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Recent content by MattH

  1. M

    2024.20.1 w/Matrix Headlights

    Same. I can tell no difference after installing.
  2. M

    Drivers Seat feels uneven

    Thanks, I think it is probably how the car feels, especially when turning, due to the seat being so spongy, it does not have great support, comfortable to sit in, but probably should be firmer for driving. The new ludicrous seats probably solve this completely.
  3. M

    Drivers Seat feels uneven

    Drivers Seat feels uneven Is there no way to edit a title?? Okay, this could be total perception, or come down to lack of bolstering/support and how soft the foam is, but I cannot get it out of my head that it feels like the drivers seat in Model 3 leans slightly to the left. I have not...
  4. M

    Acceleration boost taxed from redeemed referral point?

    That is encouraging, so no message in the app like this screenshot I found on the web? So it seems software upgrades may fall into a grey area, as I have not been able to verify anywhere that anyone has received this message in the app after redeeming for software. Thanks!
  5. M

    Acceleration boost taxed from redeemed referral point?

    That is good info, thanks for sharing. With it being tax season, hoping someone on here has used some credits and has some information on how it affected their tax return. I saw elsewhere on the net, someone was given an aprox value of .08 a mile on "free" supercharging miles on a 1099 from...
  6. M

    Acceleration boost taxed from redeemed referral point?

    Did anyone receive a form 1099 from Tesla after redeeming referral credits to purchase acceleration boost, if so how much were you taxed? Or any other redemption of credits being taxed for that matter, specifically trying to understand how they tax software redeemed credits. Thanks!
  7. M

    2023 Holiday Update Imminent

    Viper comes to mind. I believe the 80’s chirp chirp is already included with Teslas offerings.
  8. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    We will be getting it (USS Cars) and the fact that it has been left off of the USS cars in this release puts the writing firmly on the wall that when we do get it, they will deactivate the USS, which sucks, especially because the cars that have them typically costs a lot more because they...
  9. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    another short clip
  10. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    yeah I considered that, but after more thought, the "Birdseye" screenshot looks like a sloppy pile of crap compared to the incredibly accurate USS coupled with live cameras that cars with USS currently have. So I wondered how this would be implemented, I assume side by side with cameras idk, I...
  11. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    got the app update referencing 2023.44.30, assuming car update will not be far behind.
  12. M

    Any tricks or tools for removing the aero wheel center caps?

    How do you remove these? I have them, and there is no easy way to get them off either.
  13. M

    Access front Radiator / Leave & Dirt removal

    I saw this, similar cleaning
  14. M

    Access front Radiator / Leave & Dirt removal

    Please report back how this method goes, sounds promising. thx
  15. M

    2017-2020 vs 2021-2023 OEM Glass roof sunshades

    Thanks for the response! I actually have a decent set of 3rd party shades, but it does not cover the entire back window, Tesla OEM appears to be a little lighter and can be used safely while covering the entire back window, so that would be my only interest in the OEM shades, price is obnoxious tho.