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  1. T

    Unable to drive for a month

    Wish you well in your recovery!
  2. T

    Unable to drive for a month

    True, but there are a lot of factors that go into flat spots on tires, which is why I generally would issue a blanket statement and be safer than sorry. Colder environments/surfaces speed this process up. If you have sticky/performance tires, they're more pliable and more susceptible to long...
  3. T

    Unable to drive for a month

    Leave it plugged in and at 50% max charge level. Li-ion batteries are happiest at 50%. Also, if you have someone available to, I would recommend having them move the vehicle around every week or two. Tires sitting in the same spot for an extended period of time will deform the sidewalls and...
  4. T

    Tesla V10 software update rollout: post here if you are still waiting

    For what it is, I think it's a fantastic start. And absolutely it's a very difficult problem, I wouldn't be surprised if it was orders of magnitude harder than what autopilot currently provides. Can't wait to see other videos too :)
  5. T

    Tesla V10 software update rollout: post here if you are still waiting

    Some open parking lot videos for reference: Test 1: Smart Summon Test 1.mp4 Test 2: Smart Summon Test 2.mp4 Test 3: Smart Summon Test 3.mp4 Test 2: Didn't follow the direction of the lane lines. I would be under the assumption that if the spaces were populated, the car probably would've been...
  6. T

    Model 3 LR range is now listed @ 325 miles

    Mine has never changed as well. I've emailed Tesla 3 times and always get the same canned answer, it will be fixed in a future software update. 247 at 80% for me, used to be 248. Pretty sure it never will be. 06/18 build, 32XXX VIN RWD LR.
  7. T

    What extra range?

    Yep... 06/18 Build, 08/18 delivered and I've yet to see my range increase at all
  8. T

    2019.20.4.1 - Beach Buggy Racing

    Just installed as well. Tesla uses semantic versioning, which correlates to Major.Minor.Patch. Since we're talking about a patch, it's just that. Most likely nothing that people will be able to directly notice.
  9. T

    Anyone has 2019.20.4?

    I have to agree and admit, it's pretty fun. I got into the car expecting to just try it out but ended up staying in there for an hour, lol.
  10. T

    Anyone has 2019.20.4?

    LR RWD 3 just installed 20.4.1, headed to garage to see what it's like.
  11. T

    Software Update 2019.12.x

    No I did not realize that. Sorry.
  12. T

    Software Update 2019.12.x

    I'm on 2019.12.1.2 now... Anybody with LR RWD 3 still not have range increase like me?
  13. T

    Model 3 12v Battery issues, monitoring, Aftermarket replacement

    If someone can find the service bulletin and post it I would appreciate it. A week ago I got the 12v replacement message on my screen. My vehicle is a 06/18 manufactured, have had it since 08/18 with only 7k miles. Support says I'll be getting a free replacement under warranty.
  14. T

    2019.12.1 Update

    If by app you mean phone app, it's not on there. It's the bottom option now on the menu in the vehicle.
  15. T

    2019.12.1 Update

    I've had 2019.12 for weeks. It's nothing to get excited about, didn't work 8/10 times when I tested it over a couple days.
  16. T

    Another eap upgrade to fsd

    It's always been 5,000 after delivery for your situation. When the pricing fiasco happened, it dropped to 3k for about 4 or 5 days for me, then dropped to 2k. That's when i pulled the trigger as well.
  17. T

    Tesla Autonomy Day April 22nd

    Having the request for similar images for edge cases across the fleet was something I never even thought of, and is a pretty brilliant point in illustrating the necessity for real world data.
  18. T

    Tesla Autonomy Day April 22nd

    So far, I am thoroughly impressed with the chip numbers. I studied EE in college but went directly into software instead, and with the numbers displayed I'd be shocked if when HW3 is deployed we don't see some big leaps and bounds. Really is a software problem at this point. Obviously this is...
  19. T

    Tesla Autonomy Day April 22nd

    Sometimes it's more fun to watch people eat.
  20. T

    What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about EVs?

    Handful? Thor? Is that you?
  21. T

    What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about EVs?

    Well there you go.
  22. T

    What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about EVs?

    This may be dumb to you and to a lot of folks on here, but I personally don't think it's a blanket dumb statement. Engine noise and exhaust notes are a very guttural part of ICE vehicles, and are one aspect of higher end vehicles that manufacturers spend a good portion of their R&D developing...
  23. T

    How will Tesla demo FSD?

    Think you mean scoff, nut scuff. Sorry... I can't help it.
  24. T

    New Model 3 Owner

    Usually it's either the perceived "value" of the car that scares people out of test driving it, or it's the technology. Just tell them to ignore everything, and only focus on using the gear and turn signal stalks. Don't try to teach them anything else and usually that does the trick.
  25. T

    Tesla not honoring price on LR RWD M3

    If that's the case, then I'd fight it too.
  26. T

    Not missing this

    Dang, your face must get tired.
  27. T

    Tesla not honoring price on LR RWD M3

    I purchased online so I'm not completely familiar with the process. If you place your order through one of their computers, I believe they use a similar online portal if not the same portal. Did you have to click through and select color of vehicle and features, and add autopilot, etc? If...
  28. T

    Tesla not honoring price on LR RWD M3

    I don't really think you have much recourse here, it completely depends on the staff you're dealing with. No paperwork was drafted and you didn't sign anything. As they've said, the representative that originally told you that the car had AP made a mistake. No money has been exchanged yet. If...
  29. T

