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  1. DrGriz

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Of course, we agree, treaties are only as good as those agreeing to them, and history is all about breaking them. And you don't need to remind me of the recent history of Israel. I am quite aware. However, you keep going back to things like ancestral homelands (along with property...
  2. DrGriz

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Jews were not tribes? 12 comes to mind? Anyway, it is beside the point. I totally respect the right for Modern Israel to exist and to do so in safety. But I think rights come by treaty, not genetics or religion, and every time someone confuses that, irrational conflict occurs.
  3. DrGriz

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I might be confused about what you are saying, but I am not sure mosquito abatement defines rights to a region of land. The history of the planet is replete with the horrible treatment of one tribe on another, up to and including today. White settlers attempted to wipe out native Americans...
  4. DrGriz

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Big lift if you apply it to everyone, not just one group.
  5. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Well, I will be honest and let you know that I was so involved in wrenching the car into the correct lane that I didn't notice, and I let my subscription lapse because I left town for 3 weeks and wasn't driving. Nevertheless, if even sometimes, it registers the lanes, or road arrows, and...
  6. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Well, come on over to Idaho and try it! Guessing about my experience is like looking at a cookie. Until you've tasted it, what do you really know? We'll have a beer and a laugh.
  7. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Nice sunny Sunday morning. The intersection was just painted after the winter sand and salt scrubbed the paint. No one else in the intersection. Couldn't be more perfect. The car drove into the middle (straight only) lane (green light) and ignored the left turn only lane (green arrow) and...
  8. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Or, your map was updated. How do you know it wasn't? If you live in a place where the maps are constantly updated and accurate, you wouldn't know. What you are proposing, that FSD reads signs and lanes some places and not in others, makes no sense to me. How could that even be? Mind you, I...
  9. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.3 always tries a left turn from the center lane at a major intersection on the south end of our town. It is freshly painted and the traffic lights and turn lanes are clearly marked. The intersection was revised a year ago. Clearly it is following old, out of date, inaccurate maps and no way...
  10. DrGriz


    Well, there you go! Someone used their personal email for official business! I'm still glad they saved masks for HCWs when they were short.
  11. DrGriz


    If I understand the paper referenced by @NikolaACDC correctly, and if it proves out, it alleviates, or at least reduces, the concerns about vaccine "imprinting" which is mentioned in the article from yalemedicine that I referenced above. This would open up the possibility to more frequent...
  12. DrGriz


    They do do that for people of high risk. 2 month series booster. And it does help. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/should-you-get-a-covid-19-bivalent-booster#:~:text=An%20additional%20bivalent%20booster%20offers,19%2Drelated%20hospitalization%20and%20death.
  13. DrGriz


    Right. They just looked at antibody response to vaccine. The good thing is that boosters broaden rather than block antibody response to variants, and such that boosters may actually cover as yet to develop variants. Which means picking a specific variant for the next booster is less important...
  14. DrGriz


    Generally agree, but I'm not sure I followed your statement here. If we hit a low this month, how can we know we're on an upturn now? It's still May. Reports aren't complete. Anyway, I totally agree that most, but not all, have had natural exposure, if not disease. I can't help but think that...
  15. DrGriz


    I do wonder if I had a subclinical case or two somewhere along the line. They aren't uncommon. I have to have been exposed often enough. And as far as immunity, what doesn't kill you or give you long covid makes you stronger. I didn't intentionally leave my mask in the hotel storage while we...
  16. DrGriz


    Yes, they are quite handy.
  17. DrGriz


    Boosted just prior to 2.5 weeks of planes, trains, restaurants, crowds, 6 countries. I wore a mask for a few hours on the way out. My wife was better about it. Nothing, and we're home...still never evers.
  18. DrGriz

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I hope it's correct that his pro Russian stance is softening. However he ran on a platform of no slovak government money to support Ukraine. He is, due to Slovakia's government system, a minority PM. There are many many Slovakians who support Ukraine...
  19. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Mine must be illiterate.
  20. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    It would be interesting to know if the car requires a good data connection in order to "read" signs. Much like it needs that to exercise voice commands. Nevertheless, FSDS ignores signs in places where the cell signal is excellent, as well as marginal, for us.
  21. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    ID 55 in Valley County and US 95 in Adams County, Idaho, among several others. These are the main North - South routes in the long axis of the state.
  22. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Has anyone tested this with V12.x? I had better results with last year's V11
  23. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Oh, I don't disagree that the maps can be wrong.
  24. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    So what you imply is that only my car fails at reading signs. And does so consistently in the same places. Ok. I find that difficult to understand.
  25. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I am merely suggesting that a correctly followed speed limit would not distinguish map reading from sign reading. It could be either. If, as I experience regularly, the sign says 65 mph, and the car goes 45mph, and the software on the screen displays 45mph, it isn't reading the signs. It might...
  26. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    If mapping is excellent, you would never be able to tell the difference between mapping and reading. It's only when it fails that one would be able to know.
  27. DrGriz

