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  1. Nolakai

    2022 M3SR+...having a few weird issues.

    We’ve had the same issues with our 2022 SR3 but not our 21 MY. Our 3 also has issues with phone connecting (esp playing music over Bluetooth).
  2. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

  3. Nolakai

    SF Bay Accident Surveillance Footage

    Perhaps the Tesla driver hit the brake instead of the accelerator when the car phantom braked. They wouldn’t be the first driver to do that, unfortunately. Regardless, the drivers behind were following too close and driving too fast.
  4. Nolakai

    Big price drop

    This correction needed to happen. The Y and 3 were overpriced, and that coupled with the anti-Tesla sentiment from Elon’s antics led to soft sales. Car companies give discounts. Sometimes it’s through price decreases and sometimes it’s through 0% financing. We bought a Toyota in 2016 and with...
  5. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

    After his purchase of Twitter, the talk was about how Elon was going to destroy Twitter. Instead, he’s destroying Tesla as a brand. Twitter will do just fine since its business model is based on engagement and people love to be outraged. Tesla benefited from an inflated valuation in part by the...
  6. Nolakai

    Curious about Battery Fire Risk

    To add to the anecdotal evidence, I have a friend whose hybrid Hyundai burst into flames in a restaurant parking lot in LA.
  7. Nolakai

    Elon & Twitter

    Emily Dickinson used it and she was following hundreds of years of usage. The ship sailed in the 14th century. Adapting to use a person’s preferred pronouns is a simple, polite thing to do. True, politeness is seen as an affront to some — it cuts into their right to be an ass, after all! — but...
  8. Nolakai

    Elon & Twitter

    Actually English has the singular “they,” which is quite useful in exactly the situation you’re describing. Here’s a little article from Websters about it and its expanded use today: Singular 'They'
  9. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

    That supercharging is worth more than $500. Tesla is charging .53/kWh in SoCal, twice as much as EA and home charging. Even after Elon is gone, Tesla will have to deal with the stink his bad reputation leaves behind. A lot of us bought Teslas despite our dislike of Elon, and that was before his...
  10. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

    The thing is we don’t all agree on how the money should be spent. We will never have full agreement on what is best to do. So instead we have to try our best to elect people who have some wisdom and perhaps aren’t completely self-absorbed and actually have the overall community’s interests in...
  11. Nolakai

    Elon & Twitter

    Since he can never be president, maybe he will try to be the puppet master. Can't be VP, so no Cheney-level of puppetry, but maybe like Wolfowitz or Rumsfeld. If he were Sec of Defense, I could see him renaming all of our warships Boatie McBoat Face. He's got the sophisticated humor of...
  12. Nolakai

    Elon & Twitter

    If most journalists and news orgs move to post.news, Twitter will become irrelevant, in my opinion. Media report tweets because media writers spend all their time on Twitter. Once they move, Twitter will become a has been. Might happen! I am with Jaron Lanier on Elon and his Twitter fiasco...
  13. Nolakai

    Tesla making buyers sign promise not to resell?

    Our 2021 Y is quiet and comfortable. Too bad they lost out on a great ride!
  14. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

    Dows he address climate collapse and environmental catastrophe? How these relate to population and political and economic resilience?
  15. Nolakai

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Hey, more great news coming on climate thanks to Elon's party: Republican Drive to Tilt Courts Against Climate Action Reaches a Crucial Moment So is the pro-population stuff because he knows more children will die prematurely from pollution now that his party is stacking the courts with judges...
  16. Nolakai

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    It's interesting because Elon is endorsing right-wing politicians who are unmoved by incredible amounts of suffering and death right now. Gun violence is now more deadly to American kids than car accidents. The US has double or even triple the maternal mortality rate than in Europe and other...
  17. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

    There is a lot of excellent scholarship on collapse and resilience. My partner, an archaeologist, studies and writes about it and has published widely. The idea that population decrease will cause collapse is just not grounded in any data at all. Population pressures lead to environmental...
  18. Nolakai

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Are they? Really? Do you think that Elon Musk endorsing right-wing candidates will make them decide to get EVs from Tesla vs, say, Ford? Where's the data on that? Perhaps he's being clever and he's endorsing climate deniers like DeSantis in order to sell more cars. Or perhaps he's politically...
  19. Nolakai

