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  1. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I hope you're right. I briefly thought about a change.org petition asking him to change his vote. Would give us a place to elaborate our rationale for voting "for" - pretty sure it won't change his mind (either way), but if press picks it up.
  2. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Hope this works: https://wapo.st/3K6M0Rz And your understanding is correct: "“This was the biggest problem, we didn’t see how they were moving, we only worked through radio or through phones where they still worked,” Artist, a 53-year-old sergeant, said. The drone feeds, he said, “simply...
  3. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    /rant on I think the only votes that should count are for those shares that have been held since the original vote. Those of us who watched our $20 shares go up to what it is today are the only ones who could hypothetically have a beef with Elon's compensation package. Anyone who bought the...
  4. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Great catch, I googled a bit and suspect you're right, altho haven't been able to confirm one way or the other. OTOH, I agree with the sentiment that has been expressed here before that Russia probably has a higher percentage of MIA and WIA that end up dying due to various factors (including...
  5. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Off by a factor of 4 times the Ukrainian estimate, actually, per iPlug's post
  6. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Agree it’s horrible for morale, bordering on unjust and inhumane. But it’s a great Machiavellian technique to force a culture of superhuman performance. If you are a great performer in a team that is not performing, your job is at risk, so you have to “right the team” to keep your job. Great way...
  7. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I assumed a “/s” Signed: US citizen who doesn’t want to be held accountable for <long list of stuff>
  8. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Yeah, this. This sounds like a great job for an intern to solve with AI, Why wait for Optimus to displace factory workers when compute power can replace knowledge workers now? If the best part is no part. Maybe the best team is none.
  9. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Me three, March delivery. Two weeks earlier and I could have been part of the Broder-debunking Roadtrip - good reminder of the progress. Spent the time waiting for delivery reading the Tesla.com forum, then somebody there suggested this one, and someone here suggested buying stock, today’s cost...
  10. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Gift article (hope this works, I’m trying this on an ancient iPad) https://wapo.st/3Uf9Yid Highlights(pretend these are quoted, pls): More than six months into the war in Gaza and with dimming hopes for a cease-fire deal, Palestinians there are growing more critical of Hamas, which some of...
  11. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    According to Heather Cox Richardson, ... but that's out of all the aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
  12. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I wouldn't have posted this if I thought any of these were scams. Prof Snyder has extensive connections in Ukraine and I don't believe he would have recommended any scams either. 501(c)3 status requires a certain amount of paperwork to verify/qualify (although that's not foolproof) Razom was...
  13. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Thanks to all of you who recommended Timothy Snyder's History of Ukraine class and substack. If you haven't seen it yet and want to be a force for good, this post has some excellent recommendations, four of which are US 501(c)3 so, great place to donate any TSLA profits you can spare through...
  14. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Richard Haass explained a different point of view on Ezra Klein podcast recently. He was of the opinion that Ukraine would not be able to win its objectives (going back to the 2014 boundaries prior to the illegal annexation of Crimea) militarily. He thought it would make more sense to hold...
  15. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    IIRC, someone (or some aggregation of people) posted something to the effect of "do the math, if he gets paid, every share you have will be worth x times what it is now." Without diving into the details of his compensation package (which, tbh could have predicted Elon would only achieve those...
  16. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Or old man with a full diaper (runs for cover)
  17. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Yeah, that made my eyes roll back in my head too. But at least they attributed the data to the source. Brookings lost a few credibility points by not at least qualifying that with "alleged"
  18. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I hope this gift link works https://wapo.st/3wmKjfc Tl;dr some good charts and cautious optimism
  19. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I did explain what I meant. Putin removing his troops might end the fighting but unless Russia returns POWs and the civilians they stole, the war will not be over. Ukraine might stop at the border (and I would hope they would), but Russia will have to return POWs, stolen children and turn over...
  20. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    But then the war crime trials would start. And the demands to repatriate the stolen children. Ending the fighting isn’t going to finish the war, imo.
  21. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Agree. Also consistent with Timothy Snyder's Lessons from "On Tyranny" (thanks to whoever in this thread reco'd his class): Do Not Obey in Advance I would think this advice should apply to nations who terrorize other nations, as well as to citizens who want to fight tyranny of their own...
  22. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://www.camera.org/article/the-washington-post-ignores-the-facts-on-pappe/ https://newrepublic.com/article/85344/ilan-pappe-sloppy-dishonest-historian
  23. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I agree that no organization has impunity and is responsible for the actions of the individuals who belong to it. To what degree you push that limit is apparently where we disagree. You can make the same argument that investors shouldn't punish TSLA stock because they disagree with Elon...
  24. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    So if you're getting stabbed in the hospital by the nurses, you wouldn't check out? I even looked up your video of the "Israeli children singing about genocide" and again, you cherrypick stuff out of context and miss the scale difference between "this is a fringe minority" (hence why the video...
  25. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    If a hospital was hurting you, you would check out of the hospital. Organization is hurting the Gazans by supporting terrorism. Therefore stop funding them until they fix their problem.
  26. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Ouch, yeah, n/k. Looks like he's been on the payroll for Russia and Iran for quite some time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Blumenthal
  27. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I understand and empathize with your frustration about cutting funding to UNRWA, but if you're paying a doctor to heal you and that doctor is making things worse, you'd switch doctors, wouldn't you? Same thing with UNWRA - allowing employees to murder/rape/terrorize innocent civilians is beyond...
  28. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    No, actually, that's not what you're doing. You're trolling and engaging in strawman and ad hominem fallacies. You are putting words into people's mouths so you can attack them and discount them. Nobody here has EVER said "all Gazans, including children, are terrorists." Nobody here has EVER...
  29. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Of course not!! And the fact that you would suggest that is what *I* am thinking is what is so offensive about your posts. The world is not black and white and as long as you insist on maligning and misinterpreting everything other people say so that you can justify disagreeing with them, YOU...
  30. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Hyperbole is probably not having the effect you want. The 10/7 attack was pure terrorism. No, I don’t want to fund it. I don’t want my tax dollars funding it. At all. That does not mean I don’t want to fund other relief efforts (and, by the way, I have personally), it just means some people...
  31. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    … said nobody on this forum. Ever.
  32. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/08/us/newport-news-student-shot-teacher-warrant/index.html Even six year olds can be dangerous. Can we stop with this "whataboutism"? I think we all know both sides have contributed to the conflict, and apparently we have differing opinions about who is "how much...
  33. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    And a third thing is availability of viable spaces goes down very quickly when your car is "too big for the norm" I see this problem in US Eastern cities, so you don't even need to travel to Europe to appreciate this issue, imho, smh...
  34. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It's fair to say what you want. But it's not fair to speak for others, especially with generalizations and broad, sweeping judgments that quite frankly aren't true. I'm sure you can find examples of *extreme* leftists who may have said things that could be twisted into something that equates to...
  35. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    This is not helpful. Specifically WHICH "horrible children story" was fake? And please reference reputable proof that it was fake news (google "<source publication> media fact bias"). Quite frankly, both sides have claimed they're the victims of genocide. The reality of war is that nations...
  36. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Jerry33's from Texas, he's probably either pre-stoked for CT delivery event or ticked off for not being invited, we 'murikans weirdly find things funny sometimes, Texans, more so ;-)
  37. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Stunning family resemblance! Also OT: hang around this forum enough and you learn to love all the eccentric curmudgeons and fanbois- just because you get familiar with their idiosyncrasies and find them strangely comforting in this rollercoaster TSLA ride. Barely OT: I am guessing that the...
  38. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    FWIW, per Spiked Magazine - Bias and Credibility Also, building on @SmokyPeat "I'm not sure how this devolved into whose religion or lack of religion is better, but let's not be children here." Please let's try to be balanced in this discussion. Because some posters understand the...
  39. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Well, with the Thanksgiving holiday, it's a short week (see what I did there?)
  40. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Who takes surveys anyway? This is probably an egregious extrapolation of my attitude and experiences, but... anyone with a life, a schedule, and plural number of brain cells hangs up on or refuses survey calls (and/or you're cordless and have your phone set to block unknown calls) because we...
  41. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    This makes me so sad and mad. You posted something that is easily refutable from sources that are blatantly biased, then posted a third source that directly contradicted your first post and now you throw up your hands and blame it all on the decline of professional journalism. This is directly...
  42. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    No info on PALwatch bias is available. However, the article you linked to actually confirms the OPPOSITE of the links you originally posted.
  43. CatB

