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  1. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is par for the course for Biden. He moves in the right direction just frustratingly slow at times.
  2. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Well this is interesting. Apparently the US was furious that Ukraine was using Patriot systems to snipe Russian aircraft.
  3. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Try to be optimistic. Maybe they'll use the distraction to withdraw from Ukraine and pretend like the last 10 years never happened.
  4. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Ah. I get you. He creates this Xai company which is obviously a fraud and sees how many Tesla employees defect to it to weed out the deadweight. That's kind of clever actually.
  5. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    If he really wants AI and robots then he should make a company that does that instead of hollowing out an existing car company.
  6. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I recall that Russia seized quite a bit of property from the companies that tried to leave Russia in 2022 already. If that's the game Russia wants to play then I think those companies have a claim to Russia's frozen funds.
  7. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Confusion. No confusion here. It's more stupid games to try to intimidate the west. The only appropriate response is to give Ukraine more firepower.
  8. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    The source appears to be Elon Musk...
  9. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    https://electrek.co/2024/05/20/elon-musk-confirms-threat-give-me-25-of-tesla-or-no-ai-robotics/ This is a very confusing threat. Give him more control and money or else he'll stop using Tesla's resources for stupid nonsense like AI or robots. Decisions, decisions... what to do...
  10. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I saw someone link to a news article on twitter that implied that his pro Russian stance wasn't quite as strong as it seemed and that he was on the verge of turning on them. Hardly proof of Russian involvement but its interesting. Then again going more conspiracy brained on this I might say...
  11. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Unfortunately Russian's success in Kharkiv appears to be due to Ukraine dropping the ball there and not constructing actual defenses. Also this projectile that hit belgorod seems to be an S 200 or 300 air defense missile, a thing Russia has repurposed for ground targets. So another piece of...
  12. C

    Elon fires the head of SuperChargers and much (all?) of the SuperCharger team - how will this affect new SCs?

    Who in their right mind would take him up on that offer? He's probably going to overdose on ketamine and fire them again in a few months.
  13. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I'm not 100% sure but I think that number is casualties, not KIA.
  14. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Holy cow! 1740 combat losses today! I don't think I've seen a number that high.
  15. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Interesting. Not too far off from some of the non-russian estimates.
  16. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Maybe. Or maybe he's just some citizen in Russia giving us his perspective however misinformed it might be. If it's the latter then I'm interested in what he has to say.
  17. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    No but more often than not something like this is done by Russia. That's just been the track record for this war. Honestly Ukraine doesn't have the luxury of bombing civilian targets. They don't have the ammunition and it wouldn't get them closer to victory. Out of curiosity can you refer to...
  18. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I think that might have been one of those older tanks they fill with tnt and send it to the line of contact. I remember seeing a similar Shockwave.
  19. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Optimus bots? That does sound like a good plan. I remember reading about how a patriot missile cost a few million dollars and a shaheed drone cost 40k. Seems like things like the Gepard are a great solution for that. I wonder if that's how it's working out.
  20. C

    Elon fires the head of SuperChargers and much (all?) of the SuperCharger team - how will this affect new SCs?

    I'm not sure that's their main goal. I thought it was meant to be a selling point of buying a Tesla.
  21. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/9/7455062/ See. I knew we'd eventually block Russian's use of Starlink. Well, very eventually in this case.
  22. C

    Elon fires the head of SuperChargers and much (all?) of the SuperCharger team - how will this affect new SCs?

    Well if they want to improve the ccs1 network I hear there's a world class team that just became available.
  23. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I guess if you define successful as not losing so much money that it threatens to bankrupt Elon Musk in the next 5 years then I can see that. I like the community notes feature. Other than that the biggest change in Twitter seems to be an explosion in porn bots. I have to say I'm a little...
  24. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    He volunteered to loot, murder and destroy in another country? I think your friend might not be a good person.
  25. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Wikipedia tells me it's 99% ethnic Russians. Wikipedia is, of course, not always right. Maybe Wikipedia is referring to the city of Ivanovo proper vs the Metropolitan area.
  26. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If he's in Ivanovo it makes sense a lot of people wouldn't be missing It's heavily ethnic Russian and Russia likes to draw mostly from non ethnic Russians for their war.
  27. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

  28. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is just a theory, because Ukraine has been ammunition starved for 6 months they haven't had anything to attack the land route to Crimea. The situation might change in the near future.
  29. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Finally an actual Russian that we can all hold personally responsible for this war.
  30. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The news about the assassination attempt were surprising since I thought assassination attempts were non stop this entire time.
  31. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/7/7454702/ Interesting. North Korean Ballistic missiles seem to have a failure rate of nearly 50%.
  32. C

    Insane repair estimate for 2015 MS

    Depends on the clunk. There's several different things it can be. For me it was a sway bar link which are available on Amazon for about $30. Does your car have an air suspension? There was a clunk type issue with those during certain years.
  33. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I am hearing differently. at 566seconds "100% of my contacts at Tesla are gone. Every call was bounced."
  34. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    It's not a smaller staff. It's no staff. You can't make a non-existant team efficient enough to do anything. It breaks basic math.
  35. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Great. Well I hope I can still get parts for my car in 5 years when Tesla transitions to a pure AI/Crypto company.
  36. C

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    Wasn't Tesla forced to take on new board members that weren't Elon puppets? Are they interested in stopping this madness or do they think Twitter is a success story?
  37. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    https://publish.twitter.com/?query=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FNOELreports%2Fstatus%2F1787453596423864678&widget=Tweet Sup dawg, we heard you like missiles so we put an a2a missile on your drone so it can boat while it shoots down air frames. I think I did that meme right. Also, why the...
  38. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    That's a curious one. They were made for the war on terror. I don't think they'll do well in a battlefield with actual air defenses.
  39. C

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well first off the whole UNRWA thing, the jury's still out on that one. Israel says they're a part of Hamas yet, as far as I know, they haven't actually provided proof of that. An abrupt divestment might have these side effects, I agree. But if Biden would act like it was an option unless...
  40. C

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Interesting. Maybe it's true. But there's a problem with this course of action. It's incompatible with American law and sensibilities. Hence all the protests. If they believe that they have to be barbaric to fight barbarians that's a choice but as an American taxpayer I want no part of it.
  41. C

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I haven't seen this mentioned here. I thought it might be interesting to the discussion. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/04/29/weve-become-addicted-to-explosions-the-idf-unit-responsible-for-demolishing-homes-across-gaza/ It's a piece tracking controlled demolition by the IDF in Gaza. I...
  42. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Well there's your problem. Your understanding requires reading the article. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  43. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I think they're misinterpreting the situation. They might not be aware that Russia shuts down bridge traffic anytime there's anything happening near it without appreciating that there's other targets than the bridge in that area.
  44. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Exactly. Putin will stop when he is forced to stop. Not an inch less. He's running the country like he's playing a game of Civilization.
  45. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is your brain on ketamine. Any questions?
  46. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Considering what they accomplished with that unorthodox strategy I think dollar for dollar Ukraine might have come out ahead. As the saying goes, shoot the archers, not the arrows.
  47. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Hopefully we'll let them use our stuff to hit targets inside of Russia to slow down missile production. It'll be a lot more cost effective.
  48. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/24/7452830/ I'm worried this will be misinterpreted but I think this is a good thing. If I put myself in their position, suppose I escaped early in the war with my family. Maybe I'm sort of torn, I feel a responsibility to fight but I don't want to...
  49. C

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The bill is for 61 billion. But not all at once. You can expect to see quite a few announcements like this over the next year or so.