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  1. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    This might be due to thumb placement, perhaps you are resting thumbs over the haptic buttons so when you attempt to "press" it doesn't register and it feels already on there. Test with thumbs away from indicators and only put them there to indicate and lift away see if happens?
  2. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Hey mate I went to Parramatta-NSW Been there twice now, great service both times. Yeah mine started a month into ownership, mostly did creaking low speeds ie going up down my driveway and turning in around shopping centre carparks. But also stationary if I tested to put pressure and pushed...
  3. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Alrighty, update time! So all went well, arrived car was parked outside, not on charge boo albeit still had 79% remaining. But they did pump my tyres all 4 to 44psi which was nice of them. 1. Flickering sound gone, must've been debris, they checked suspension and chassis no damage or issues...
  4. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    yeah i notice this as well, the tesla tech mentioned it could be force related - try one hand driving see if creak, and then two hands Ive heard some random creaks with a/c blowing but once in a blue moon so nothing to concern about But I too notice many of my creaks occur after the day is...
  5. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Hey All Cars in at service for the issues mentioned earlier. I went for a test drive with the technician this morning before drop off: 1. Flickering sound with windows down hear noises under car. This is on and off (didn't happen today) it started ever since driving over a rough gravel/rock...
  6. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Hey guys got another weird one, as driving just started today noticed like flapping of flickering outside felt like under the car side, thought maybe something stuck but looked under and couldn't see anything. Might have to add to my service request arghh more sounds to check hahah
  7. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    I know it's so cool having people admire the car. First time happened to me last week, driving past some houses on way to local gym at night, as approaching some kids were outside front yard with their dad, they yelled out oh woww it's the new Tesla the new one! Haha made me smile
  8. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Thanks for this mate, very helpful, I have the RWD so no parcel shelf complaints, its the front passenger door vibration from bass which is exactly same as yourss the issue, the window switch housing, I confirmed this myself Its booked into for the centre next Wednesday so hope they can fix, on...
  9. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 highland accessories

    on the screen swiping front, I was starting to get annoyed at times like reversing out of shopping center carparks or doing 3point turns etc.. but since the new update, they have improved its responsivness, made the swipe area smaller for focused, so less prone to mis-swipes or non-registers...
  10. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    what they do?? was it the steering wheel issue as well?
  11. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    ahhh I got it working now!! had to remove old home setup and re-added it again this time the charging time options popped up! yay!
  12. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    ahhhh must be an IOS feature, 😡 why do android users always get jibbed, first no UWB and now an inferior app.. come onn thought elon hates apple haha
  13. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    yep! booked in for service for this exact issue, in 2 weeks so will see on top of that I got a left passenger door rattle (i found the cause its a loose plastic bitty under the window up down switch) when I hold this down rattle stops Plus my center armrest is becoming more creaky which is...
  14. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    When I went for warranty service issue earlier this year they gave me a loaner it was a Friday, said if you want as your car might not be ready today, keep it for the weekend return Monday, it has unlimited free supercharging + free tolls! I then said hrmmmm so I could drive from Sydney to Melb...
  15. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    lol where is this section, I am looking everywhere and I can't see that! 😭 See here -
  16. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    no don't think so, all I can set is one figure for home charging, and seasons, but no idea how I would even configure seasons Basically want it to calculate and say 8c/kwhr 12-6am daily, and 0c/kwhr 11am-2pm daily don't think the app can do this
  17. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    They need to add in a free period, I've done 2500KMS and it says I've used $35 (8c/kw cost) but 50% of that is done charging during the free period so 0c/kw. So its more like I've only spent $17 in "fuel" these last3 months, which is insane I've also pocketed a few grand, because me being an...
  18. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    yep pushing the button in left and right is harder and take more effort, the up down scroll is more effortless, also now tapping the wiper button move between the different modes without having to scroll
  19. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    gotcha, ya Im learning what the limits of the car are hehe, slowly but surely, Ive never owned a RWD, always only been FWD or AWD
  20. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Hey all, been raining alot in Sydney lately, so I've done more wet weather driving, and noticed the car wants to slide its backside out standard baby driving around roundabouts, feel tyres are no good for wet traction, They're set at 42PSI, brand new so not sure why, I mean it is a RWD so the...
  21. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    yeah they are good enough, and now that the wiper change is so much easier with the scroll wheel Ill have no complaints, if want to manually do it myself
  22. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    its sooooo good! and the visualisations, actually show other cars in front with their brake lights on or off
  23. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    oh wow!, yeah mine started maybe a 3-4 weeks after pick up, just out of nowhere i started hearing it and now happens daily. Might get it checked out, thanks for sharing!
  24. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Just watched thanks for the video! Will install update tonight, super excited, looks like a big update, love the option of full screen browser now when parked + rear screen turn off option if no passenger on park PS. Hey all, exactly 3 months to the day now since I picked up my M3 Highland, and...
  25. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 highland accessories

