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  1. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I just charged mine up to 100% today — 236 miles. Same age, same battery capacity, but less than 17,000 miles on the car…
  2. P

    M3 SR+ failed battery replaced under warranty, with a very used pack

    My impression reading this site is that batteries don’t need to be replaced very often. So Tesla could, on the surface, easily afford to use new batteries to replace the bad ones, without taking a huge financial hit. But I wonder if Tesla worries about how many jokers are out there who would...
  3. P

    M3 SR+ failed battery replaced under warranty, with a very used pack

    Do you have any kind of ”feel” for how much of the degradation your original battery underwent was due to the battery simply being a lemon, and how much might have been from keeping it charged too high, running it down too low, etc.? Was it clear from the start that it was going downhill faster...
  4. P

    People Pulling Charger Out At Apartment Complex - How To Handle?

    It’s just one data point but I have been going months at a time with lfp’s charging to just 55%. Then I spent some time running the lfp’s down to 0 and charging them to 100% to let the BMS re-calibrate. Same difference. The BMS never really got very far off track from the 55% charging…I...
  5. P

    Sentry Mode: CAUGHT in the act keying my car with knife

    Actually, it’s not logical to me. I’m the kind of guy who, when somebody does something incredibly moronic on the road, I make a point of giving the person a good long hard look. Not (usually) because I want to invite a conflict, but because I am engaged in a constant process of building a...
  6. P

    People Pulling Charger Out At Apartment Complex - How To Handle?

    Yes you are right, the state certainly did not need to be specified…
  7. P

    People Pulling Charger Out At Apartment Complex - How To Handle?

    One other aspect of this issue that you probably well know (but over time perhaps your appreciation of what you are missing slips), is that even if you aren’t having to engage with some trog who has been trained since infancy to fight to the death to get more than his share of free stuff, you...
  8. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I’ve noticed some latency when trying to drain the battery down to zero miles: I’ll drive the car to the top of the hill I live on and turn back down the hill when it reaches 0 miles. Pulling into my driveway after going down the hill, at first I was fooled by the display still showing 0 miles...
  9. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    The car is now 2 years old and has 13,700 miles on it. For the past couple months I have been running through full cycles, charging to 100% and then running the car down to a couple miles, then blasting the air conditioner to get it down to 0 miles. Doing this didn’t move the needle on the...
  10. P

    Am I the only one who doesn’t plan to Tint their windows?

    I would probably be the only other Tesla customer not tinting their windows, putting you in an awkward position, because I am totally uncool, and you are way best off not having people see any kind of connection between the two of us. I have spent many years watching people design and...
  11. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Ii have to appreciate the final asterisk point! I floored it yesterday for approximately 1.5 seconds, and occasional outbursts like like that can only be smoothed out over the course of longer time periods and distances, from my point of view. How much flak do you absorb because of being a...
  12. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Yes 42-45 would be the pressure cold. I totally agree with your test but am too lazy to go the trouble. But I will keep it mind and when real life at some point is already compelling me to drive something similar to what you are saying, I will post again!
  13. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Just some more data on the 45 psi experiment. The trip meter I reset after increasing tire psi from 42 to 45 has now registered around 2500 miles, and for those miles indicates a usage of 220 wh per mile. (It was at 221 wh per mile covering a 14-month period immediately previous to this latest...
  14. P

    What was stolen?

    Nice theory! I’m curious because I thought catalytic converter theft was basically an L.A. thing — is it actually endemic around the U.S.A. or did you just happen to read about how bad it is out here in Los Angeles?
  15. P

    Multi Coat Red closest Over the Counter paint color match?

    Go into the shop section of the app and do a search for “touch up paint” … I was unable to find it by simply browsing their menu selections
  16. P

    You all have about talked me out of a Tesla altogether...

    Yes, I love my M3 but wouldn’t have bought it if the package had to include FSD. My experience with every piece of Tesla software I have ever encountered is that their guiding philosophy is to get a piece of software working in the most basic sense and then they move on and get some other piece...
  17. P

    Can Auto Wipers Learn?

