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  1. vapor trail

    Anyone with pre-refresh Model S have FSD 12?

    As someone (I suppose a sucker) who paid for FSD when purchasing my car in 2019, I'm irked to be stuck in FSD 11.x while Musk brags about how all new cars will include test drive showing off the virtues of FSD and that everyone is getting a free trial. I have no problem with anyone getting a...
  2. vapor trail

    Warranty HV battery replacement: anything to check or lookout for? (oh, and Tesla service was great)

    2019 Raven Model S was bricked a little over a week ago while driving to work. Car has ~34k miles. Minimal exposure to superchargers. Mostly charge at home, usually keeping SoC between 40-70%. Tesla service was honestly terrific. Minutes after I scheduled service via app, I was messaged by SC...
  3. vapor trail

    Extended warranty: anyone regret NOT getting one?

    My 2019 Model S is recently past its 4 year warranty. Have been debating the pros and cons of getting third party extended coverage. Been leaning toward not getting coverage. Curious if anyone made same choice to forgo coverage and now regrets it after incurring expensive repairs.
  4. vapor trail

    HW4 sensor suite and hi-res camera updates?

    Anyone have info on this? Curious of implications for every Tesla equipped with FSD built before this upgrade. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-prepares-to-launch-autopilot-hw4-sensor-suite-with-important-changes-under-the-hood-208434.html
  5. vapor trail

    Will Mercedes jump to level 3 before Tesla? Looks like it.

    I'm not a software engineer or AI expert by any stretch, but I have to wonder if Tesla Vision will ever deliver what we've been promised. Current iteration of autonomous driving beta is still quite wonky. Phantom braking persists, and for me that means leaving autopilot off most of the time. My...
  6. vapor trail

    those of us in beta testing program, are we missing out on holiday updates?

    Title says it all. Those of us beta testing (and getting FSD related firmware updates), are we not going to get the recently released holiday updates (2021.44.25 Official Tesla Release Notes - Software Updates) or will these features get packaged in with FSD updates?
  7. vapor trail

    Just installed 10.4 (2021.36.8.5). Any tips/tricks/advice?

    After my safety score reached 99 a couple of days back, today I was prompted to install FSD 10.4. Tomorrow morning will be first chance to test while on way to work. I know there are other threads discussing FSD experience, but many are insanely long and a bit unwieldy to get through. For...
  8. vapor trail

    Anyone regret joining FSD-beta fleet?

    If so, why? Sitting at 99 and hoping to have chance to join soon. Would appreciate insight, favorable or not, into the experience.
  9. vapor trail

    Lucid Air 360 deg view.

    Moderator note: Combining posts from two threads on the same topic. https://insideevs.com/news/545761/lucid-air-360degree-aerial-view/ I still find it absurd that bleeding edge tech Tesla doesn't provide a basic birdseye view, considering that feature is available for cars in the budget price...
  10. vapor trail

    FSD beta coming to 98?

    I thought I read on some post that Musk tweeted Tesla will start pushing FSD beta to us sorry saps sitting at 98 this Friday. Am I hallucinating wishful thoughts?
  11. vapor trail

    FSD beta v9 release date: this Saturday?

    Not holding my breath, but I'll keep watch to see what actually (if anything) materializes. Still, won't be released to the masses so soon, even if the beta testers get the download. https://electrek.co/2021/07/08/elon-musk-tesla-launch-mind-blowing-full-self-driving-beta-v9-saturday/
  12. vapor trail

    Remember when Musk promised swapping batteries instead of charging?

    I recall a period fairly early on when Musk was touting future changes at superchargers where customers would be able to simply swap out batteries on the fly for fully charged battery packs. I think he was arguing it would be faster than filling a tank of gas. I never thought that was a...
  13. vapor trail

    Update enables cabin camera for driver monitoring....I guess excluding models S & X?

    As far as I'm aware neither Model S or X have the cabin cameras present in 3/Y. I always thought that was an odd "feature" discrepancy, but never cared since I hardly planned on using my car in Musk's imaginary robotaxi fleet. Now the camera is being enabled to monitor driver attention while...
  14. vapor trail

    What's your predicted loyalty to Tesla whenever replacing current car?

