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  1. spacecoin


    Yeah. The fully-owned robotaxi business is a proving ground for the scale-out and until the hardware and software is cheap and mature enough.
  2. spacecoin


    Waymo LLC has other owners (about 7.5%) than Alphabet, and Waymo fully owns the IP to the Waymo Driver, so Waymo LLC is the only company that can sell/grant a license for using the Waymo Driver.
  3. spacecoin


    Dolgov has already said this in a few interviews
  4. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I can be smart and use some superlatives at the same time. English is not my first language. What's your excuse? (moderator edit)
  5. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Nothing. Those who actually read reaserch vs the simps yet again.
  6. spacecoin

    Tesla Norway says Vision Park Assist after court loss

    "Tesla admits that the cameras on the new Teslas are misleading and too poor, and says that customers must get out of the car to check for obstacles." https://www.motor.no/aktuelt/tesla-innrommer-svakheter-med-kamera-system/275404
  7. spacecoin

    Tesla Bot

    I'm pretty sure any humanoid robot won't be deployable to do any of these tasks this decade, due to both lack of capability and lack of safety. Also any such robot will require detailed on-prem custumization/training. It's not just unpacking and "hey robot, do this".
  8. spacecoin

    Tesla Bot

    Are you sure about that? Can you get an Optimus to follow you around?
  9. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    EM: What "science" have you done in the last 5 tears YLC: 80 research papers in the last 2.5 years. EM: We don't use CNN:s anymore. YLC: Yes you do. *mic drop*
  10. spacecoin

    Tesla Bot

    It's not going to pass the coffee test in ten years most likely.
  11. spacecoin

    Tesla Bot

    Doing what?
  12. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Here's some old footage from the archives:
  13. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    You need to catch up on the full thread... Also, ConvNets, which LeCun "invented" are very much the foundation for computer vision, and Elon should know that if he's getting into a pissing contest about it.
  14. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Elon getting a public spanking by Yann LeCun
  15. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Only fair to get a shoutout when you buy 35k H100:s. RIP Dojo architecture.
  16. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    I'm pretty sure an accident every thousand drives is unacceptable. Not need to overthink it beyond that at this point. ;)
  17. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    A few 100 more updates like that and they might get there. Problem is that it gets hard and harder to improve the system in reliability. Diminishing returns…
  18. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    The cost for mapping isn’t high and it’s updated for free by the fleet.
  19. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    If you have a few thousand zero disengagement drives in a row then we're approaching autonomy levels of reliability.
  20. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Yeah that's never going to happen for existing cars.
  21. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Define working? I've seen prototypes that was used to raise money that worked a lot less well than FSD, still it's likely year and years and billions and billions away from autonomy.
  22. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Actually, getting to that point isn't very hard. Just look at the last 10-14 years of failed autonomy efforts and the billions of money invested into such ventures. Getting from prototype hardware and software to autonomy has proven to be the really hard part.
  23. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Waymo costs less than a 1B / year. Tesla, OTOH, has no profits to use to fund a RT buildout, so unless they are willing to go into the red I don't see it happening.
  24. spacecoin

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    I think Waymo will be cash-flow positive by 2027-2028. When do you think Tesla will deploy a taxi operations, 2030? Break even by 2035?
  25. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    I don't think you need to worry about Alphabet... ;) They made a 25 billion dollar profit in Q1 alone. That's more than Tesla's revenue... All "other bets" (of which Waymo is one) was less than -1B . Perhaps Waymo is half of that, around -500M, probably a bit less now when they are getting...
  26. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    That's why Tesla is out tbh. For how long do investors endure negative EPS and FCF? It will be for years and years, only to be able to compete in a market where margins are razor thin. Getting to where Waymo was 3 years ago still makes Tesla be 3 years behind on rolling out, which includes...
  27. spacecoin


    The car that can do it without an intervention 10000x in a row all times of day, with more traffic and in most types of weather. Also the car that is designed to not "fail immediately".
  28. spacecoin

    Monolithic versus Compound AI System

    I don't think this is generally correct. You could do it for some amount of sample data (ie the test cases that you use as proof), but you can't guarantee functional equality for all cases of input, since we can't explain why NN:s produce the output it does. Perhaps you could potentially...
  29. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    There is a video showing the service area from a year ago here: https://rollout.autoura.com/cities/asia/wuhan
  30. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    That must be only in Wuhan, right? https://rollout.autoura.com/platforms/apollo
  31. spacecoin

