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  1. MD500_Pilot

    Curbed the holy EFF out our MYP Ubertine wheels using FSD 12.3.3!

    The same happened to me, but in my case, I was on a roundabout, and a truck flew into the roundabout. My car swung hard left to avoid getting hit by the truck and ran right up against the curb. I tried getting the license but didn't catch it, nor did the video. Fortunately, I instantly grabbed...
  2. MD500_Pilot

    Tesla employee killed in crash involving FSD?

    That is exactly what happened to me. I'm almost sure I would have died had it not been for my Tesla. I spent the entire day flying, and was super tired, and my daughter called and needed help with my sick grandkids. No way to get a red-eye from Cali to PHX at that time of night so I hit the road...
  3. MD500_Pilot

    FSD 12 perspective from a previous skeptic

    Interesting note on the acceleration: I hated how slow my S would accelerate coming from a stop or light and now I really like it. However, I am in California :)
  4. MD500_Pilot

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    ^^^^ This right here, I was blown away as well this morning when I drove to work. Freeway and back roads, the only time I had to disconnect was because I didn't like the route it was taking. 30 minute drive.
  5. MD500_Pilot

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Wow, and to think after 120,000 miles driving my two Model Ss, I never used the backing feature :) maybe I should try it!
  6. MD500_Pilot

    Further discussion and analysis on why the yoke is not good

    Late 2022 Model S Plaid, 10,000 miles now, several 400+ mile trips, absolutely LOVE the yoke and would never give it up! This discussion is pretty funny if you ask me; there is no right or wrong answer. Some will love it; some will hate it.
  7. MD500_Pilot

    Just completed ~1400 mile trip: San Diego > Grand Canyon > Antelope Canyon > Las Vegas > San Diego

    I am from Carlsbad and have done two Carlsbad>PHX trips now in my new MS. I take the 8 as I hate going the north route, and I stoped in Tacana each time to Supercharge. Quick 20 minute turnaround as reported by the car, but the first trip I had my daughter, son-in-law and 15 month of grandson...
  8. MD500_Pilot

    PSA: Don't use third-party apps and services, period.

    100% Right Here. Docker makes it soooo easy for people to do and misconfigure crazy stuff easily!
  9. MD500_Pilot

    Tesla runs into back of parked semi

    hummm.......I wonder why someone would stuff 27 people into a vehicle designed to hold 9.....I could make some educated guesses, but I might trigger someone.....this might shed some light:
  10. MD500_Pilot

    FSD road trip vs flying?

    Drive to the airport and then fly :)
  11. MD500_Pilot

    PSA: Don't use third-party apps and services, period.

    and another one.....even self-hosted can be a problem if done wrong..... https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/24/teslamate-bug-teslas-exposed-remote
  12. MD500_Pilot

    Tesla Wall connector Security

    We went with this at our office: https://www.amazon.com/BMZX-Organizer-Distribution-Connector-Protective/dp/B07SPR2GND
  13. MD500_Pilot

    Picture of 2021 Model S refresh with Tempest wheels no wheel covers

    Hi - Just came across this. Where did you order the parts if you don't me asking? I would like to make sure I get high-quality parts. Thanks
  14. MD500_Pilot

    Tesla Wireless charger with iPhone 12 Max & Case???

    I am assuming the wireless charger is different in the new Model S? I have a pad that my phones sit on (two of them).
  15. MD500_Pilot

    Tesla S will not allow conversation with iPhone 12 Max

    I have the iPhone 13 Max and it works fantastic. I would try unpairing and repairing and maybe power cycling my phone.
  16. MD500_Pilot

    First no charger, now no key fob, what's next??

    Hey Siri, open my trunk! But then again I have an apple watch :)
  17. MD500_Pilot

    Hi from Minneapolis, ask me your cold-weather EV questions!

