that the hysteria against "carbon Pollution" is a distraction from a myriad of other problems that we face. Plastic in the oceans, endocrine...
  20. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    The old "96% of Scientists" meme again IT'S WRONG and repeating it a million times won't change the fact that it is wrong. '97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong If you've ever expressed the least bit of skepticism about environmentalist calls for making the vast majority of fossil...
  21. Not Sure

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    I'm not sure. And I think that's a good thing :)
  22. Not Sure

    Thumps and clunks while charging

    I'm not sure, but I probably need a drink.
  23. Not Sure

    Delivered With a Dozen Paint Defects...Am I Being Unreasonable?

    My girlfriend has marks like that in her neck, I'm not sure. Is this a problem?
  24. Not Sure

    84 year old grandmother very disappointed...

    I'm............................................................................. not sure :(
  25. Not Sure

    Advice for Autopilot and hand fatigue

    Stop it. You'll get hand fatigue.
  26. Not Sure

    crash avoidance outside of autopilot?

    I'm just not sure.
  27. Not Sure

    Unfortunate fatality in Model 3

    Please don't be ghoulish.
  28. Not Sure

    What to do?!?!? 2013 Model S 60 Battery fail

    Bring out yer dead. Bring out yer dead Bring out yer d
  29. Not Sure

    Snippiness 2.0

    It's also pretty clear what NWDIVER would like to do with any that disagree with him. (love the solar epaulette) Heil Greta !
  30. Not Sure

    How much electricity does it take to produce a gallon/liter of gas/diesel?

    The world has been dependent on fossil fuels since the industrial revolution. The human population has increased exponentially since then. Calling for an immediate ban on the use of carbon fuels, grounding the airlines and stopping shipping would be rather inconvenient. Has Greta popped over to...
  31. Not Sure

    How much electricity does it take to produce a gallon/liter of gas/diesel?

    I don't like incitement to murder. It certainly reads that way.
  32. Not Sure

    How much electricity does it take to produce a gallon/liter of gas/diesel?

    I'm not sure that I'd be reassured by that.
  33. Not Sure

    Powerwall Efficiency

    I'm not sure but..... isn't that the purpose of having a battery?
  34. Not Sure

    Check you nuts

    I'm not sure but I think it might be more enjoyable if you got your girlfriend to help you with that :)
  35. Not Sure

    Check you nuts

    My left one is hanging lower. I'm not sure, is this normal?
  36. Not Sure

    Check you nuts

    I'm not sure but I think I could be :(
  37. Not Sure

    Why will you need a Cyber Truck?

    I'm not sure, but it will be good for carrying my coffin around, especially with FSD. I won't be driving during the day so it can charge up via solar panels while I'm resting. I like the sound of the vault cover. Perfect :)
  38. Not Sure

    Getting 20 miles per day phantom drain

    Not sure, but, might be vampire drain. Easy to fix. (No vampires were harmed in the filming of this movie)