    Monolithic versus Compound AI System

    No one knows what ”AGI will require” tbh. There isn’t even a clear definition of what people mean when they say “AGI”.
  32. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    There is zero chance of that happening. Western "media" got that wrong. Baidu said "Baidu will seek cooperation opportunity with Tesla on Robotaxi based on Tesla’s specific need and timetable." It's a misconception that they would use Tesla tech, it's the other way around if anything. They...
  33. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    I doubt that's going to happen. It's basically reverse car-rental. If the car isn't returned to you in the same condition, who deals with that? Damaged exterior/interior? How do you prove it? I wouldn't rent out my car if there are no guarantees about that. In fact I probably wouldn't rent out...
  34. spacecoin


    The Zeekr MIX doesn't come with a wheelchar ramp built in to the vehicle if that's your question. However, we can't rule out that Waymo might retrofit some percentage of the fleet if they go with that vehicle for a wide roll-out.
  35. spacecoin

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Low MPI means that ”I” is high. Miles/Intervention.
  36. spacecoin


    If it looks like a tree, and walks like a tree...
  37. spacecoin

    Monolithic versus Compound AI System

    MobilEye is not a believer in pure e2e. I think they argue their position quite well. https://www.mobileye.com/blog/autonomous-decisions-the-bias-variance-tradeoff-in-self-driving-technology/ Back in November 2022, the release of ChatGPT garnered widespread attention, not only for its...
  38. spacecoin


    I think the perception might classify the object as a tree and not a trailer which would explain why it wants to go around it all the time. But the stupid tree is always one step ahead....
  39. spacecoin

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Yeah it's not a slam dunk by any means, but from what I've read 90% or the revenue is in large metros, so clearly geofencing isn't a problem. It also goes hand in hand with the fact that depots and maintenance crews that are fairly fixed geo-wise. I like the reasoning around worker costs in...
  40. spacecoin


    Phil Koopman wrote the following about this incident. "A Waymo vehicle was involved in a serious crash in Los Angeles. Significant damage and an injured autonomous specialist (possibly acting as a safety driver). Reported details are incomplete, but include: - Struck from behind by a vehicle...
  41. spacecoin

    Tesla FSD V12 vs Mercedes Driver Assist Video by Whole Mars Catalog on YouTube.com

    Yeah right... So why don't they do highway L3 then? That would clearly increase the take rate massively. To me personally its worth 10x the "city fsds".
  42. spacecoin

    Tesla FSD V12 vs Mercedes Driver Assist Video by Whole Mars Catalog on YouTube.com

    Again, I don't think you understand the difference between what Mercedes offers in terms of normal L2 and what they offer as L3. You can use MB L2 on the autobahn in the rain at night just fine.
  43. spacecoin

    Tesla Bot

    If I learned anything from buying FSD in 2019, it’s that you never buy anything based on what someone says it may be able to do later. The hardware will be obsolete if we get to usefulness for these robots in 10-15 years.
  44. spacecoin


    Yeah, unless the Waymo was going in reverse the other driver is probably at fault...
  45. spacecoin

    Tesla FSD V12 vs Mercedes Driver Assist Video by Whole Mars Catalog on YouTube.com

    Not while watching a movie instead of the road, no. At what speeds can you do that in a Tesla again? No? Oh, I forgot Elon is autonomy-challenged and that they added SUPERVISED in their latest goal-post relocation…. Do you understand that MB have a very capable L2 too that works under all...
  46. spacecoin

    FSD hardware upgrade to HW3 or 4?

    Yeah that's never going to happen. Elon said as much. The boards don't even have the same form factor, have different wiring and different cameras.
  47. spacecoin

    Tesla FSD V12 vs Mercedes Driver Assist Video by Whole Mars Catalog on YouTube.com

    Omar "Tesla master pumper" Quazi and his dad should get a life. The ODD for the the MB system is the same as basic Autopilot - limited access highways. The feds should really force the vendors to disallow activation outside the ODD described in the owners manual. I'd pick the MB driver assist...
  48. spacecoin


    Google ”Zeekr Mix” for the new platform.