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  1. shingles

    Ran Over a Curb...

    if you are worried about water getting INTO the battery pack, no, don't worry. Water's going to get in there, it probably already does anyway. That's just a body trim piece. But you should avoid puddles anyway, regardless of this cracked rocker panel.
  2. shingles

    Ran Over a Curb...

    Doubt you have to worry about the battery. They are much tougher than that. All of that is superficial body trims.
  3. shingles

    Damage on my Model 3. What to do next?

    What do you mean part of the body is coming apart? How big was the "rock"? Doesn't look that severe. Probably $2-3k if have to get your bumper replaced, painted, blended, etc.
  4. shingles

    Madisonville, TX Superchargers

    You can check in your Tesla app. Under Location, click on the lighten bolt. It'll tell you how many stalls are available.
  5. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I think those ecoflows are nice, but be cautious of expectations... it's not going be rough trying to start 3-4 ton AC units that are common here in H-Town. The thing I like about Powerwalls and whole home setups is that you don't have to change how you choose to operate when there's an outage...
  6. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    No, not really, it's 4 wires. There are lots of video on YouTube that go through it. But you'll want to be comfortable working around the AC capacitor. Mostly you will want to make sure you discharge it properly. Or it will be painful haha. But it isn't hard.
  7. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    You will want to get a soft starter on each of those AC units. One main reason I went with 4 Powerwalls was to make sure I can start my 2 AC units at the same time in the event of an outage. Even with the four Powerwalls, I decided to install a soft start on each of my AC units outside. Soft...
  8. shingles

    I am thrilled with FSD

    If you are on the freeway/highway, it will revert to letting you adjust max and remove the ASO.
  9. shingles

    FSD 12.3 activates turn signal too early...

    In my case, I think it turns it on too late. The left turn into my neighborhood, I would turn it on much sooner than it does. Since it's a two way road with a 55mph speed limit, I like to give people behind me a long notice I am turning so they slow down. With FSD, it waits pretty late to...
  10. shingles

    I am thrilled with FSD

    Regarding the smoothness issue - that's an area of improvement for sure. I agree it's a bit aggressive. Supposedly this is an area that 12.4 will improve on. Regarding the speed: you need to uncheck "Automatic Set Speed Offset".... if you read the description (push the circle i), it's going...
  11. shingles

    Discussion: Powershare [V2X feature currently announced for Cybertruck]

    According to this cyber truck owner in Houston, he got to use his PowerShare due to the crazy storms here in Houston. https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/powershare-cybertruck-to-the-rescue-as-home-power-backup-after-tornado.17289/
  12. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Be very interested in your PowerShare experience!
  13. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I am too much of a control freak, that's not enough money for me to give Tesla basically full control of my PW and my usage habits. lol I am happy knowing that with my current setup, I drive at zero energy cost and will get negative electric bill each month, and have full control of my stuff.
  14. shingles

    Texas heat

    Get all your windows tinted including the windshield (I was a non believe for a LONG time, but I am 100% on board now). It's not going to keep the peak temps down if you are parked outside for 8/10 hours in the summer. But it's going to keep it much nicer when you are driving and for shorter...
  15. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    So technically speaking, it's not fast enough... depending on what source or where you read, the whole setup will kick in anywhere from ~100ms to 1-2 seconds. Either way, UPS transfer time is typically 5-10ms or faster. Your PC and things like that won't stay on, depending on how sensitive it...
  16. shingles

    Rear Seats Not Detecting Child in Car Seat

    Works for me this way. BTW, I've noticed on the model X, the rear air does not start blowing until I get "start" the car (step on brake, enter code).
  17. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Those that want on VPP... any concerns about the warranty? It looks like if you enroll in VPP of any sort, even though there's still a 10yr warranty, there is a throughput cap at 37.8MWh. If I use my last month's through put of the powerwall (I assume in/out), it looks to be about 470kWh...
  18. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I know this is old hat for many of you, but I am super excited by negative electric bills. -$17 this month on Amigo energy. Total actual usage during this time was 1997kWh, 515kWh was car charging over night. A little over 700kWh of usage was on solar.
  19. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    You can configure that by using the Tesla One app. You'll need to log in to your gateway, but it's configurable in there.
  20. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    That's probably it. The powerwalls are juicing up right now...
  21. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Each night when it hits 9pm my powerwalls will ramp up charging from grid. The power wall charge rate will regulate itself for no more than 17.8 kw total house draw from grid. If I am saying using 2kw, 15.8kw will go to the powerwalls, split into four.
  22. shingles

    Something blocking the centre console door - What is it?

    Did you buy your vehicle pre-owned from a non tesla dealership? Looks like it could be GPS location device... one of those "theft recovery" systems that dealerships love to sell you.
  23. shingles

    Humming noise behind frunk

    Do you have sentry mode turned on? If so, turn it off at home. If you have sentry mode on, the car stays awake and it'll do what it does and make noises. It's fine. But turn off sentry. Also for all the noises...
  24. shingles

    PowerShare for All Teslas & Integration - speculation

    You and I are in the same part of the country and I have exact same thought process as well. If I can have another battery pack to utilize after a storm, that would make me very happy. The Supercharger closest to me is on the same grid as the hospital right next door to it. After Harvey, that...
  25. shingles

    PowerShare for All Teslas & Integration - speculation

    If/when the refresh model y has powershare, I am definitely going to to get one. I suppose I would consider another model x if/when a refresh occurs with powershare and if the price stays in the current ranges.
  26. shingles

    Consistently charging over limit on my TWC?

