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Recent content by WilberDaForce

  1. W


    Ha ha - am I slow - just worked out EM!
  2. W


    EM? I have Unruly on my wish list.
  3. W


    I have to say the Audible updgrade is great. So handy to have it as a native app. So fair play to the Tesla team for this. On this audio front I would like to see: - Paid podcasts working (I subscribe to Rest of History and it doesn’t come up - have googled and seems this is an issue) - BBC...
  4. W

    2024.20 headlights Finally

    We got it a month or so ago in London - but it doesn’t get dark until around 9-10 pm at this time of year so I’ve only tried it once! (Young kids curfew)
  5. W

    Wiki Restricted UK Supercharger sites - parking restrictions / registering / pay to park etc

    I think someone at Tesla messed up that deal with the hotel. I go past it a lot on m25 and it seems pretty empty. Must be a colossal waste of investment and generate minimal amounts - prices are also set pretty low.
  6. W

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Yeah but you have Monkey World and Tank Museum - so win!
  7. W

    Leasing from Tesla and speeding fines…

    Getting their stance from their Gov’s missing in the UK… https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2023-09-14/hcws1030
  8. W

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I tried out the 300KW ones on the north side - pretty good. Other than the price per KWH! But good to have options in Tesla drought areas which are reliable and simple.
  9. W

    Positive Service Experience!

    Good to hear. I found Acton/Hangar Lane very pleasant to deal with but then they didn’t put the pressure monitor back on tyre properly making me think I had a slow leak! KwikFit at the end of my road found that out when I took it in and kindly sorted it out for free
  10. W

    Daft Liverpool decision to ban EVs from car park

    I note they didn’t even commit to reviewing their daft policy… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c90zjne2v0jo
  11. W

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Might be confusion here as minimum in UK is 2 - might be EU wide? Is zero allowed US?
  12. W

    Battery Charging routine

    From what I have read on here basically Tesla manages the battery very well and really just follow the current instructions. Charge for daily use up to 80% but don’t be worried about going above that if needed when setting off on longer trips. It seems like you can endlessly agonise over this if...
  13. W

    UK - FSD, Motorways, Regulation

    So there’s a lot of talk today stateside about a free month of FSD trial. Is there any news as to when FSD might come to the UK? Do regulations now allow it? If not, when might they? Is there any scope for road limited FSD? For examples, that it can engaged say on Motorways or A(M) roads...
  14. W

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    These are definitely needed - a real regular queue point when I’ve gone past (I’ve only used them once myself as quite close to home).
  15. W

    Auto Wipers

    They deffo don’t work very well in UK drizzle - which has been 95% of my driving conditions in Feb-March 2024