    Curious what the sentiments are out there. I have to admit, as problems with my 2019 Performance Raven continue to go unfixed (eg, front half shaft "death rattle"), as I grow more and more skeptical of ever seeing anything close to FSD and as the competition matures from other, more traditional...
  15. vapor trail

    FSD beta for all?

  16. vapor trail

    Beyond HW3.0 -- does FSD purchase pay for future hardware upgrades?

    Tesla partners with Samsung on new 5nm chip for full self-driving, report says - Electrek Just read article above, which speculates on future changes to FSD processor chips. If HW3.0 isn't the final package Tesla uses for FSD implementation, are those of us who've purchased the FSD package...
  17. vapor trail

    Is anyone impressed with the overly-hyped "holiday update"?

    Based on what I've read about 2020.48.26, the update is quite modest and certainly doesn't live up to all the twitter teasing and subsequent anticipation of late. Sounds like the highlights are the boombox and a few more games. From what I've read, only the newest Teslas manufactured with...
  18. vapor trail

    Bird's eye view coming?

    Well, I hope it's true.. Tesla to offer bird’s eye view through Autopilot camera in FSD package - Electrek
  19. vapor trail

    OK, two buckets wizards, please show me the way...

    I'm a total noob at the concept of two bucket technique. Never been an expert at detailing. But don't want others handling my car during the pandemic and feel pangs of guilt using automated car wash. Anyone who has a simple technique for getting their cars looking all shiny and new (that...
  20. vapor trail

    back up camera updates - unimpressed

    Drove car for the first time since installing latest firmware with the back up camera update that adds the side repeater views. Although I appreciate Tesla trying to offer us more of a 360 degree view, I'm not impressed with the results. First, the backup camera screen now covers the homelink...
  21. vapor trail

    premium connectivity

    The free year of premium connectivity on my 12 month old Model S just expired. I went to my account on Tesla website and subscribed to premium subscription today. Premium maps functions not working. No live traffic or satellite views. Anyone else have this issue? Resolution? I've tried...
  22. vapor trail

    Sheesh, I didn't realize my supercharger miles expire

    Wasn't even on my radar to look for it, but I noticed when checking my loot box in the Tesla app that my remaining supercharger miles expire 1 year after my purchase date. That's lame. I came from a 2015 Model S that had FUSC for life. Took delivery of my new Model S in June, 2019 and have 12...
  23. vapor trail

    2020.12.11.1 and intermittent wipers

    Tried using wipers during some light rain yesterday. Intermittent settings were acting totally wacky. Full speed ahead for both. Didn't have this issue a couple of months ago. Anyone else notice same problem?
  24. vapor trail

    referral code success?

    Anyone buying a Model Y have success using a referral code? A friend of mine is getting a Y and was notified by Tesla sales rep that the referral codes don't apply when purchasing a Model Y. Seemed like an odd restriction.
  25. vapor trail

    Anyone have death rattle come and go?

    My car intermittently has the so-called death rattle under hard acceleration from a slow speed or a stop. Not sure, but it may be more likely to occur in cooler weather. Not entirely sure. I have suspension set to low. Ludicrous mode (have never tried a Ludicrous+ launch). 2019 Raven model...
  26. vapor trail

    Will all Model S Ravens get the range boost?

    Just curious if anyone has any idea. Is this coming from a software tweak? Hardware (those new glamorous wheels)? Hoping for a firmware update that announces increased range (I'm still on 2020.40.1).
  27. vapor trail

    voice command problems? try this...

    I was one of many complaining about the loss of voice command functionality after the recent slew of updates, including the most recent firmware on my car: 2020.4.1. Turns out I wasn't using the voice command button as Tesla now has it configured. This works: "press and release voice command...
  28. vapor trail

    Ever get "Software update available" after you installed the update?

    Last night I installed 2020.4.1. This morning car displayed the usual update notes, etc. All seemed like business as usual. About an hour ago, Tesla app notified me of a new software update....and it's to install 2020.4.1 Odd!
  29. vapor trail

    I'm gotta vent just a little. Upcoming service center visit...

    Bringing my June 2019 build Raven performance Model S to service center this Friday. Hoping for excellent service. I've been a huge fan of Tesla for years. This is my second Model S. I traded in my 2015 S90D for the new model to get the higher performance as well as all the updated hardware...
  30. vapor trail

    Parking assistance not available

    Anyone ever see this message? My car displayed it on the instrument cluster screen temporarily earlier this week. No apparent cause. Went away spontaneously.
  31. vapor trail

    40.50.1 update completely disabled all voice commands

    No voice commands work after update. I've tried soft/hard reboots to no avail. Lot's of discussion about this also on M3 forums. Anyone have better luck?
  32. vapor trail

    Diminished value claim -- any successes?