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Breitbart and Opindia? Please - check your sources: OpIndia - Bias and Credibility And yes, I would call out Huffington Post and Mother Jones, altho the latter at least is more factual than either source you mentioned.
  44. CatB

    Supercharger - Suffolk, VA

    Also perfect for the 460-32-158 backroads trip to OBX. It’s not shown on PlugShare yet.
  45. CatB

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    not sure if posted already, but another hit piece from Faiz &Co at WaPo: https://wapo.st/45i7naQ In theory, this link gifts it to you. But in case that doesn’t work or you don’t want to patronize the publisher, TL;DR - he’s regurgitating the 2019 fatality (doesn’t mention the date until the...
  46. CatB


    I finally got an appt for flu and Covid (Walgreen's website says Spikevax, but the data sheet they made me read did not, so crossing my fingers - I guess this underscores YLE's email on what a mess vax rollout is due to not having a DoD master logistician in charge), but I had to do it near my...
  47. CatB

    FAQ: Home Tesla charging infrastructure Q&A

    This is why I call the UMC "UMC". And why I call the HPWC "HPWC". I will invariably slip and use the word "charger" instead of "connector" for that last initial if I try to expand the acronym. Bummer they're not pronounceable as acronyms. "Charging station" still seems like one of those...
  48. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    +1 thanks to the Mod who helped and know there are many who would vote you flying colors and shiny badges to welcome you back! (Altho, I know, you don’t need no stinking badges) On-topic: I am pleasantly surprised that Congress averted a shut down, but disappointed that it puts funding for...
  49. CatB

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Anybody else missing petit_bateau’s contributions to this thread? 😟