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Not where I live. I don't see any evidence at all that it's "reading" anything. If the map data is good, maybe it appears to someone it is reading signs. But if the map data is bad, like 30 out of 100 miles where I am, it blows right past perfectly legible signs.
  28. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have tried recalibration and rebooted for the 3 versions of FSDS I have experienced this last month. No change in the "behavior" when encountering a reduced speed zone, when the car's mapping is correct. It just coasts. No active slowing. This is the same behavior all of my friends experience...
  29. DrGriz

    Idaho Room

    I have Nokian Hakkas with studs on OEM rims. I am very happy with them. "Summer" tires now Nokian Ones, a little oversized for a bit of lift. They got me through the terrible roads last week when there were slide offs happening around us. I find range is mostly: can I get to the next charger I...
  30. DrGriz

    Idaho Room

    I was on line when they did the call last spring and gave my two cents. Advocated for your concern as well as my own.
  31. DrGriz

    Idaho Room

    For those who might be interested, the 50 kW level 3 charger in Grangeville is now open. Will make for reliable travel North and South both winter and summer through central Idaho. Unfortunately, I am afraid that the Tesla SC in McCall won't be built because...EM. At least the Charge Point at...
  32. DrGriz

    Idaho Room

    There was a CT in McCall for 3 or 4 days about 2 weeks ago. Visiting from out of town.
  33. DrGriz

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Just rode a solar electric bus in Netherlands!
  34. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I have an email from Tesla from a week ago saying my "trial" would end yesterday. It continues to function today.
  35. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Same. Used it long enough to determine that it still doesn't slow down from 65 to 25 mph without disengagement. Also, it doesn't slow down for icy roads.
  36. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    100% Pulling out of a parking space front facing is safer than backing out, especially when you don't have cross traffic alert (=TESLA). That said, people will almost always pull into your spot if you are screwing around trying to back in. At least, where I am.
  37. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I very much had slowdowns prior to the speed limit sign last fall. Not yet this year.
  38. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yeah, no, no offset enabled. I prefer to adjust that using the thumbwheel because I use different amounts in different contexts. The more I think of it, it's as though it doesn't apply any brakes while FSDS is enabled, neither mechanical nor regen. It just seems to coast. Next time I'll check...
  39. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It visualized a wild turkey crossing the road (we were going 65) in front of us the other day. Don't know if it would have stopped or swerved in time because we hit the brakes, but it was interesting to see it visualize.
  40. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Haven't seen a lot of this reported although maybe a few mentions, so I am bringing it up to see if this is widespread. I have found that with both 12.3.3 and 12.3.4 FSDS the car is terrible at slowing down for new speed zones, as well as curves. This is nothing close to what I experienced with...
  41. DrGriz

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    I think we'll all go down with the ship: captain, crew, and passengers.
  42. DrGriz

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    There is a part of me that thinks that humanity deserves the extinction it seems to be attempting on itself.
  43. DrGriz

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Totally agree that TFG has not changed his spots. Someone probably explained that horrendous losses by a Ukraine unsupported by the US unfolding on the news over the next 6 months would lose him (foremost) and the Republican party a significant number of votes. So he is giving it a tepid thumbs...
  44. DrGriz

    HV Battery Died with 7 miles range left showing on Range display

    It would be so nice of Tesla to give us an option to precondition our batteries on the way to a non-SC. Some of us have no choice but to charge at those when travelling.
  45. DrGriz

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It's saying there are (at least) two wings of the party that have some major points of disagreement. Johnson, apparently, came to the realization that he falls in with the more traditional (Reagan) wing, and has calculated he has the support from enough democrats (for now) to survive this...
  46. DrGriz

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    We absolutely cannot use FSD on icy roads with sharp curves, which is most of our daily driving in the winter. It's pointless because the car takes those curves too fast even when it's dry. And potholes. And, for us, the maps FSD uses are horribly wrong where we live so it makes lots of...
  47. DrGriz

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    You make some good points. That said, the impact of cattle on the environment at the levels we currently enjoy, cannot be denied. Somewhere there's a sweet spot between lower demand, reduced intensity, and balancing diet better than many of us do.
  48. DrGriz

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    Yes. Of course. Therefore my point: it fulfills your remark. Plants can do all of that if they are sprinkled with animal stuff. They aren't exempt. They can also transmit chemicals which are carcinogenic/poisonous/etc. in addition. This is why we have to wash our plant foods and often they are...
  49. DrGriz

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Better support from Rs than I anticipated. Good to see.
  50. DrGriz

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    That said, my aunt died of listeria she got from cutting a cantaloupe in half.