    Last month my basically new 2019 (June build/delivery) performance Raven model S was rear-ended on freeway while commuting home from work. Car has 570 miles. Was in pristine condition. I've posted previously about this accident on this forum. Checking back in to see if any other Tesla owners...
  33. vapor trail

    My Raven P100DL was rear-ended this week

    Title says it all. On way home from work in some freeway rush hour traffic. Had come to a gradual stop, along with flow of the traffic. I happened to glance in my rearview mirror to see a white car flying toward me at a very fast clip. With traffic at a full stop in front of me, I was a sitting...
  34. vapor trail

    Autopilot calibration stuck at 98%

    My recently delivered P100DL Raven Model S autopilot has been stuck at 98% since about day 2. I know others have had this issue. Anyone out there know of a fix, short of service center visit? I have a mobile service appointment scheduled in ~ 3 weeks for this. Was hoping to solve it sooner...
  35. vapor trail

    Does the yellow border screen issue occur with the newer Model S?

    Just curious. Is this an issue confined to a certain generation? Since Tesla seems to offer no fix (which I find incomprehensible), I'd be really annoyed to get stuck with a dud.
  36. vapor trail

    Raven Model S: worth it or wait?

    Curious how time with judge the Raven MS. In many ways it's the most refined MS to date (although it lacks options available in prior iterations such as real leather, sunroof and ventilated seats). Add to that the free ludicrous offer to current Tesla owners and it becomes a very tempting...
  37. vapor trail

    California drivers: HOV sticker tips?

    Just received my HOV clean air vehicle stickers. Sheesh, they're big and ugly. Anyone have recommendations on placement? I've seen stickers on the rear quarter panels on the paint and placed lower down on the black plastic trim. Trying to decide which is best. Anyone had success removing from...
  38. vapor trail

    Anyone else preorder a "cubby accessory" months ago? Did you get it?

    I pre-ordered a drawer-like storage accessory for the front console of my Model S many months ago. Never received it. :( If I recall the pictures looked very much like this new item from Evannex: Cubby Compartment for Tesla Model S The product wasn't Evannex at the time. Anyone else order...
  39. vapor trail

    Future S90D to P90D upgrades

    Anyone think Tesla will eventually offer rear motor upgrade to convert S90D to a P90D? Never mind red brake calipers or carbon fiber trunk options. Just the rear motor upgrade and any electronic modifications. Might be a nice way to give new life to an S90 a few years into ownership, and of...
  40. vapor trail

    Not seeing tire pressure app in 7.0

    Am I missing something? I updated to 7.0. Autopilot seems to work as advertised. Problem is, I don't see the tire pressure monitor or app. Do I need to activate something in settings? Thanks.
  41. vapor trail

    On my way to Model S delivery!

    A few weeks back I decided to take the plunge and order the Model S. At the 11th hour, right before I clicked "order" on the website, my wife suggested I call our sales rep one more time and check on any available inventory models that might match up to our selection. Luck would have it there...
  42. vapor trail

    Supercharger capacity

    Anyone concerned that as MS, MX and Model 3 numbers grow (with potential significant numbers in the Model 3 sector) supercharger stations will quickly become saturated and routinely overwhelmed with demand? Perhaps the brain trust at Tesla has all this figured out, but if you quadruple the...
  43. vapor trail

    Emergency braking

    Anyone have any experience with emergency braking in action? I found this display disappointing: Tesla emergency braking system test - YouTube
  44. vapor trail

    19" rims with P90D?

    Still mulling options while waiting for the big MX reveal next week. Anyone out there order 19" rims with performance option on their MS? I know that 21" rims will offer better try condition traction, etc, but I'm not super-enthused about the harsher ride.
  45. vapor trail

    About to pull trigger -- should I wait??

    Very close to pulling the trigger and ordering MS. Right now I can still cash in on PA state rebate, but that will likely expire or go down in value at the end of the calendar year. Sneak peek design studio shots of Model X options have shown new items, such as ventilated/cooled seats and what...