    Thank you for the information, they are thinking about the 3 but his concern is that they get sub -30C weather there for long periods of time and the Tesla site says no longer than 24 hours at that temp. He has a garage but it is not heated.
  18. MD500_Pilot

    Advice on Ham Radio Install

    Lobos - You bet, I am currently getting some great information on the r/amateurradio subreddit I am on, you might want to pop over and take a read. Several folks with Model #s on there with ham gear! I'll keep you up to date when I figure out how to do this! 73 - KF6MCD
  19. MD500_Pilot

    Hi from Minneapolis, ask me your cold-weather EV questions!

    Beautiful car, how cold does it get there? I am on my second Model S and I am talking to my nephew about getting one but he is in the Air Force as a B52 guy in Minot, ND and he is worried about how they do in the cold.
  20. MD500_Pilot

    Thoughts on Yoke from Plaid owner

    FSD is in beta now, I have driven with it many times in an X one year older than my Model S Plaid and it works fine. I only drive it about 20 miles to and from the airport for work, but it works pretty well. Not sure why you say it is snake oil. And with the massive amount of automated feedback...
  21. MD500_Pilot

    Thoughts on Yoke from Plaid owner

    I recently purchased my Model S Plaid having had the Model S 100D before this and I actually love the new steering wheel. Like you, I am also a vet (USMC for me) and a pilot (Blackhawks/MD500s on the helo side, Gulfstream G550 on the fixed-wing side) and while I appreciate your sentiments about...
  22. MD500_Pilot

    Advice on Ham Radio Install

    Hello Everyone - I just took delivery of my second Model S and I have decided to purchase this one instead of leasing it, so I am now looking to permanently install my DMR ham radio (Anytone AT-D578 Tri-Band). The problem is that this radio does not have a detachable front face so the entire...
  23. MD500_Pilot

    ELECTREK: Tesla starts limiting charge to 80% at busy Superchargers to reduce wait times

    But is it really a "select" minority of stations? I have been hearing (and seeing at my own local station) more and more people getting that same message about being at a "High-usage" station. In my case, the station I normally use is never full and go at all different hours of the day and days...
  24. MD500_Pilot

    High-usage supercharger station

    I see where you are going with this....I ran over to my local supercharger which is never full and rarely even busy and was shocked (no pun intended) to see that I was now at a "High-usage supercharger station" I guess my questions would be has anyone gone to a station that did not get that...
  25. MD500_Pilot

    Software Update 2019.8.x

    I concur with this...I tried it out last night after getting the upgrade and while the car beside me turned red, I did not get a "chime" until I started to move towards the car. This is totally different than any other car I have driven with blind spot detection. First it happens immediately...
  26. MD500_Pilot

    Problem with Sleep? - Center screen dead & no nav/maps

    Thanks. The worst part was not being able to have my car warmed up ahead of time.... :-)
  27. MD500_Pilot

    Problem with Sleep? - Center screen dead & no nav/maps

    2018.48.12.1 So this morning I went to activate the heat in my car and my app told me that it could not communicate with my car. I eventually made it out to the car to find the main screen totally dead and when I hit the brake my IC came up with this message: The message never cleared so I...
  28. MD500_Pilot

    Parting out a 85 D model S 2015

    Can you send me pictures so I make sure its the one I am looking for...? If it is, I'll take it!
  29. MD500_Pilot

    Towed Teslas at SFO, after getting unplugged?

    Ah, maybe that was what he was referring to as he specifically told me it happened when the temperature dropped. I guess that is the price we pay (vampire drain) for all of the onboard systems and top of the line tech in our cars. FWIW I don't think 1% a day is that bad.
  30. MD500_Pilot

    Parting out a 85 D model S 2015

    I would be interested in the floor load floor for the Model S (part # 1005534). I noticed mine on my 2017 is made from pretty crappy material while several of my friends 2015s have a very rugged load floor made from hard plastic material instead of particle board (or whatever they are using...
  31. MD500_Pilot

    Buy parts from salvaged Model S and X

    I would be interested in the floor load floor for the Model S (part # 1005534). I noticed mine on my 2017 is made from pretty crappy material while several of my friends 2015s have a very rugged load floor made from hard plastic material instead of particle board (or whatever they are using...
  32. MD500_Pilot

    200 vs 400amp service

    I agree, no-brainer for $600. If you have two EVs @ 80A each charging at the same time in summer and want to kick on the AC and your dryer, you will really be happy you spent the extra $600! (IMO).
  33. MD500_Pilot

    Towed Teslas at SFO, after getting unplugged?