    Elon Musk

    For what end and what purpose? To troll? To be clever? To get more likes and retweets? When does this man actually work anyway?
  20. Nolakai

    2 Model Y or Ioniq 5?

    "Luxury" is definitely subjective. I find the Y to be very luxurious, in large part because of its minimalist aesthetic. Nothing feels cheaper to me than an over-designed vehicle or object. But of course, that is my subjective opinion. Fortunately, there are more options now, so everyone can...
  21. Nolakai

    Dashcam doesn’t alert when it isn’t working

    We are having the same issue. It’s a new problem that seems to be related to 2022.12.3.2. Hopefully it will be fixed with the next software update.
  22. Nolakai

    Tesla Model Y - Things You Should Know!

    I've never understood why some drivers don't slow down when it's raining, especially when the road first gets wet. This is a basic teaching in driver's ed for a reason. It's not that hard to avoid hydroplaning regardless of your car or your tires. Just slow the f- down. Same is true on a...
  23. Nolakai

    Tesla Model Y - Things You Should Know!

    We traded a 2016 Prius for the Model Y and actually, the Prius's interior was not nearly as nice as the Model Y's. Granted, I appreciate minimalist design and perhaps others do not. The Prius was hard to keep clean, too busy, and the sight lines were absolutely horrible. It was a blind spot car...
  24. Nolakai

    Just sold my Model Y - Parting thoughts

    You can take it through a normal car wash. We do it and have zero issues. Same with friends who have a M3. Kyle from out of spec fave a 100k mile review of his M3 recently and said he’d been taking his car through car washes since he took delivery in 2019. Paint still looks perfect.
  25. Nolakai

    Ear pain/Pressure help

    We were rear ended and had to have a new hatch and bumper installed. Far less noise of any kind after the repair. Might be interesting to have the hatch removed and reinstalled by an experienced body shop.
  26. Nolakai

    Updated to 2022.12.3.2 on May 2.

    Hold one of the app buttons until the full menu appears, then drag the new seat warmer/etc apps down. They don’t appear in the regular menu accessed by the three dash symbol. Have to hold an existing app on the bottom menu down to access them.
  27. Nolakai

    Does Tesla Service Center offer curb rash fixes?

    A black Sharpie is your friend! We keep one in the glovebox now. Honestly works better than the expensive paints, in my experience. It doesn't filling in the gashes, obviously, but it matches the color close enough that you can't see the rash unless you look really, really close.
  28. Nolakai

    Range on road trip much lower than expected (<200 miles on full charge)

    With over 10k on our 2021 Y with induction wheels, we’re at 272wh/mi lifetime with a lot of very fast highway driving. EPA estimates were wrong for every car we’ve owned. Our Prius was off even for the car’s own estimate. The car would say we were averaging 48mpg but calculating at the pump was...
  29. Nolakai

    2 Model Y or Ioniq 5?

    We have a Y and have a 3 on order. But then, we once bought two manual transmission Jettas on the same day and we both ride Triumph T120s! Never had a problem with duplicates when we both love the same vehicles. Personally, of the non-Tesla EVs, I think the mustang mach-e has the best styling...
  30. Nolakai

    Who ordered a Tesla Model Y without test driving one first?

    It was the test drive that convinced us that we should by the Y instead of the Mach-E or id4.
  31. Nolakai

    Constant issue: Tesla not recognizing my phone (to start car)

    I have this problem sometimes with my iPhone 12 max pro. I have it have the phone unlocked sometimes. Sometimes it works with the phone locked. Spouse’s iPhone 8 works fine.
  32. Nolakai

    How Tesla Will Fall - Ben Sullins

    Wow. Yes, that's a great way to visualize it and feel its weight. We have some solar panels and it's been interesting to track the energy we've been producing and how much we need to 'fill' up our Tesla. I think I would have been more cautious about driving so much in our previous ICEs if I'd...
  33. Nolakai

    How Tesla Will Fall - Ben Sullins

    Not when it comes to the true emissions. That’s the rub for ICE vehicles. Gas production is ongoing and continuous. The exploring, extracting, refining, processing, transporting, and burning just goes on and on. That 10-year old car demands the same ongoing extraction process throughout its...
  34. Nolakai

    Phantom braking to be investigated

    I wish we could opt to have a 'dumb' cruise control. I just want my top speed capped. That's it! The phantom braking business is ridiculous.
  35. Nolakai

    Picked up my Tesla in early December, worst car I've ever owned.

