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  1. clydeiii

    Is all neural networks really a good idea?

    I've been letting FSD v12.3.3 (and 12.3) drive me nearly everywhere for the last few weeks, sitting at 99 safety score with only late night driving dinging me.
  2. clydeiii

    Is all neural networks really a good idea?

    I was under the impression that any miles driven on AP/FSD don't count against your safety score. Is that no longer the case? In any case, if you feel it about to slam on brakes for no reason, you can simply feather the accelerator to cruise throught the yellow light.
  3. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    For some insanely narrow definition of useless, sure. But I use it 99% of the time every day and so, to me, it's far from useless, even in this state.
  4. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Worth noting that in some ways, we have already surpassed Data. Recall, in early seasons Data didn't understand humor and didn't have emotions like empathy.
  5. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

  6. clydeiii

    FSD beta 12.3 drives on the wrong side of the road.

    The right side of the road is just a suggestion
  7. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    FYI, googling moravec’s paradox has this as the first hit: “By the 2020s, in accordance to Moore's law, computers were hundreds of millions of times faster than in the 1970s, and the additional computer power was finally sufficient to begin to handle perception and sensory skills, as Moravec had...
  8. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I see your LeCun and raise you a Karpathy:
  9. clydeiii

    Is AGI need to reach FSD?

    Many in the AI industry think AGI is only a few years away so it might not matter. LeCun is in the minority here.
  10. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Subie being outSubied
  11. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Citation needed. Exponential growth is hard af to predict since you have no idea where you are on the S curve.
  12. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Do we know if each car model (3, Y, S, X) has its own NN model associated with it? Or is there a general HW3 model that works across all 4 Models?
  13. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Devin uses ChatGPT:
  14. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Seems less than 16 years away to me:
  15. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    ChatGPT very much lives up to its hype.
  16. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    ChatGPT moment very clearly means “goes viral in the way ChatGPT did in November 2022”, when, let’s see, it replaced exactly 0 humans.
  17. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Can’t tell if serious. This post is very unSubie-like. Alan nod twice is you’re being held captive by ChatGPT.
  18. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Uncharitable interpretation of “ChatGPT moment.” Clearly what is meant by this phrase is a huge shock to society about what is possible and now the near-future could look radically different than the present. It isn’t about replacing humans, it’s about waking them up.
  19. clydeiii

    FSD 12.x download selection logic

    In short, there is very little logic. It's "random" with some subset of cars being favored by the developers depending on what they're working on. For example, back in the v12.0, 12.1 and 12.2 timeframe, they were only pushing to first OG testers/social media influencers and then random VINs...
  20. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    If you use the old speed selection, does that force it into v11 mode? Both seem v12 to me but hard to say in very limited testing.
  21. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.3 now on both of our HW3 3s, in Baltimore, MD. Testing in Baltimore City for 15 minutes or so went well!
  22. clydeiii

    Tesla employee killed in crash involving FSD?

    As a user of FSDb in both 2022 and 2024, I can say that it's improved, but not by that much. Moreover, as someone who drives the same routes on a daily basis, in nearly every drive, it makes the same mistakes over and over again, without fail. In the article, the driver tells the passenger "it...
  23. clydeiii

    Tesla employee killed in crash involving FSD?

    We may never know if the car in question was using FSDb at the time of the crash (though Elon's tweet is highly suggestive that it was not), but what we can for sure do is take current FSDb and go drive the same road and see how it performs. Who here lives close enough to the road in question...
  24. clydeiii

    Tesla employee killed in crash involving FSD?

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2024/tesla-full-self-driving-fatal-crash WaPo reporting on an FSD-involved fatality of a Tesla employee. Did we already know about this or is this breaking news?
  25. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It's running on both.
  26. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That's a theory. Any actual evidence to back this up? (This is what I'm getting at...)
  27. clydeiii

    NTSB update for Autopilot has me looking for an anti-nag device

    Personally, I do not see much difference in nagging in the latest FSDb builds compared to previous. You just need to hold the wheel right and you'll never/hardly ever get a nag.
  28. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Why not Chuck Cook? He's arguably the most grounded FSD influencer.
  29. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Right, the question is, why? Why only Whole Mars?
  30. clydeiii

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Where our Chuckie Cook vidz at?
  31. clydeiii

    Latest Update Issues

    video please
  32. clydeiii

    GPT4V(ision) and its use in automous driving system

    I think the question is can a model of this sort assist with tasks required by AVs and the answers from this paper make it clear: absolutely they can. GPT4V wasn't even trained to do this thing. You can imagine a smaller model built for much more specific purpose and trained on only the most...
  33. clydeiii

    GPT4V(ision) and its use in automous driving system

    Full paper here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.05332.pdf
  34. clydeiii

    Google AI: Revisiting the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data

    @Bladerskb how’s Xpeng doing, two years on from this thread?
  35. clydeiii

    FSD? while Tesla can't make basic keep lane right.

    OP, FSD or FSDbeta? They are different...
  36. clydeiii

    Thoughts from a first time FSD Beta User: HW4

    Stop sign behavior is variable. Sometimes it behaves relatively humanlike and other times it's too cautious.
  37. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Perhaps I'm not being clear. Sometimes, you see a sign and it tells the car what it can do. Sometimes you see a sign and it tells the car what it can't do. Sometimes you don't see see a sign and, depending on where you are in the world, you are allowed to do something or it is illegal to do...
  38. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Right, and that's my point: most of the time, a sign will tell you what you can't do. But sometimes it's the absence of a sign that tells you what you can't do. How does the model figure out which is which?
  39. clydeiii

    Level 2 hand-on, eyes-on system

    Opposite reaction: extremely f'ing believable.
  40. clydeiii

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Thought experiment for current end-to-end AI systems: Imagine a world in which in 99.999% of the world, you may turn right on red UNLESS there is a sign that says "No right turn on red." In %0.001 of the world, it is illegal to turn right on red unless there is a sign that explicity allows you...
  41. clydeiii

    Is all neural networks really a good idea?

    It's interesting right because DeepMind created AlphaGo, giving it knowledge of many human games, and AlphaGo ended up able to defeat the world champion. Since then AlphaZero throws out the human games altogether and simply learns from itself.
  42. clydeiii

    Is all neural networks really a good idea?

    OP, any thoughts? Seems pretty good to me for alpha:
  43. clydeiii

    FSD V12 Elon Demo

    Yeah if 10x better than 11.4 isn’t “better” to you then yes, this won’t be “better.” I realize we do need 1000000x better than 11.4 to get to robotaxies but for my commute, 10x better than 11.4 is amazing (as I already use 11.4 for every single commute). We then turn to, what is the rate they...
  44. clydeiii

    FSD V12 Elon Demo

    Based on the recap right above this that I posted, I suspect this will age poorly. Car is more humanlike than ever in that video.
  45. clydeiii

    FSD V12 Elon Demo

    Can someone transcribe the Qs and As?