    It's fine and it's pretty common. I am not smart enough to know all the chemistry that's happening and the math behind the BMS... but your charger IS stopping at set percentage... but after it settles a while... it can go up or it can go down.
  27. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    The only BMW currently on sale that's got a normal grill is the 8 series. The M8 Grand Coupe is nice looking. :)
  28. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    If the refresh Model Y has PowerShare, I am buying another Model Y. If the refresh Y does not have PowerShare, I'll probably buy the ID.Buzz. :). While I like the Rivians, seem their software needs more baking time. BMW style is so extreme to me right now, it's a non starter for me... and I...
  29. shingles

    Is Tesla Universal Wall Connector UL listed?

    Yes https://www.tesla.com/sites/default/files/shop/FFWA_E351001_Electric_Vehicle_Supply_Equipment_UL_Product_iQ.pdf
  30. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I signed up for 36 months! Is it possible that they are buying back at $0.03 from us but selling it to another customer for whatever the retail is? I don't know how this industry works but have often wondered how it works or how they can make money. I have to assume that the wholesale rate...
  31. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Same here on Amigo (they are run by same people as JE). Even on a cloudy day like today, there's more than enough product to still send a bit back to grid.
  32. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I am really enjoying the free nights. Before getting my PW, I was with Energy Texas with buy back @ $0.03. One nice days, I could charge my batteries and car, but have nothing to sell back. I did enjoy that I was essentially off grid for most days. But it was a bit "stressful" since we have...
  33. shingles

    Brand new 2024 Model X range after charging

    Range is an ESTIMATE. It's not BS, it's not fraud, it's not any of those things. It is an ESTIMATE. Range estimates can be based on SO many things... weather, temp, wind, tires, driving style, charging condition, battery temp when charging, battery temp when done charging, cell balance, etc...
  34. shingles

    New Level 2 Charger 32A charger pulling 35A

    You should return it and buy the tesla unit. :) The cost difference seems to be only $50. I don't think that sort of delta is worth any potential headaches down the road.
  35. shingles

    The quest for the ultimate efficiency.

    130 Wh/mi is impressive indeed!
  36. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Yeah, I don't expect a UPS experience for sure. It was just the first time I've had a firmware update drop the load. Eh, nothing's perfect, so not real worried, just interesting. I will say at like 1 in the morning, I had random thoughts like "oh man, did the batteries break?"
  37. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Had a weird thing happen this morning at 1AM. I was woking up because I heard my UPS beep. I thought the power went out, but it didn't make sense because I was already on battery. It was a short period, probably 1-2 seconds, long enough for Alexa to power off and back on (LOL). Normally if...
  38. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Have you considered other installers instead of Tesla to give you some options on powerwall? If you are interested I can introduce you to the guy that did my solar and powerwall. He will give you a straight up answer. He is an old friend of mine and won’t bullshit you or pressure you.
  39. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    It’s because for most homes down here, the brick is just a veneer. There is not much structural strength. The problem is there is also probably an air gap between the brick and the studs so that they can’t actually just secure through the bricks than to the stud.
  40. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Storm watch actually worked with this storm blowing through. I have 4 PW2 and I saw 15.5 kW charging rate when storm watch fired off.
  41. shingles

    2022 Used Model X Plaid or 2024 New Model X Non Plaid

    Again, this is just me: every single time I bought a car and did not get the one with the most HP, thinking oh it's "fast enough" or "oh I am being responsible and saving a few bucks"... I have ALWAYS regretted it. It's not that I am a speed demon on the street... I'm not here drag racing...
  42. shingles

    2022 Used Model X Plaid or 2024 New Model X Non Plaid

    I bought the Plaid simply because I wanted the HP and acceleration. That's it. The LR functionally would work exactly the same, but knowing myself, I'd always just say "man, wished I had bought the one with the more HP". But that's me... The other way to look at this is, you are saying some...
  43. shingles

    Rear view camera

    Doubtful (on range impact or life span impact). The car is already using the cameras pretty much all the time. That's how you can record clips when you honk the horn (for example).
  44. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    For that that switched to free nights: when you setup time based control in the App, was there actually some sort of lag before it started behaving as you expected? There's a note in user guide that suggest that it might not work as expected for a period of time. thx
  45. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Was there any reason you guys chose Just Energy vs Amigo for free nights? I know Just is the parent company to Amigo, but was curious.
  46. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    One thing I am considering is to change the off-peak time in the settings... so instead of 9P-7A, change it to maybe 12A-7A or something like that. Delay the charging of the battery so that it doesn't stay at 100% for long periods, but also enough to charge to full.
  47. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    That would be the answer for paranoid people like me... let me set max charge to 90% or 95%, then I would be happy...
  48. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I am ac I am generally that way about the car... just charge it when i need it. But I do have the max generally set at 80%. I think there's ~ 5% of reserve on the top end of the PW, so you are right, 100% isn't truly 100%. I wish Tesla would let us set max charge on the powerwall... then I...
  49. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    I have mine set at 50% reserve mostly because of paranoia. I could probably drop it down to 30% most days. My concern is that I think it will sit at 100% for long periods of time. If the Powerwalls were LFP, I wouldn't worry about it. I suppose if I am on free nights, I could purposely set...
  50. shingles

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    Question for those with free nights + Powerwall + solar. I assume your battery pack is at 100% fairly often? Any concerns with that? I've got a 15.2kW system + 4 PW. I am not on free nights plan currently. It's working out ok for me right now. Powerwalls are set to 50% reserve (usually)...