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  1. M

    Why are the dual chargers only 72A instead of 80A?

    At first I thought it was just a Model X dual charger limitation of 72A, but now the facelift model S are also limited to 72A? Any one know why they would design a single charger 40A and then the 2nd charger to only be +32A more? Any one have a good explanation for this? Thx!
  2. M

    Slow supercharging in hot weather?

    its been quite hot in California the last week or so. Still 100F outside at 8:30pm. Supercharging starts out very fast at 120kw the. Very quickly drops to 36kw. Repluging raises back to 60kw then drops to 36kw again. Is this due to pack temperature?
  3. M

    Easy to get L2 charger installed in HK?

    I'm visiting HK soon and would love to hear from some owners their experience about installing L2 chargers in their residences...hard? easy? Would also like to know how electricity is billed in HK... Thanks!
  4. M

    Free Destination Charging: 50x L2 80A Stations @ Caltech, Pasadena, CA

    We've been trying to increase EV adoption and transportation sustainability @ Caltech in Pasadena, CA. It took a couple months to get the design in place and things approved, but we have finally started construction. The system is designed to satisfy the needs of a substantial number of EVs, not...
  5. M

    What do you think of this Model S front bumper design?

    A couple months back, I asked my buddy, Duke, to design a new front bumper for my MS...Here's the latest sketch, what do you guys think? Open to comments and suggestions! If there's enough interest, we're thinking of putting together a group buy for the initial run of 20 kits...Material will be...
  6. M

    Possible to go from Gilroy, CA to Tejon, CA in one charge?

    Skipping Harris Ranch? Is this possible in P85? If so at what speed? Thanks!