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Model Y Owner
Supporting Member
Jan 17, 2013
Cambridge, MA
I had a great afternoon with the Model S. Got four great tickets by the first base dugout and a parking pass for today's Sox-Royals game in a silent auction 10 days ago (at a charity benefit at the Seaport Hotel, where I charged for free in a space right next to the elevators). Took our son and a friend and his son. Picked them up early because they wanted to check out the Tesla so after a brief jaunt at speed on Route 2 we took Memorial Drive to the BU Bridge and Fenway. Our parking was in the Ipswich St. Garage, which meant we turned into Lansdowne St., needing the help of police to stop people crossing long enough to get in. It was quite an unusual drive down the block - an EV is not the best car to drive through/behind a crowd of people heading to a ball park. I opened the sunroof and turned up the music some, but mostly tapped on the horn periodically. We got some interesting looks and more than a few "that's a Tesla!" comments - didn't notice anyone taking photos but I was focused on avoiding people including a very tempting guy dressed as a bowling pin advertising a bowling alley nearby! Had to stop for a bit when we got to the line at one of the entrances, so that two policemen could part the crowds Moses-like, enabling us to drive through. I wish my son had taken some photos or video - it was quite an experience and I hope some good visibility for the Model S.

When I discovered the lot was valet - my first valet experience - I quickly turned on creep and gave him a rundown as he'd never driven one before. I also half-jokingly informed him that I had an app that can show the car's location at any time, to which he replied "so we should take it to the airport?" giving him and his fellow driver a good laugh. We returned to find they had parked it in the best, most visible spot by the entrance.

Though the game's outcome was disappointing (4-2 loss), the weather, atmosphere, friends, Fenway Franks and the drive there and back made for a great day. My friend repeatedly said "I love your car" and mentioned his 120-mile drive to their place near Provincetown would be perfect when we discussed range. Perhaps a future Gen III customer, or even Model X?
Saw "Got four great tickets" in the context of the Model S and started thinking you had a really fun day on the highway. :) Thanks for sharing the story.

Still getting lots of gawkers every day in the Boston area, especially now that the 21" shoes are on. The dark gray wheels go great with the dark gray color. It's clear that far more people in Boston recognize the car vs. people in Maine that just look suspiciously at it, like WTF is that? It does feel a little out of place next to pickups with off roading wheels, but then again, we're not off road. That said, they still rip it off the line with modified exhaust while I cruise quietly past them! WTF indeed.
Is it just me or are everyone's model s's getting a lot more attention since the Consumer Reports review was all over the media Thursday/Friday? I had many looks and a couple of honks over the weekend and lots today on a drive to/from Hartford, including a guy taking a photo at 70+ mph on I-84 (passenger) then giving a big thumbs up.
I was driving home late on Friday night, I look over there's a dude with his window rolled down all "thumbs up" yelling "Tesla Tesla Tesla", he either read the review or was a TSLA long :). Mind you I was dring at 70MPH on the Expressway, not exactly conducive to a long conversation :)
A few interesting comments in the past few days:

- a 4th or 5th grader in my son's school asked if he could take a picture of the car during pick-up
- at the 99, after charging, an employee stated "boy, the Italians got it right"
- similarly, on the way home yesterday, a motorist on the other side of the road yelled out 'nice Maseratti"

That's this week.
I'm parked working on my laptop at the Fells park right now, and a middle-aged woman with a dog walked up a few minutes ago.

"Is that one of those electronic cars?"
"Yes, it's electric. It's a Tesla."
"I gotta tell you that car is smokin' hot! I was next to one the other day and it pulled out, I had to look at the back to see what kind it was - Tesla - so I looked it up. Saw some great things about it."

We talked a little more about how it drives, then she had to go back to her dog.

This is one reason why sometimes I will take what might be a slightly longer route home via a more populated area e.g. Harvard Square, and try to park in visible spots. I figure the more people who see the car up close, the more support for the brand.
I'm parked working on my laptop at the Fells park right now, and a middle-aged woman with a dog walked up a few minutes ago.

"Is that one of those electronic cars?"
"Yes, it's electric. It's a Tesla."
"I gotta tell you that car is smokin' hot! I was next to one the other day and it pulled out, I had to look at the back to see what kind it was - Tesla - so I looked it up. Saw some great things about it."

We talked a little more about how it drives, then she had to go back to her dog.

This is one reason why sometimes I will take what might be a slightly longer route home via a more populated area e.g. Harvard Square, and try to park in visible spots. I figure the more people who see the car up close, the more support for the brand.

Something else to add to the pros list:
Use to pick up middle aged women...

In all seriousness, I am worried about a perceived image I would give to co-workers, customers, etc. If I was buying a $40k Ford Explorer or Toyota Highlander and spending $5,000/yr on gas, no one would care. The cost of gas, financing and purchase price would be the same after about 6 years if purchasing a base 60.
Something else to add to the pros list:
Use to pick up middle aged women...

In all seriousness, I am worried about a perceived image I would give to co-workers, customers, etc. If I was buying a $40k Ford Explorer or Toyota Highlander and spending $5,000/yr on gas, no one would care. The cost of gas, financing and purchase price would be the same after about 6 years if purchasing a base 60.

Believe me. I wasn't trying to pick her up.

As for your situation, are any of these people likely to drive a BMW 5, Mercedes E or Audi A6? If so you might position the Model S as in the same price range but more capacity and cheaper to operate. More than that, your choice of the Model S can give you the image of an innovator - usually considered to be a good thing.
Believe me. I wasn't trying to pick her up.

As for your situation, are any of these people likely to drive a BMW 5, Mercedes E or Audi A6? If so you might position the Model S as in the same price range but more capacity and cheaper to operate. More than that, your choice of the Model S can give you the image of an innovator - usually considered to be a good thing.

Still...it could be considered a plus of the MS....:rolleyes:

Agree totally about the cost reality/perception disconnect people have. My father-in-law is in the market for an E-Class. Keeps complaining to me about the price (easily affordable by them) and then laughs and says something along the lines of "here I am trying to justify the price of an E-Class to the guy who just boought a Tesla". Of course after 5 +/- years I am pretty sure I'm the guy with the less expensive, far superior vehicle.
My office is in a "downtown" area in a relatively small town in the metrowest where pretty much everybody knows each other. Now, I'm known as the Tesla Guy since I got my MS back in September. :). I get stopped all the time by people on the street who are curious. Sometimes I will end up driving them around the town with most of them leaving the car with huge Tesla grin!