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  1. jkirkwood001

    Megapack sales contact in Canada?

    I represent a renewable energy co-operative in Canada. I'm trying to speak with someone from Tesla about a community-scale Megapack installation in Canada. Tesla Canada's contact page doesn't even list the product! (see below.) Can anyone suggest who to contact or how to proceed? Also, any idea...
  2. jkirkwood001

    Any current recommendations for renting a Tesla starting in Copenhagen heading up to Norway and Sweden?

    We're planning a trip to Iceland (1 week) then Scandinavia (+2-3 weeks) in August of this year. Wishing to rent Tesla for travel. Flexible on dates, and the start and return city for the rental. Thanks!
  3. jkirkwood001

    Poll: Should jbcarioca be reinstated?

    Longstanding member in good order has been disbarred from this forum. I, for one, feel his / her contributions were generally of an exceptionally high quality and very helpful. What do you think?
  4. jkirkwood001

    TuneIn subscription - still getting ads?

    I've had a TuneIn subscription since I got my 2018 Model 3 AWD. Unfortunately I get ads like I haven't paid for it. Do others have a subscription and do you get ads? Is this a Tesla limitation? Thanks!
  5. jkirkwood001

    TMC investors poll

    Oftentimes in the Roundtable thread, people coyly suggest how many shares they own, or at least how many they recently purchased ("Just picked up 50 more chairs on the dip!!"). Others give opinions evidently based on years of investing experience. I'm always curious about the experience behind...
  6. jkirkwood001

    New Model S interior - finally! (from the Q4 report)

  7. jkirkwood001

    Proportion of retail stock by nationality?

    I'm not sure if this has been asked, but is it possible to know the proportion of TSLA retail stock ownership by nationality? In particulier, what proportion of recent US stock owners may need to cash out to pay large tax bills? How significant will this forced sell-off be?
  8. jkirkwood001

    Wards 10 best car infotainment systems / UX - would you believe..?

    Wards just named its 10 best car infotainment systems I don't know what to make of this. Did they just not ask Tesla to submit? Did Tesla decline to submit? Is the judging panel 80-year-old Luddittes?? (Okay cheap shot at 80-year-olds - I know there's many of you who are tech-smart). I mean...
  9. jkirkwood001

    Model Y deliveries to Canada? June? Who?

    I haven't seen this article mentioned yet. Tesla Model Y deliveries beginning in June in Canada Anybody here have a delivery date for their Model Y?
  10. jkirkwood001

    Car won't go into Drive. At all. Ideas?

    I climbed in to my charged M3 and it won't shift into Drive. Anybody see this? Notice top left by battery state is weird. I tried rebooting, no help. Thanks!
  11. jkirkwood001

    POLL: When will Tesla pass VW to become the 2nd most valuable auto manufacturer?

    I've been blown away by the rapid rise in Tesla's market capitalization since June 1, 2018, especially in comparison to the other global auto manufacturers. I have posted regular updates in this forum. As of today Jan 7th, Tesla (TSLA) is worth $84.7 B. VW (VOW), the second most valuable auto...
  12. jkirkwood001

    GF3 to build Model Y in January??

    "Model Y Program Opening Ceremony..." This would be big news. Elon is heading to Shanghai for this. What do you think? Tesla GF3 leak reveals big Model Y announcement at MIC Model 3 delivery event
  13. jkirkwood001

    GF3 to build Model Y in January??

    "Model Y Program Opening Ceremony..." This would be big news. Elon is heading to Shanghai for this. Tesla GF3 leak reveals big Model Y announcement at MIC Model 3 delivery event
  14. jkirkwood001

    3 country, 7,800 mile road trip in 15 days - SAFELY. Range anxiety, oh no! (yawn)

    (©2019 photos are copyright) I recently completed a 7,800 mile (12,500 KM) road trip from Eastern Canada, to Mexico, up to California, and home to Ottawa, ON. I haven't heard of many trips like that so thought I'd post - enjoy! I didn't record a blog for this trip, so I'll just add some notes...
  15. jkirkwood001

    Auto manufacturers market cap - who's climbing? who's sinking?

    In celebration of the Q3 surge to $TSLA, I've updated my chart of market capitalization of all the major auto manufacturers. Tesla ($58.3B) is back up to fourth most valuable auto manufacturer in the world. They just re-passed GM, Honda and BMW. Over the last 3 years, Tesla's market cap has...
  16. jkirkwood001

    Final thoughts - what I'm thinking on the train to pick up my 3

    (First off, regrets to all those who still haven't heard from Tesla - I hope ur car comes soon!) My waiting comes to an end tomorrow morning. And a new journey begins. As I take a peaceful train ride from Ottawa to the Tesla pickup centre in Toronto, the following are on my mind: What is the...
  17. jkirkwood001

    'The reports of Tesla's death are greatly exaggerated'

    The reports of Tesla’s death are greatly exaggerated You tell it like it is, Fred! "...But I was greatly under-estimating the power of word of mouth. I’ve sold or generated great interest in buying the Model 3 for at least 5 different people since I’ve taken delivery of my Model 3 Performance...
  18. jkirkwood001

    Want to know if your M3 is in production yet? Without phoning Tesla?