    My car errs on the side of conservative. Water builds up on the windshield until I have to force a wiper swipe with a quick-push on the end of the left stalk. Seems to me, software-wise that would be the easiest learning the car could perform: “Hey this guy has forced a wipe 10 times in the...
  18. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Hmm.. OK, so on the chart I’m seeing a couple of arrows extending from the beginning of zone 3 to the end of zone 4, and that corresponds to 4.8% expected degradation. I’m not seeing any arrows from the beginning of zone 4 to the end of zone 5. (To me this chart is a bit like trying to pick...
  19. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I think when the battery gets to be 70% of its original state is when tesla is obligated to provide you with a replacement battery. At your present rate of degradation that would be around 3 years from now. But unless you are having terrible luck on this car, that rate will slow down.
  20. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I’m not one of the experts but here’s my 2 bits: just keep monitoring it. My guess is that it might pop back up a mile or two but then after another couple of months settle back in to where you are now. That’s just a guess for fun. But there really isn’t anything you can do at this point...
  21. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Yep that is why I’m interested in seeing where Baluchi’s operating range numbers place him on the chart you posted (and linked to).
  22. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Well first things first: thanks very much for taking the time to post the link to this study and pertinent information from the study. My battery pretty much sits between 37% and 55% at any given time, and probably (because I don’t drive that much and charge up as soon as I get home) spends...
  23. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    OK, so I reset one of the trip meters to get a more comprehensive picture of the effects of changing from 42 psi to 45 psi — good thing because I guess that one-day drop to 197 watt hours per mile was some kind of anomaly. So far the trip meter that was reset shows a drop per mile to 218 watt...
  24. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    yep, 10,500! Thanks I always feel a little bit wimpy after Baluchi posts his latest mileage!
  25. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I think you might be in a honeymoon period at this point. After a couple more months you might notice it slipping down a few miles. Most of the degradation seems to be time-oriented rather than usage oriented. Baluchi got his car around when I got mine, but Baluchi drives about 5 times as...
  26. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I don’t really have a number for the original watt hours for the particular drive I took today, just that for the last year or so they have averaged 220. Could have been for that particular 40-mile drive I did today, that I was getting something lower than 220 even with 40psi. So, for...
  27. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Looks like moving from 40psi to 45psi might have dropped my watt hours per mile from around 220 to around 195…
  28. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Sorry, I forgot to ask before, but you always get better watt hours than I do and I am wondering if your tire pressure is a bit higher than mine. I fill them up to 42 every 2 or 3 months, but they seem to slip back down to 40 fairly quickly. Thuis time around I’m going to try 45…
  29. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Good stuff as usual Balachi. I just crossed the 10,000 mile threshhold on my car (bought roughly same time as yours) and charging to 55% gives me 132 miles (translates to 240 miles at 100%). I’m wondering, what is your average speed while commuting? I’m guessing it is not 80mph!
  30. P

    Black with white interior

    I just walked by one today, and I have a tidbit of advice. It looked OK, but not as great as it could have. The problem was the owner had tinted the windows of the car so dark that the seats looked more gray than white, thereby reducing the offset effect. So if you are a big window tinter...
  31. P

    My Tesla 3 collision experience [Insurance / repair]

    “OK, I think I see” said the blind man. Your first post said “I am going to use this thread to share my Tesla 3 rear end collision experience. Specifically the insurance and repair potion.” I mis-interpreted this to mean you had Tesla insurance. Thanks for clearing that up.
  32. P

    My Tesla 3 collision experience [Insurance / repair]

    I want to know how Tesla performs as far being timely in getting the OP his money And helping him through the process. I had to call Tesla insurance once and it was like an hour wait but when someone got on the phone they were helpful. If they are a nightmare to deal with for the OP, then I am...
  33. P

    The Safety Score system needs some serious work

    Biggest problem for me is pedestrians, always either on the sidewalk or jaywalking in another lane. On Sunset Blvd yesterday (2 lanes each way) in the left lane, I’m going around a semi-tight curve at about 30mph. There is this one point where the car is pointed straight at a person on the...
  34. P

    My Tesla 3 collision experience [Insurance / repair]

    Yes, as another guy who caries Tesla insurance, let’s see what they do next…
  35. P

    Model 3 SR+ showing 166 miles at 80% charge.. is that right?

