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I am person that believes in anything in this so-called universe , cosmos , what ever you want in dreams to reality everyone could have it.
"Believe mindfully in constance thoughts anything you so believe in and ,slowly watch how forces surround that idea and bring your ideas with others in the same ,to full reality that you had envisioned."
A side note ,if anytime believe in and other share that same thoughts of some event or ideas and mindfully built in failure or bad idea ,it surely will
happen to make that reality happen with same thoughts as other effect either positive or negative outcome what ever you proceed .
a true as that old saying says. "Watch What You Wish For"
We ,meaning you!! ,everyone has this capability to generate this and effect others. Not to say you are physically or consciously planning to do wrong ,but you are setting up a chain of events effect idea or way of thinking to effect others.
Only if your thoughts with others will either make it or break it for this car that you wanted or not. Elon did this for us, but theres always someone with same power that will stop it for what ever reason.
But sadly I have noticed that we want the best , myself included , if you think of all negative aspects and never look at the big picture it spreads quickly like wild fire possibly could happen that my friends cause this car,space x etc, come trumbling down. Not just by a single person thought but majority in thinking in this way. Truely any success , think first, analyze , research, ask questions, get to that final decision most IMPORTANT believe in heart, mind, sole, and body. I Know Elon Musk is constantly thinking this secret , to make his dreams full reality, this fact worked for top 3 % that know this. If your thoughts like 97% others out there ,like me ,just keep thinking like masses have and become slaves and changes will never happen. SECRET to change you and this world , way it runs , if you want that dream its in you. it's just like quantum mechanics , it's real , know how to use it , can be oneway road ,or multiple ones. Thanks for reading i know its long but hope it gives everyone more positive insights to what you see around you. Life here is short, time controls us all. Beleive in new better future for everyone. Thanks!!!

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January 20
Warren, Michigan
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