    So I'm not sure if this is widely publicized yet - excuse me if so - but I think I've found out how you can check yourself if your car is in production yet (and has a VIN, and has a Delivery date). I believe, buried in your account page, is the field indicating if your car is in production yet...
  19. jkirkwood001

    Tesla - Dead for 10 years (CleanTechnica)

    Tesla - Dead for 10 years Great perspective, @ZachShahan - thanks. Shame they're dying now (again) so CleanTechnica will have no Tesla stories to post any more! Soon. Real soon. Honest. For reals this time.
  20. jkirkwood001

    AWD = referral program?

    I ordered an AWD on June 28th and notice today I have a referral code. I thought it was news this was opened to Performance. Now AWD too?
  21. jkirkwood001


    Yowser. Bears - please excuse the pun - repeating from my post in the investor roundtable. Excluding a couple of Chinese and Indian conglomerates, today Tesla became the most valuable automotive company in (most of) the world - more valuable than GM, Ford, Fiat/Chrysler, even more than BMW and...
  22. jkirkwood001

    Poll: When will Tesla open up M3 orders to Europe?

    Great Q2 earnings call. The report says "...Average selling price will remain high for several quarters as we expect a richer mix in the initial wave of Model 3 deliveries to Europe and APAC." I think this is a wiser initiative than immediately jumping into more debt ramping up Model Y, Semi...
  23. jkirkwood001

    Q2 earnings call discussion

    I'm on the Q2 earnings call now, and there are lots of interesting nuggets. For example, the top 5 non-Tesla trade-ins to buy a Model 3 are: Toyota Prius BMW 3 series Honda Accord Honda Civic Nissan Leaf What interested Elon the most about this is that these are mostly trade-ups, i.e. people...
  24. jkirkwood001

    Please add your info to sheet tracking AWD orders (cool summaries!)

    On the Tesla forum, someone started a spreadsheet to track AWD orders. Feel free to add your order if you're interested. I've added a Summary tab with a couple of charts, e.g.: I was curious about where AWD orders were from - northern and mountainous regions? So I added a chart for location...
  25. jkirkwood001

    Supercharger map not working?

    [Edit - solved. Seems pop-up blocker was interfering.] Is it just me, or are others having an issue finding SuperCharger locations at Tesla Findus? The interface seems to have changed, with the four options at bottom no longer popping up.
  26. jkirkwood001

    AWDs on the way to Canada?!?

    I just got my call from Tesla! It's finally feeling real!! (OK, ordering a specific config was half real too ;) I've ordered a red AWD, LR, EAP, 18" wheels - see below. I spoke with Rachel just now calling from the Toronto Lawrence store to confirm my details. No VIN yet, but she suggested I...
  27. jkirkwood001

    6,032 new VINs - all AWD

    Model 3 VINs (@Model3VINs) on Twitter Very cool. The build of M3Ps is on! And it would be especially sweet if my ordered AWD LR were in this set ☺
  28. jkirkwood001

    POLL: Future of Ontario EHVIP Rebate?

    So much speculation! You can assume that Doug Ford's government will execute a change to the EHVIP with the same process and "grandfathering" provision as with past MTO updates, but nothing is for sure. Just for fun, what do you think the future holds?
  29. jkirkwood001

    Invitations opened up! I got mine this morning (reserved January 16th 2018)!

    You might want to check today. I figured I was about 400,000th in line, and they've only manufactured ~38,000 cars so far.
  30. jkirkwood001

    What does your configuration cost?

    I updated the 'International Tesla Cost Estimator' I created to accommodate the new Performance prices - for those with access to the official Tesla Configurator, please let me know if you notice any errors or omissions. For those still waiting for an invite, feel free to use!
  31. jkirkwood001

    International Tesla Cost Estimator - UPDATED for AWD & Perf.

    I updated the Tesla calculator I posted to include Elon's new pricing for the Model 3 AWD and Performance. I think it´s working right - please let me know if you find any issues (the conditional formatting isn´t 100%, but the numbers should be good).
  32. jkirkwood001

    Hmm, D3P in Cdn$ comes out almost exactly to $100K. Coincidence?!?

    The affordable sports car ;)
  33. jkirkwood001

    Tesla bankwupt

    Oh, Elon. Gotta luv him. Elon Musk on Twitter
  34. jkirkwood001

    Production rate reveal... and a new announcement?

