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adsheff's latest activity

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    adsheff reacted to MidBaz's post in the thread New Navigation Supercharger Prediction with Like Like.
    For the sake of correctness, the op said '<25'. Still seems like a long wait though and much more than I've ever experienced (thus...
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    adsheff replied to the thread Hows your adaptive high beam?.
    I should add another issue i had is excessively bright reflective signs on dark A roads - the Tesla only occasionally dimmed these...
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    adsheff reacted to GeorgeSymonds's post in the thread Hows your adaptive high beam? with Like Like.
    I believe a number of companies offer a total/turnkey solutions to the adaptive headlights, but Tesla would prefer to reuse the sensors...
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    So I noticed that the navigation has changed the way it displays superchargers' availability. It previously showed live data when you...
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    adsheff reacted to Durzel's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    Apropos of nothing but I was sitting in a Tesla service centre recently while my car was having some work done, and it was one of those...
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    adsheff reacted to karlos22's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    I have had mine set to manual since I bought the car so generally it doesn’t bother me too much, until they forced auto wipers with...
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    adsheff reacted to buss's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    I'm a pretty rational guy, before buying a Tesla I saw the post about wipers and thought "how bad can they really be. People probably...
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    adsheff reacted to MB11's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    I’ve given up on the wipers, only ever use manual control now. I know many say they aren’t fiddling with the software but since the last...
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    adsheff reacted to Bootneckshuffl's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    Did a drive and back to York yesterday. Wipers were shockingly bad. Go like the clappers in light drizzle and massive pauses whilst it’s...
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    adsheff reacted to s_zigmond's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    Joining for the inevitable "my wipers work perfectly" comments from certain members :D
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    adsheff reacted to Durzel's post in the thread Auto Wipers with Like Like.
    Don't worry Elon said "actually smart auto wiper software releases in about 3 weeks": That was back in June 2023 though. No one...
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    adsheff replied to the thread Hows your adaptive high beam?.
    They seem to work well. Anyone know why the car was built with this hardware but only now has had it activated? It's not like it's a...
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    adsheff reacted to NewbieT's post in the thread Hows your adaptive high beam? with Like Like.
    I’m liking the matrix lights. However, not everyone has 20/20 vision and eyes in perfect health. ‘Incredibly bright’ for some means...
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    adsheff reacted to Gnomeface's post in the thread Hows your adaptive high beam? with Like Like.
    I live in a small village, mainly one-way streets, some without street lighting. Driving through after dark last night in unlit one-way...
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    adsheff reacted to Craigm86's post in the thread Hows your adaptive high beam? with Like Like.
    Had the 2024.8.7 update for a week or so and today was the first day the car really put adaptive high beam to the test. So far so good i...