    Yeah, you shouldn't have terrible efficiency on short trips unless you're going uphill, which since you're in Chicago, I know you're not. We take short trips all the time and have never had such lousy averages as yours when we get home (yes, we have really lousy numbers sometimes for a few miles...
  36. Nolakai

    Picked up my Tesla in early December, worst car I've ever owned.

    Yeah. That seems absolutely wrong. The good news is you can sell it for what you paid, most likely, and then buy something else if you want. There are more EVs on the market now, if you want to stay with EV. The others might not perform the way you'd like, but most other brands are offering a...
  37. Nolakai

    Picked up my Tesla in early December, worst car I've ever owned.

    I will say, though, that we get better efficiency if we can pre-heat the car before leaving in the morning on cold days, and use the seat warmers instead of the heater whenever possible. I lived in Chicago for most of my life and lived in a high rise until 2016 when we moved to LA. If you can...
  38. Nolakai

    Picked up my Tesla in early December, worst car I've ever owned.

    Wow. Maybe time for the lemon law. The inefficiency of your 3 doesn't make any sense. We have a Y on 20" induction wheels and we have a lifetime average of 272 wh/mi (odo at just under 10k) and usually make 60-70 mile trips under 250 wh/mi, even with a TON of highway driving at 80mph, mountains...
  39. Nolakai

    Full matrix headlight functionality just approved by NHTSA!

    Interesting! I thought they were more like the adaptive headlight I have on my motorcycle, but this is different.
  40. Nolakai

    Racism lawsuit will go ahead

    Yes, Valerie Workman just left. And sadly, it seems that Tesla wasn’t just ignorant of the problem, but basically encouraged and shielded the abusers.
  41. Nolakai

    Racism lawsuit will go ahead

    Certainly musk is a “no publicity is bad publicity” asset to the company in the eyes of many. He gets Tesla in the news all the time, and they’re counting on the cars being so superior that people who are offended by him will buy Tesla anyway (like we did). This lawsuit is something else though...
  42. Nolakai

    Racism lawsuit will go ahead

    When we first started test-driving EVs, we were dead set against buying a Tesla because of Musk and his offensive antics. But after we test drove the only cars available that weren't Tesla, we decided to test drive the Y because it seemed foolish not to, and like so many other people, we bought...
  43. Nolakai

    Anyone switching to a Rivian R1T after watching reviews?

    Saw the Rivian at their showroom in Venice and it is beautiful. The bed isn’t huge but the interior is really fine and the truck has a ton of awesome features. It’s solid.
  44. Nolakai

    Buying a model 3 in 2022. Is it worth it?

    Well, you and everyone in your community will have to breathe in the fumes created by your car. That should be some consideration in your decision, don't you think?
  45. Nolakai

    Racism lawsuit will go ahead

    It is really depressing. I don't remember the actual quote from James Baldwin, but the sentiment was about how the cognitive dissonance of living in a country that presents itself as the champion of liberty and justice but that actively oppresses Black people leads to a sort of illness, that the...
  46. Nolakai

    Racism lawsuit will go ahead

    There is no way not to be complicit in the systemic racism of our country. We cannot buy ourselves into a better country or world. I hope this lawsuit leads to real, substantive changes at Tesla. The executives and managers who have enabled, and probably encouraged, this sickening behavior...
  47. Nolakai

    What is a good vacation plan for California

    Actually, we're doing fine here. Come on by and check it out. California is still as beautiful as ever!
  48. Nolakai

    V11 questions

    You have to go car icon — controls — trips for that info. I loved the efficiency cards too. Oh well!
  49. Nolakai

    Sorry, I actually like the new UI :)

    I like a lot of it but not all of it. I would love it if they made the shortcut menu from the car icon that opened the tutorial real. Even better if it was customizable. I liked driving with my efficiency card open — I’d adjust my driving to be more efficient. Unfortunately, there is no voice...
  50. Nolakai

    Tesla Light Show: Custom Show Creation

    Thank you and happy holidays! The light show made our Christmas Eve even more special. Joy and laughter are underrated ha ha! My one UI wish would be to have shortcut-from-the-car-icon be real. Even better if that shortcut menu was customizable with different items from controls (like trips...