    2019.12 - Updated browser, software on demand, new games and more

    Correct. I'm in Austin, TX and have received 2019.12 yesterday.
  30. T

    Delivery Issue rant

    There are plenty of stories that are much worse than yours, especially with the delivery ramp up in June - September of last year. As Mod3forMe suggests, your delivery situation isn't all that bad historically, not to downplay the significance.
  31. T

    Accidentally drove Model 3 through garage door

    You'll have to be a little bit more specific with your situation. Were you going forward or reverse? Were you driving the vehicle? Were you using the summon functionality and not driving? If you were reversing out of your garage and driving and your garage door happened to be closed, the...
  32. T

    LR3 is too efficient

    I'm in Austin as well, LR RWD with 18" aeros (caps always off). Currently with 6200 miles sitting at 270 Wh/mi. Before the cold weather came around I was sitting at 252 Wh/mi, so I imagine it should even out by the end of spring. I slam the pedal quite often. Even at 252 with driving...
  33. T

    Model 3 Software Update 2019.9.x

    LR RWD
  34. T

    Model 3 Software Update 2019.9.x

    I did not get a range increase on 5.15 as well, just chiming in.
  35. T

    Reduced price Autopilot & FSD for existing owners announced March 1st

    Tesla has taught us from this situation that it is best to wait it out. Granted, when they start Model Y production there probably won't be this bad of a pricing reduction as I would surmise that they would be in better financial health by then, but still, it's not good when you take a very...
  36. T

    Reduced price Autopilot & FSD for existing owners announced March 1st

    It has been suggested to wait until next month if you don't want to worry about a refund. The pricing updates should be reflected by then.
  37. T

    Reduced price Autopilot & FSD for existing owners announced March 1st

    I didn't want to add to the inundation that is the customer service debacle right now, but that's a good idea. My voice needs to be heard, even if it falls on deaf ears.
  38. T

    Reduced price Autopilot & FSD for existing owners announced March 1st

    July 2018 delivery here with $5k EAP, just chiming in. I'm pretty bitter about the situation as well, and am a TSLA holder and was planning on purchasing a Model Y for my mother. Sad to say, but I don't think I'll be purchasing another Tesla purely because of this situation, at least not new...
  39. T

    90% the new recommended SOC?

    This pretty much sums up why I even posted the video. I've done plenty of reading on best charging practices, and long before I received my vehicle was using the 30 - 80% as my gold standard. I know there are going to be marginal improvements from 80% - 90% limit charging, but it's all very...
  40. T

    90% the new recommended SOC?

    It's interesting to see such a large misrepresentation though with their daily driving habits. My 3 so far has stayed between 30-80% so far with 3500 miles, wondering if I were to continue with my current behavior that I would see similar results as the LIke Tesla channel.
  41. T

    90% the new recommended SOC?

    Most of us know the 30 - 80% recommendation from Elon, as well as what is reinforced from Jeffrey Dahn in regards to charging behaviors and battery chemistry. Seems recommendations have shifted, and Elon is saying with 2170 chemistry 90% SoC is acceptable vs what was previously stated. Thoughts?
  42. T

    Austin, TX Owners - Questions For You

    I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find an apartment complex that offers ample charging spots. From my experience (haven't lived in an apartment for quite some time) visiting newer apartment buildings, even most of those generally have 2 or 3 spots in a garage that are dedicated for EV...
  43. T

    M3P order placed - 11/28 - what up new fam!

    You could do like I used to do it back in the day. Take the whole assembly off, lay it on the ground, aim it at a plastic trash can, and unscrew it and let it shoot into the trash can. lol...... true story though. DO NOT DO IT. lol
  44. T

    Model 3 LR RWD vs LR AWD

    Closed course in Mexico... Guess that was an attempt at humor? lol........
  45. T

    I wish Tesla made this easy thing to make navigation on autopilot better!

    I don't like it either, but I use it anyway. It's a neural network, and we're beta testers. More information it can get the better it will be in the future.
  46. T

    Worse car buying experience ever!

    Definitely understand where you're coming from. When I was dealing with my IDA in July of this year, it wasn't nearly as bad but communication was very difficult and it wasn't a satisfactory experience at all. I know it probably doesn't help much, but I really do think that they're just plain...
  47. T

    whine on decell and accell

    I guess maybe there is just motor variance. Mine is an LR RWD and my whirring/whining noise varies quite a bit. If this is going to be a trend (end up lucking out with a good/bad motor that makes noise), did this effect the Model S at all in terms of resale value?
  48. T

    Going between Tesla's regenerative braking and ICE (stick shift) braking

    Same situation here. I've been driving exclusively manual cars as my daily driver for almost 20 years before I made the switch to my Model 3. Regenerative breaking in a Tesla feels a lot like engine brake, so it's fairly easy to get used to. After driving manual for so long as a daily driver...
  49. T

    whine on decell and accell

    Does it sound like this @brur (last six seconds is most evident) : https://s3.amazonaws.com/publicbkt/dk.mp3 I've been worrying about this sound since it became evident in my car (starting around 2k miles, now at 3k). It gets louder as temperatures drop, and then gets to a normalized decibel...
  50. T

    I wish Tesla made this easy thing to make navigation on autopilot better!

    No thanks. I rarely listen to music at home, but always blast music in my cars. I don't want a chime interrupting my music every few minutes considering I use mad max for nav on autopilot. There is already a chime for nav on autopilot for the exit lane confirmation when you're coming up to it...