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  1. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Not enough information to know why this is happening. Teslamate doesn't talk to the car it talks to the Tesla servers. If the car was online then this suggests that there was some sort of signal getting through as otherwise it would have shown as driving until it lost the signal. Unless the...
  2. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    The data sent from Tesla. Teslamate just forwards that onto Grafana which displays whatever its given. Hence Durzel's post above.
  3. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Is your OCD not bothered if it's marked asleep when it's really offline? :) But seriously, it would be nice to have the option. Would keep the fakers and purists happy. Edit: with further thought, it would be very easy to duplicate the grafana dashboards and make the changes there, while...
  4. I

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Ditto Scotland
  5. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    All you need to know is that they're away of the issue and if there is a workaround or it needs an update. Keep asking here if you're stuck though.
  6. I

    Rubbing noise, front wheel

    Just an FYI, when I had a faulty wheel bearing it sounded like someone following me in 50cc scooter. Most noticeable when decelerating and clearly audible with the windows up. I don't think your issue is the same as I had.
  7. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I use a little known website to do my searching. It begins with a G :) For something like this I just go straight to the issues page and have a quick scan. If need be you can search for a keyword in your problem e.g. Statistics and it should bring up any issues
  8. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    There won't be. The Teslamate page only shows the built-in dashboards. You will see it in the dashboards drop down on GRafana if you've followed the above. Noobs should look at the Github page in the first instance :) https://github.com/teslamate-org/teslamate/issues/3899
  9. I

    Kwik Fit Kilmarnock / Glasgow for MOT?

    It's half way between Glasgow and Edinburgh Service Centres. Two birds one stone.
  10. I

    Music over headphones on Highland

    Not sure why they shouldn't. No they don't Because the inability to hear doesn't impact on driving enough to make it unsafe. Playing music in your car reduces your ability to hear external sounds. Why would you voluntarily take away some of your ability to drive your vehicle reliably just to...
  11. I

    Music over headphones on Highland

    And yet, deaf people are allowed to drive...
  12. I

    Kwik Fit Kilmarnock / Glasgow for MOT?

    I got mine done in The Garage in East Kilbride. A wee bit closer than Livi, but I'm sure you'll find something even more local.
  13. I

    EMF Debate

    Could it detect any phantom braking? :)
  14. I

    EMF Debate

    Did you happen to take that photo with your phone? :)
  15. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    You google "how do I auto update docker images" :)
  16. I

    Ovo charge anytime & M3

    My top tip would be to read the manual. I know it's boring when you don't have the car in front of you, but it does answer a lot of questions.
  17. I

    Highland Efficiency

    The short and long trip consumption at temperature (snappy name :)) graph is quite interesting.
  18. I

    4 year MOT - Fail!

    Or put it in creep mode. Certainly no need to stamp on the brakes as the manual notes. FYI I had my MOT just before Xmas and had no issues with the brakes despite doing nothing proactive and certainly not drying them
  19. I

    Request - Rear window seal

    Model 3? https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/rear-windshield-glass-trim-missing.217036/
  20. I

    4 year MOT - Fail!

    As required: https://service.tesla.com/docs/Public/diy/model3/en_us/GUID-D49F81B4-8E10-4A24-871E-5EF2F30C8285.html
  21. I

    Tesla new inventory prices

    Which ones in particular? There are a lot with extra options.
  22. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Just someone else who can't comprehend simple sentences.
  23. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Dude, you can't follow a simple sentence, I doubt we can explain capitalism to you :)
  24. I

    is App setting off my alarm?

    I can't think of a failure mode that would trigger the alarm from the app. If you do a search on here then I'm sure you'll see most if not all false alerts are caused by insects. However if you report it to Tesla I think they can tell what sensor triggered the alarm. If it's the internal sensor...
  25. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    That's not what I wrote.
  26. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    It was undoubtedly a petulant boardroom spat but it may have worked out for him. Remember the SVP will set the culture in her organisation and if the SuC team think they are indispensable then that culture needs a reset too. The shareholders may have pushed him into backtracking, but they also...
  27. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    But he won't have the exec who didn't want to cut the headcount. And I suspect, a more compliant team
  28. I

    [UK] Does FSD have any second-hand value?

    I get that we all have different ideas of what is value for money and some of the features are undoubtedly useful, but you are paying full price for two fifths of a product. Of course there is a chance that the 3 missing features might appear some time you have the car, but £3400 buys you a lot...
  29. I

    [UK] Does FSD have any second-hand value?

    I suggest you search on here for EAP and FSD in the UK before parting with any additional money. Crazy in 2024 people are still thinking of splashing the cash on this.
  30. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    You just reminded me that my Dutch colleagues used to just sack people, as paying the compensation when they lost the (Dutch equivalent of) Industrial Tribunal it was a lot less hassle/cost than trying to build a performance case for someone.
  31. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    I was always under the impression that US companies could fire without justification, so I doubt they'd have to go through a selection process. (Where are the American posters when you need them? :) ) When I worked for an American company they were always grappling with UK and European...
  32. I

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    I'm pretty sure @Jason71 wasn't confessing to be the Kia driver. Although if he eats a sausage and egg muffin every time he charges, he might need more room to get out of the car :)
  33. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    You might have better luck on a square space forum.
  34. I

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    US law is of little relevance to someone based in the UK I would suggest.
  35. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Oops pressed enter too soon :) For the Teslamate one add another link Title: Teslamate Type: Link URL: [[base_url:raw]]
  36. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    You need to add a link under Dashboard settings. New Link Change Title to Dashboards Type: Dashboards With tags: tesla (note lower case) Options: Show as dropdown should be ticked.
  37. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    A lot of the work could be carried out by contractors - such as used by CPS. No need to have that headcount on your books if you don't want it. If I had a pound for every time I picked up another team's work I'd be retired by now... Oh, wait a minute :)
  38. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    He specifically said they would increase the number of chargers at existing sites. And you don't need a dedicated team to do that.
  39. I

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    If you look at the Advanced installation document there's details of Let's Encrypt configuration.
  40. I

    Mp3 stuck at 16 amp charging after using public charger

    Thanks couldn't remember if the second figure was the max the charger output or that was the one that could be varied. Car not near me so I couldn't check.
  41. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    fixed that for you (no pun intended :) )
  42. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    They're putting more focus on 100% uptime, not sure how you read that as giving up on supporting SCs.
  43. I

    Mp3 stuck at 16 amp charging after using public charger

    Have you checked that the car setting for charge current hasn't been altered?
  44. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Jeez-o, you stick a button on your charger and suddenly you're an expert in all things EV :) Here are the non-CPS charger sites:
  45. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Highland council have 211 chargers alone. Add in the private and other network providers and 366 doesn't seem that wild.
  46. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Where are you getting that figure from? It's between 33p and 38p in the ones I use. Are they really still that expensive 'down South'?
  47. I

    Watch for Tesla-miles

    Are you saying that not all guesses are equal! :)
  48. I

    Supercharger team sacked?

    That didn't last long :)
  49. I

    M3 windows opened/vented themselves this morning

    There's a video somewhere of a Tesla driving through a deep Ford. I don't remember the windows having vented there. And wait until Elon hears there's an largely unused sensor sitting in the door :)