    Shortcomings? I thought ALL EVs were subject to vampire drain in some way or another. My neighbor's leaf loses a lot of battery when the temps drop! I am a pilot and I park my Model S on my aircraft parking spot (once for two weeks). I put it in sleep mode and lost about 15% over the Christmas...
  34. MD500_Pilot

    Keep the spare tire in the frunk or remove it?

    Yeah I heard in the day the stuff was dangerous but I guess they changed it up a bit. I was thinking the fix-a-flat might be better than a 4-hour wait for a "Tesla Enabled" tow truck driver :-)
  35. MD500_Pilot

    Keep the spare tire in the frunk or remove it?

    My buddy says he always carriers (and has had to use) fix-a-flat with him in his S....
  36. MD500_Pilot

    Keep the spare tire in the frunk or remove it?

    I didn't get a spare with my S, was that an extra option?
  37. MD500_Pilot

    Did you name your Model S, and if so, what?

    KillaWatt, well cause that is what I do every time we drive it....
  38. MD500_Pilot

    Change to Climate Control in Tesla App after 46.2

    hummm... I have the latest Tesla app, no luck on the defroster controls....I see that I can control my heated seats and steering wheel, but still no defroster controls.
  39. MD500_Pilot

    Change to Climate Control in Tesla App after 46.2

    I also got 48.12.1 yesterday and yet I still do not have my defrosters, seat heaters, etc. It was 48 degrees here this morning (OAT) so maybe you are correct in that it needs to be at or below 40°.
  40. MD500_Pilot

    Will be away for a week - is it OK to leave car unplugged?

    So jumping in here, I will be leaving my S100D parked on the airport ramp where there is no power for 11 days. I do have TeslaFi (which thankfully I now know to shut off). If I were to charge to 90% and tell the car to sleep and shut off TeslaFi, I assume that I would come home to enough power...
  41. MD500_Pilot

    New laser and glass puddle light

    $24.00 for the set 2 Car Door LED Shadow Courtesy Light Projector White For TESLA MODEL X S 3 14-18 7601478405347 | eBay
  42. MD500_Pilot

    New laser and glass puddle light

    I have these. they look really good at night....
  43. MD500_Pilot

    Change to Climate Control in Tesla App after 46.2

    OK, so prior to the update I was able to kick on my defrosters by selecting any temperature around 80F or higher. Now, even when my windows are completely covered and I select HIGH I cannot get my defrosters to come on. Based on what I am reading, it sounds like Tesla may have made changes to...
  44. MD500_Pilot

    Blonde, Tesla and Gas Station - WHAT CAN GO WRONG ?

    Yeah, looks like the person shooting the video is in a Model 3 :-) But funny anyway...
  45. MD500_Pilot

    How accurate ( or inaccurate ) is your local speed limit display

    Interesting. I am in SoCal as well (Carlsbad) and I have noticed that the speed limits that I am seeing match the posted limit about 90% of the time. I also have driven back and forth to Phoenix three times and the speed limits matched almost always there as well. I wonder if it is just a...
  46. MD500_Pilot

    Software Update 2018.48.x

    Thank You, I will give this a try and see what happens!
  47. MD500_Pilot

    Change to Climate Control in Tesla App after 46.2

    Yep, this is how is used to work for me until I upgraded to 46.2, now it no longer does....
  48. MD500_Pilot

    Change to Climate Control in Tesla App after 46.2

    It came on automatically (and showed you via the defroster icons in the app) when you set the temp to 80 or higher.