    Let's be honest. Lover or hater, the missed production numbers are not an encouraging sign. We're all waiting with baited breath for the Q1 M3 production figure. How close - or how far - will it be from the promised 2,500 / week? And you can't ignore paying the bills forever, no matter how...
  35. jkirkwood001

    Canadian invites coming!

    I predict that once we get past this Q1 deadline and Tesla announces mediocre production numbers that miss their targets (1,500 / week?), they'll begin shipping to Canada to limit the US volume so as to extend the rebate for US buyers while pumping out cars and adding much-needed operational...
  36. jkirkwood001

    Tesla bought out: saviour or curse?

    It's debatable how close to bankruptcy Tesla is - don't start, we'll never agree! - but assuming it was: What would you think if Tesla got bought out to ensure it's continued existence? Would it matter who bought them for you to still buy a Model 3? If only Daimler, Alibaba or Petro China would...
  37. jkirkwood001

    Bloomberg just estimated Tesla has built its 10,000s Model 3. Let's celebrate! No really.

    All those in line are anxious and frustrated that we are waiting for our Model 3. But still, let's celebrate this milestone! Bloomberg Tesla Model 3 Tracker
  38. jkirkwood001

    Souhaitez comparer les coûts estimés de diverses configs Tesla? en Euros?

    There are a number of Model 3 cost calculators out there, but I wanted one that supported all models and options, and calculated all in Canadian dollars, so I made my own. I got carried away :) I've posted for anyone to try out here. Tesla Cost Estimator Features: Create your own Tesla...
  39. jkirkwood001

    Poll: What is most important to you in owning a Tesla?

    There was a discussion in the Canada forum about the roll-back of $14 K rebates on EVs over $75 K. This got me wondering what is the most important reason(s) people want a Tesla. I started a poll in the general Model 3 Ordering section - please add your vote! (it's not 3 specific) Poll: What is...
  40. jkirkwood001

    Poll: What is most important to you in owning a Tesla?

    There was a discussion in the Canada forum about the roll-back of $14 K rebates on EVs over $75 K. This got me wondering what is the most important reason(s) people want a Tesla. I started a poll in the general Model 3 Ordering section - please add your vote! (it's not 3 specific) Poll: What is...
  41. jkirkwood001

    Poll: What is most important to you in owning (or wanting to own) a Tesla?

    This discussion in the Canada forum about the roll-back of $14 K rebates on EVs over $75 K got me to wondering what is the most important reason(s) people want a Tesla. I started a poll in the general Ordering section - please fill out! Poll: What is most important to you in owning (or wanting...
  42. jkirkwood001

    Poll: What is most important to you in owning (or wanting to own) a Tesla?

    I'm fascinated by the Tesla equation - would their cars be as coveted if they were mediocre performers? It's not just about climate change - Tesla hit on so many angles. I'd like to know what about Tesla is most important to you owning one (or wanting to own one). (Anyone know how to conduct a...
  43. jkirkwood001

    Tesla (Model S & X) no longer eligible for Ontario rebate?

    I was checking Ontario's Incentives and Eligible Vehicles page and I swear I used to see the Tesla S and X on this page (a search for "Tesla" even points to this page). It looks like they changed the policy today (March 9). Neither model is there now. Is this policy new which might have...
  44. jkirkwood001

    What colour will Tesla add in year 2/3 to boost sales?

    Since many of us are frustrated and whiney about not getting their Model 3 yet and before the US rebate threshold is reached (don't blame Tesla about the fed and state govs' limited incentives for green energy), let's speculate about something safe! Which colour ("color" in 'murikin) do you...
  45. jkirkwood001

    Wilt u de geschatte kosten van verschillende Tesla-configs vergelijken? in €?

    (I apologize for writing in English, but I thought you might find this helpful) There are a number of Model 3 cost calculators out there, but I wanted one that did it all in Canadian dollars, so I made my own. I got carried away :) I've posted for anyone to try out here. International Tesla...
  46. jkirkwood001

    Want to compare est. costs of various Tesla configs? in local currency?

    There are a number of Model 3 cost calculators out there, but I wanted one that did it all in Canadian dollars, so I made my own. I got carried away :) I've posted for anyone to try out here. International Tesla Cost Estimator 2018-03-02 14_31_57-International Tesla Cost Estimator - Google...
  47. jkirkwood001

    Want to compare the est. costs of various Tesla configs? in CA$?

    There are a number of Model 3 cost calculators out there, but I wanted one that did it all in Canadian dollars, so I made my own. I got carried away :) I've posted for anyone to try out here. International Tesla Cost Estimator 2018-03-02 14_31_57-International Tesla Cost Estimator - Google...