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  1. B

    Model 3 window tinting - worries and request for recommendations (London/Essex, UK)

    Ah you are correct - I overlooked the fact it was a windscreen tint! Never realised the legality of windscreen tints was such a gray area. I've no intention of "tricking my car out" (those days are behind me!) but I do think a black Model 3 with a subtle sunset chameleon tint on the front...
  2. B

    Model 3 window tinting - worries and request for recommendations (London/Essex, UK)

    Found a 2nd source with a little more information: CAUTION: Installing Windshield Film & Computer Problems
  3. B

    Model 3 window tinting - worries and request for recommendations (London/Essex, UK)

    I wish I kept reference of all the sources from this morning...for now I could only locate one: Tesla Model 3 Warning I don't think its a completely isolated issue, I have seen 2 other reports of this. That said, this is the internet and without sources, they could just be parroting what they...
  4. B

    Model 3 window tinting - worries and request for recommendations (London/Essex, UK)

    I've got a late 2019/early 2020 Model 3 Performance. Love it aside from the fact with the white interior, its essentially a fish bowl out in public. I'd like to get tints all round. I've read a small quantity of horror stories regarding the components in the A-pillars being fried during the...
  5. B

    Battery life...

    Cheers, I stand corrected. I remember seeing "a figure" go up considerably but it couldn't have been this one then.
  6. B

    Battery life...

    From my experience, the battery estimates are based on actual drive data. Since getting my Tesla in September 2023 I've done mostly short/urban drives and my estimate was looking low. I did one long drive from London - Manchester and then a return, the max estimated range had gone up considerably.
  7. B

    Model Y Blowing cold air but only on auto

    My issue described above could theoretically be the above ^ (seasonal weather variation). I bought my car in September 2023 during autumn/winter, and its only just started to become sunny and warm. Will be interesting to see how it behaves over the years.
  8. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    Cheers, I do already use it but am considering switching to Teslamate. It still seems like an oversight/shortfall on Tesla's part though. The fact you need a third party solution for this data should be a testament to this.
  9. B

    Auto Wipers

    I'm a pretty rational guy, before buying a Tesla I saw the post about wipers and thought "how bad can they really be. People probably have perfectionist expectations, and want it to do track days for them too. I'm sure it'll be fine". Nope. They have always failed in every operational...
  10. B

    Model Y Blowing cold air but only on auto

    Not just you - my 2019 Model 3 Performance was away for a repair for a month. When it came back it was blowing noticably colder air around the previous perfect temperature, which was 21. Now it varies over time. If I set it to 21 when I get in, its too cold. If I go higher to say 25, and then...
  11. B

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Had 2024.8.7 installed a couple hours ago, no immediate differences spotted on a quick grocery run.
  12. B

    Keyless Car Thefts

    This is an attack vector more people need to know. Having a car secured by a login with no 2FA means your password had better be secure, decent, and unique. If you recycle it on 10 websites and one of them gets the right kind of breach you're in for a hard time. Better yet, disable any...
  13. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    You're very welcome mate. I've been on car forums for well over a decade and there no worse feeling than finding someone with the same issue you have, where the thread ends with "nvm sorted it"! With Teslas being a relatively new tech I figure if we all pool anything we can learn, it benefits...
  14. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    The money I spend at a supercharger or home charging to me is my historic data. I feel like its a bit of an oversight for it to vanish once I sell a car. Assuming I one day sell it, did I just lose all of those past savings? No, but I've lost reference to them now.
  15. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    If you've read this far, you'll want the info of what happened 4 days later.
  16. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    tl;dr Got car back from SC, tonne of codes and dead-stop in road, hard to replicate, issue was bad internal ground in VCFRONT having recently been replaced. New learnings On the first report of an issue, Tesla will need to be able to observe/replicate the issue. If its intermittent, expect the...
  17. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    The same day in the evening, I got a message from the engineer I was dealing with that he'd likely found the source and would confirm tomorrow morning. The first person at Tesla to promise me a call back and actually do it - looks like the issue was bad internal grounding of the new VCFRONT unit...
  18. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    Couple updates and a hopeful conclusion. To make it easier to read I'll separate the posts. First up, these are the codes that appeared once I put the car in drive on the Tesla SC forecourt. - 12:04 | BMS_a170 Acceleration and top speed reduced Exiting and re-entering the vehicle may...
  19. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    Cheers - fingers crossed. I put the thread up half hoping for any knowledge, but if not at least if someone else has the same symptoms there is some written reference. I'll be able to detail those exact codes later tomorrow, I took a video and I just need to rewatch it and copy them off as there...
  20. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    A mixed bag today, at least not with the worst possible outcome. Went to collect the car today and the engineer was kind enough to make time to discuss the issue as I requested, after the last 2 promises from the previous case with another fella were never followed up. I won't go over...
  21. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    A hopeless update today. The long story short is "we can't replicate the problem, so please take the car back and let us know if it happens again". I am baffled. Asked them "what information would replicating the issue provide, that isn't in the video/account/codes/exact times I provided?"...
  22. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    Since the issue, I drove 30 miles trying to replicate the issue overnight on isolated/quiet/service roads. I have tried: - Hitting speed (up to 70mph) - Harsh acceleration (basically flooring it from still and rolling) - Generating Gs (not really scientific here, the test was "hooning it")...
  23. B