    Thanks guys, so now to decide black or beige? do I match the rest of the interior with beige or have it black so it looks similar to that of a night sky looking through the glass arghh decisions
  26. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 highland accessories

    i was against getting them but now seeing as days are so hot I feel the radiant heat coming through a lot and even turning aircond on I feel the radiant heat coming through more than the aircon unless I really blast it So thinking of getting the shades too just to use till weather cools down...
  27. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    ahh thanks for the replies, yeah some more testing, today 70 and 80kmph zone and it allowed me to scroll up to 72 73 83 etc, whereas 60km zones it wont let you, haha strange, ah well random quirk
  28. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Hey all, quick query! So autopilot I recall last few weeks on highway doing 100 or 110 I could always set the speed higher than the max, for example 100kmph zone motorway I would always set it a few km over like 103 or 104 since the speedo always lower than GPS But today I tested it out at a...
  29. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    yeahh the seat belt is violent! i always let it rise up against my shoulder and i sort of slow its ascend with friction on my top since its bloody fast the seatbelt, wow didn't know it could cause that much damage
  30. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    yep submitted mine on the 5th, and today got the confirmation approved money will be in my account within 5 business days
  31. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Last week filled mine with filtered water (not ordinary tap water, but from our filter), 3 litres the car took, along with 60ml of this concentrate... safe to say works a charm!
  32. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    ahh cheers guys, damn your quick, thanks for replies!
  33. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    thanks mate haha i deleted the post, too quick! yeah realized that after posting
  34. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    gonna have to eventually do this haha, she hasn't driven it yet, too afraid
  35. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    happy to be of service :cool:
  36. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    agree silly, should have just kept it as is, more admin, more time wasted
  37. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Ahh thanks for that, yeah I think Ill leave a door open then next time or more preferable even the boot open might do the trick, ie load shopping into boot, leave it open, put trolley away, then come back and close it
  38. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    hey guys any advice in this situation, had my wife and lil one with me at shops today, come back to open car, load shopping, they jump in the car and get ready to get going, i walk away with my phone in pocket to put trolley back, and the car locked (horn sounded) and everything turned off. it...
  39. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    definitely would help haha yes its soo effortless and easy to overtake, so very easy potential to break speed limits On another note, the 2024.2.7 update seems to have fixed my phone in pocket walkaway unlock/lock issue, now the car has zero problems with phone in back pocket coming to car it...
  40. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    ahh thanks mate, appreciate it, if I am done well ill just cop it on the chin and move on, first fine in over 12 years! but yeah it was a copper sitting in his car, so probably a handheld, not a fixed cam, no camera flash, and probably wouldnt capture me front on anyway since my headlights...
  41. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    well I think I may have been caught by highway patrol, hoping not! so this what happened.. Driving down a 70kmph road, around midnight, road almost empty, guy in front, middle lane doing like 55-60, felt very slow, same as the right lane, finally a gap opens as right lane guy speeds up, and so...
  42. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Likewise, tho I still won't post it here in the off chance they are actually crooked and I just can't see it 🤣
  43. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    congrats on ze car yay blue! lights issue tho not sure what can be done without them ripping apart your car and potentially causing other issues noises rattles down track? Ask for some sort of compensation instead, free / discounted FSD/ free supercharging and ignore it? It doesn't appear to...
  44. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    I submitted mine Feb 5th, still "submitted" stage, they replied backlog now its more like 20-25 business days till response arghh
  45. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    garden blower should do the trick
  46. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    The only time it catches me a little is a quick left then quick right turn to indicate, but its very rare, and these instances I just go slower into the turn to give myself time to bring wheel back to position to indicate other way
  47. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    sounds more like a number plate than a car model name, so lame
  48. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    After driving the loaner previous gen model 3 a couple days ago, it made me feel so glad I went for the highland. So much more refinement, quality, luxury fit and finish. Oh and now that I'm used to the buttons and screen, I hated the stalks Hah!
  49. Mes1

    Australian Model 3 highland accessories

    Yay means I'm next 😉