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  1. VRM3

    Tow Hitch?

    What is the configuration of you M3 that you got a trade-in quote for? If you don’t mind, what was the value? Are you happy with what Tesla offered?
  2. VRM3

    Navigate on Autopilot - Observations?

    NoA is great except for one major thing I’m experiencing. It slows down rather abruptly on the freeway if it sees a car in the lane it’s suggesting, as if to get in behind it. Not good on a freeway with cars behind you. I’ve switched from mad max mode to average since it’s asking me to change...
  3. VRM3

    Model 3 Software Update 2018.42.x

    Lol! This is the new “ does Safari feel snappier?” question when you update an iPhone! :p And yes. I “feel” it too but not yet measured anything quantifiable.
  4. VRM3

    Car shutting down - PULL OVER SAFELY on the freeway 3 days after delivery

    THIS ^^ I’m dealing with my own little service center battle and took the approach of keeping Tesla accountable for a poor experience and shoddy workmanship. Despite the fact that I ADORE my Model 3 and will usually put up with a lot, I won’t pull any punches in this area. It would harm Tesla in...
  5. VRM3

    Found a LOT of Model 3's in a Tesla lot - Pictures inside

    The massive amount of 3’s parked at an overfill lot at the Burbank airport for the last 3-4 weeks would seem to support your thesis. Just one data point but it seems plausible.
  6. VRM3

    Model 3 Handover Event -- July 28, 2017

    Honestly, I was relieved when Elon took the stage. Everything before felt stiff and too rehearsed. Elon's demeanor and unpolished speaking nature adds to his likability on-stage. I was just bummed when it ended so abruptly, but very happy overall for Tesla and the future.
  7. VRM3

    Payment options for the first 30...

    Just pure speculation about how payment for the first cars would be handled, that's all. Of course they wouldn't divulge such info! I personally DO feel there will be "little people" represented tonight in the owner pool.
  8. VRM3

    Payment options for the first 30...

    Is it safe to assume that the lucky folks who are getting their cars tonight have already entered into a financial agreement for the car? I wonder what options they had for payment? i.e. Is there a special lease program that Tesla is going to reveal or do you think these first 30 were financed...
  9. VRM3

    Model 3 RC sightings

    The first picture is so very puzzling. The angle of the shot catches the roofline just right as to make it look like an all metal roof. Add to that the missing charge port door, and this picture has me tilting my head slightly to the left. :confused:
  10. VRM3

    Model 3 RC sightings

    After yesterday's posting about that silver Model 3 in Burbank, I thought I'd take a drive as it's only a few minutes away from me. Low and behold, as I'm pulling past the Tesla store, it's coming out of the service driveway!!! I followed for about 10 minutes, nearly ending the lives of poor...
  11. VRM3

    Anyone buy w/o AP?

    This for sure. My LA commute is soul destroying on more days than I choose to admit so if EAP can alieviate that pain point in my life on a 'daily' basis, the value proposition is exceptionally attractive. Spec for the mission. Good luck!