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Recent content by KelvinMace

  1. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    No, in the states. I loved Kelvin Mace. The art style, the black humor, and was disappointed it didn't continue. My other favorite from that era was another short-lived title, Stig''s Inferno.
  2. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Back from my days when I managed a comic book store.
  3. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    I have had v12.3.6 try to turn left in front of oncoming traffic on two occasions now in the same place. Also, I have had it change lanes to make a turn into a lane obstructed by a disabled car with its flashers on, and would have proceeded to merrily slam into it, save for my intervention. It...
  4. KelvinMace

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    But, it seems to want to go somewhere, since it will initiate turns. I have been tempted to see where it takes me, but haven't had the time.
  5. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    It would be absolutely unrealistic to expect no accidents since there are too many variables and specifically, still loads of non-FSD cars on the road. Also, safety features only work when used, i.e., seat belts, ADAS.
  6. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    The other issue with the trolley problem is that it takes place on tracks, allowing for only two possible 100% fatal outcomes, and ignores braking (mitigation). In the real world with a car, I have multiple paths and braking. I don't think there would be sufficient time for a driver to register...
  7. KelvinMace

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    I have seen now indication FSD "learns" on the fly. In fact, I have instances where it started out handling things OK, then regressed. I started 12.3.6 with FSD finding and turning into both my home and work driveways. Then it just started overshooting them.
  8. KelvinMace

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    I have a LOT of problems with v12.3.6 and speed limit signs. On a well marked, new section of highway with a 55 mph speed limit, it will suddenly decide the speed limit is 30 mph, and slows accordingly. I also have problems in school zones. FSD sees the pavement marking, slows down, but then...
  9. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    The polls have been highly unreliable for the last six years. They keep predicting GOP wins, and the GOP keeps losing. The Corporate Media™ and polling companies have a financial interest in claiming the elections are tight, or flat out favoring the political Right. The GOP is not a lock in the...
  10. KelvinMace

    Tesla in crisis?

    I have no desire to put more money into Tesla while a vile bigot and right-wing conspiracy nut is running the company.
  11. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    The trolley problem also takes place on tracks, so one only has a choice of two specific, unalterable paths. Such is not the case with a car. Also, the choices in the trolley problem is a choice between one 100% fatality, or multiple 100% fatalities. In a scenario with a hitting a car versus...
  12. KelvinMace

    System down - production compensation

    Dude, I check my production daily. Why would you not do the same? Hell, at least weekly. I doubt you have much of a case unless you have some kind of guarantee of uptime, which I doubt.
  13. KelvinMace

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Not if they were on the sidewalk.;)
  14. KelvinMace

    Did Tesla really lay off their entire Supercharger staff

    The advantage of the SC network to non-Tesla drivers is not speed, but reliability. A 350kW EA charger is not really helpful if it doesn't work.