    This post makes a series of unsubstantiated claims in order to crap all over the thread. Not withstanding the fact that most threads on this site deserve to be crapped on, this post has little or no merit.
  36. P

    Model 3 SR+ showing 166 miles at 80% charge.. is that right?

    Yeah, it is precise in an irrelevant kind of way. Actually getting up the mountain is the only relevant question to me.
  37. P

    Model 3 SR+ showing 166 miles at 80% charge.. is that right?

    I think once you get a little bit of feel for how the projected miles translates to the real conditions under which you intend to drive, I‘d just as soon work with the mileage display. What did I do with half a tank of gas? That was 5 gallons in my last car, and the car got about 40-50 miles...
  38. P

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    I rarely charge to 100% any more. I charge to 55%. (though, when I was using 110 volts the first 3 months I had the car I was charging to 100%). I am reasonably confident that my battery is not negatively impacted by this. The only question for me is if the battery management system is...
  39. P

    Clock accessory for Tesla

    There is a kind of an engineering flow going on here that you might want to take advantage of: the car is made to work with phones as keys, and by extension, now apple watches can be used as keys as well. So rather than kludge up your car with various miscellaneous gadgets that only perform one...
  40. P

    Best way to precondition / Charge for retired people

    AAKEE, är det svårt att hyra en Model 3 i Stockholm? Jag känner mer bekväma om jag är en turist kör runt landet med en model 3.
  41. P

    Key card failed! A lesson to be learned.

    What about a rougher neighborhood though?
  42. P

    Key card failed! A lesson to be learned.

    walking around a rougher neighborhood lately i was thinking about somebody shoving a gun in my face. They would almost certainly demand my wallet, my phone, and my apple watch, and all my back-ups would be for naught. They probably wouldn’t want a plastic ring, but then again I wouldn’t want...
  43. P

    Why do people always park next to me?

    Or conversely, they are going 10-15 mph slower than you are, but as soon as you switch lanes to pass them, they speed up by 15-20 mph…
  44. P

    Upgraded iPhone and traded in the phone and forgot to take key card with me

    You do have a bit of a penchant for putting together “what-could-possibly-go-wrong?” scenarios! Hey I’m still rooting for you to live your entire life without this system of yours causing you the slightest problem…
  45. P

    Tesla 3 key card in apple watch wallet

    Thanks for this! It is very helpful since I often find myself in the garage without my phone.
  46. P

    Going from long range to Model 3 with LFP

    I agree. If your new M3 battery lasts for 700,000 miles at 50 miles per day, you can keep your car for 40 years,at which point any part you need to replace probably hasn’t been manufactured for like the previous 30 years. Your long range M3, on the other hand, might only last for what, a...
  47. P

    Best, most informative, funny and crazy posts/threads of 2022

    I remember that — he was accused of trying to get into the wrong car, and quickly disappeared after posting that he held too many patents to have done anything stupid that would have been the cause of the problem. It‘s really too bad because I would have liked to know, definitively, why he...
  48. P

    "Proactive" 12v battery replacement - good idea or overkill?

    Thank you! Just to double verify, I am now feeling less worried about the 3rd birthday of my 12 volt battery. Up till now, I have vowed to myself to replace the battery at around 3 years no matter what. Now I am going to wait for a warning message first, unless I am about to go on a long trip...
  49. P

    Musings on crashing a Tesla

    I think the slower you go the crazier people are willing to get in order to pass your car. If I was to slow down to 50mph even, it would seem mandatory to me to switch to the right-hand lane. But then, apparently, that’s one of the lanes where the water tends to gather…