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Recent content by thegruf

  1. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    @andyorkney mobile service is interesting, especially if you get that in Orkney! Your experience confirms what I said above, the techs (when you actually get through to them are great, as they are in most places to be fair), it's just the layers of obfuscation at administrative level that...
  2. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    That slightly goes into the sh*t happens category, and actually I doubt Tesla did that unnecessarily, maybe staff sickness or the like. Yet again though, had you been able to call them for a quick chat, maybe they could have understood your circumstances and rearranged plans accordingly. As it...
  3. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    Wrong (now). Tesla have now got ahead of you on this, you can't even arrange an appointment without agreeing to their charges first, which in my case they remotely incorrectly assessed the problem. Hence I call obnoxious as I have been forced to agree to charges that are not even correct to...
  4. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    I had this too, a cracked rear bumper cover where someone/something had hit it. Took a little persuasion but to be fair they fixed it foc without too much fuss. Lesson is to ALWAYS take photos of you car when you leave it at a service centre (same with loan vehicles for that matter) (actually...
  5. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    Don't get me wrong the Service Techs are great (as they are in most places) ... when you can get to actually talk to them. It's the unnecessarily idiotic system designed to irritate the heck out of the customer in the first place that frustrates. And the whole concept of we can take >£500 from...
  6. thegruf

    Is this for real? Passport and driving license upload or you can drive your tesla!

    aha - fake news - I guess I must have survived (wife needed somebody to nag apparently). So if you haven't got my millions - I would love to help. I'll ask my Nigerian cousin to get in touch for the bank details. Don't worry if he asks you for a deposit, it is just to authenticate the account...
  7. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    zero communication, or ability to communicate prior to even being able to book an appointment, with a dreamt up invoice which incorrectly assesses the problems? Definitely not the experience I had with BMW, Mercedes, Audi (who's dealers were so utterly crap in different ways they drove me away...
  8. thegruf

    Is this for real? Passport and driving license upload or you can drive your tesla!

    always wondered if I had a long lost brother ...
  9. thegruf

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    as the title says really. just over 6 months ago took the ModelS into service for a new front drive unit after one of their techs confirmed it was faulty (had the issue for 30K miles but Tesla refused to accept it on earlier visits). The thing with that visit was that Tesla arranged it when the...
  10. thegruf

    Fisker ocean - UK forum

    it's such a mess, if they manage to lose customer deposits, fair chance they have no idea where the cars are either
  11. thegruf

    Fisker ocean - UK forum

    Too many people calling Fisker downfall unfortunate. Myself and many others could see this coming years ago, but the way this business was approached given that all the lessons Tesla and others put on full display for others to learn from, just screams recklessness. Just designing a good...
  12. thegruf

    Hows your adaptive high beam?

    I agree - to a point. Like all such technology they rely on being able to detect an oncoming vehicle and when that doesn't work they are insanely bright and literally left after-images on my retinas which is outright exceptionally dangerous ... and what about pedestrians, cyclists other road...
  13. thegruf

    Wiki UK Tesla contact information and Acronyms

    2024 - Shouldn't this thread just be deleted now as you basically cannot contact Tesla in any meaningful way? Recent service experience was so loathsome I almost told them to just keep the car ... except I couldn't even contact them to say that. Why Telsa have to go out of their way to make...
  14. thegruf

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    lots! in fact LOTS!!! as ever with insurance it is a statistical bet. The insurance company with make money else they wouldn't offer it. Let's say out of £900 pa they make £300, so you are looking at the likelihood of £1800 worth of failures in 3 years. Tesla labour is £150 ph? Mostly the...
  15. thegruf

    OCTOPUS are an absolute (bad) joke - beware of dealing with them

    yikes (and thanks) - I'd have to join X (Twitter) which I've avoided for years