    2020 M3P juddering and stopped mid-drive

    I've already engaged my local Tesla SC, but I feel like I could use any help or expertise avaialable here too to get an idea of what to expect, and so everything makes sense. I recently had a loom, VCFRONT, and the main computer replaced as part of an issue, and the car was at Tesla SC for...
  24. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Maybe the final update. The harness and VCFRONT replacement were not enough - the issue persisted, suggesting the water damage caused further issues downstream (excuse the pun). The good news is there's only 1 component it could have damaged. The bad news is its the main computer, which is...
  25. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Sorry its been a while, but there has been a lot of waiting around too. They've opted to replace the BCU and affected loom - cost for the diagnostic so far (involving Tesla master and field techs) and the parts + labour are a hair over £1,000. Parts should have arrived this week but have been...
  26. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Attached a picture of some of the remnant moisture buildup on the plug to the BCU (also evident on the female end). Cleaning hasn't resolved it unfortunately as they were able to replicate it after doing so, so next step is consulting plus turning attention to the BCU itself.
  27. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Good news is those bootloops etc were visible by the techs at Tesla, even after the vehicle was factory reset. There's still diagnostic work going on but identified an issue - possible water ingress into the body controller unit (loom shoes signs of moisture). The saga continues next week.
  28. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Sentry and software features now normal. No idea what is going on. Off to Tesla tomorrow in any case, will be crossing fingers the bill isn't going to be too eye-watering.
  29. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Quick update - voltage of the battery is 13.48v on standby, so no issues there. I also drove it about 50 miles yesterday and 10 miles this morning - its been absolutely perfect?! Noticed that while Sentry is on, I can't actually get a view of it from my phone any more (I always could...
  30. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Well I've been out most of today and its behaving like nothing ever happened. Got into it in the morning, screen is on and ready. Put it on charge for a few hours to juice up from about 40% to 80%, was fine when I got back. Took it for a drive a couple times in the afternoon, never missed a...
  31. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Cheers pal. It doesn't appear to be quite the same symptoms but I'm adopting your practice, thanks :). Taking a video every time I enter/interact with the car, and have a mount set up so I can record the screen on my drives.
  32. B

    Any indications whats wrong with my screen/MCU?

    Bought a 1-owner 2019 Model 3 Performance 6 months ago and its been absolutely perfect, love the damn thing. All I've done in my ownership is two things: Replaced low voltage battery (by Tesla mobile tech). Preventative measure, car wasn't complaining (it was just getting to 4 years old). Lubed...
  33. B

    Clicking noise when accelerating

    Off the back of this, an update some several weeks later. I've done a good variation of drives in this (mostly urban, couple of 100+ mile trips) and everything is still great, fingers crossed. No reoccurrence of the issue at all.
  34. B

    Clicking noise when accelerating

    Its hard to say without hearing the initial sound you had, but that sounds distinctly different from the one I had that was fixed via greasing + torquing.
  35. B

    2018 Model 3 LR RWD issue when starting

    Sorry no direct experience myself but FWIW my Bolt driver this week had a M3 SR, and we got chatting and he described the same issue. He logged a service request and the chat advised some general cleaning tips but nothing has worked so far. Just like you, its worse in the morning typically, but...
  36. B

    Clicking noise when accelerating

    Hey guys, newbie owner here of a 2019 M3P. Thought I'd add my experience here in case the info is useful. I had the same clicking noise a couple weeks into ownership of my new-to-me used Tesla. Can't say if it was there before or not - it was so subtle you couldn't hear it with the windows up...