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  1. Mr. Jim

    Supercharger - Tehachapi, CA (permit, 40 stalls)

    Any further word? I have to attend a funeral there next Thursday. I wonder if this is one Tesla has canceled
  2. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

  3. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

    I think at least part of it is a right scroll wheel problem
  4. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

    the crazy thing is that I still get audio from the directional signals and the phone when I call my cell from the house phone when inside the car. I have followed the instructions in the manual for all 3 kinds of reboot the power down works but the soft and hard resets do not turn the...
  5. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

    Towndrunk. When I push and hold the scroll wheels nothing happens. Scott200 I used the power off command from the touchscreen. It did power down and came back up when I hit the screen again after 4-5 minutes in a rapidly heating car. Thanks for all of your comments and questions folks. I...
  6. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

    I’ll try the wheel reset.
  7. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

    I did each of the steps separately. I did this scroll wheels, nothing, I did the tabs above them with the brake, nothing. I turned the car off then on (the car got pretty hot sitting in the sun) then back on, tried the scrollers and tabs, still nothing.
  8. Mr. Jim

    Rebooting does not work

    I got into my MX yesterday and noticed a small audio off icon in my dash. I ignored it for the moment but today I did a longer errand and noticed it was still there. When I got home I decided to reboot but when I tried nothing happened. Then I tried a hard reboot, again nothing happened. I...
  9. Mr. Jim

    Tesla recalls 2 million vehicles to limit use of Autopilot

    So great, a few idiots who could not understand the limitations of the system will now make its use much less convenient.
  10. Mr. Jim

    How many of you will/may transition to CyberTruck?

    Acronyms are rife on this site but this takes the cake. But I'm just an old man with lifetime of free Supercharging... By the way this was a cryptosnark.
  11. Mr. Jim

    Sick and tired

    When we were in Palm Springs right after we bought the car on backing out of the parking spot and driving a few hundred feet I heard a clicking noise like a rock in the tire. I got out and found a 5.8 inch bolt in the tire. I suspect someone put it there deliberately.
  12. Mr. Jim

    2017 Tesla Model S - Key Fob Low Battery

    Ordered a new fob and a technician showed up at our house with it and he set it up.
  13. Mr. Jim

    2017 Tesla Model S - Key Fob Low Battery

    Put 2 new btteries in thinking the first one could be bad. no dice the fob is dead.
  14. Mr. Jim

    2017 Tesla Model S - Key Fob Low Battery

    Hey, thanks. I hope this works.
  15. Mr. Jim

    2017 Tesla Model S - Key Fob Low Battery

    I have a problem with one fob that I replaced the battery but not a Panasonic. It now doesnt work but oddly when I have both fobs in the car it still sets the seat with Jim on the dash like the key only works when the other one is present. Where can I get one of these odd batteries. Definitely...
  16. Mr. Jim

    Maybe I’m overreacting?! 😱 [first curb rash]

    I have curbrash on all 4 wheels and really don't care. I did a couple and my wife finished the job. Kind of like patina on fine silver...
  17. Mr. Jim

    2018 Model X Let me leave home without FOB

    I thought I had hidden my fob in a safe place before going to burning man. The problem is I could not remember where I put the thing when we came back. I searched for several days having to use my wife's fob to get about. I did finally find it in a safe place... Reading the above makes me...
  18. Mr. Jim

    Supercharger - Tejon Ranch, CA (expanded to 24 V2 stalls)

    Stopped by there yesterday and it was a zoo. About 1/2 of the charging stations were inoperative so the arrivals had to find ones that did work. Needless to say there were a lot of times when 2 cars wanted the same slot. Some draped the cord over the charger frame but most of the time not...
  19. Mr. Jim

    New S/X sunroof- 5x more light in

    Sorry, why would I want more light?
  20. Mr. Jim

    Failure to drive off lot

    One has to wonder how they got the damned thing onto the truck.
  21. Mr. Jim

    Tesla goes over cliff-pacific-coast-highway-California-miracle survivors

    The driver has been busted for attempted murder. It just adds to the weirdness.
  22. Mr. Jim

    Further discussion and analysis on why the yoke is not good

    A lot of the fanboys are clearly yoking.
  23. Mr. Jim

    Auto park and summon no longer works for me!

    Neither summon or autopark have worked for me for a long time. I finally gave up.
  24. Mr. Jim

    low tire pressure warning(possible leaking air) how much to fix this?

    I used to get these warnings frequently but it turned out to be false as it went away. Many Costco stores have a nitrogen free air station which I use all the time. Surprising how often I have to add air to my tires.
  25. Mr. Jim

    tire and alignment

  26. Mr. Jim

    tire and alignment

    I'm ready to reshoe my 2018 X, 100D. My local dealer has recommended the Continental brand and I see it is not run flat. I do carry a pump, I know it depends upon the nature to the puncture. Thoughts? 2k installed and aligned.
  27. Mr. Jim

    Could Tesla and other EV's implement a flat towing mode?

    I have a battery driven air pump I keep in my car and it has proved very usefful and allowed me to avoid towing. I could get to the nearest tire store after a couple of refills.
  28. Mr. Jim

    2022 Model X auto park does not work

    Ihave a 2018 July build and mine has never worked properly, just like summon.
  29. Mr. Jim

    Shimmy in steering

    I recently have noticed a slight shimmy as I turn the wheel. Also my sense of steering seems odd. If this was an odd clunker I’d be thinking a loose tie rod or arm. Has anyone else experienced this?
  30. Mr. Jim

    Moving to Alaska with Tesla X

    Watch the seals on your falcon wings too.
  31. Mr. Jim

    Notification when leaving vehicle

    Good idea! but I doubt you will be heard.
  32. Mr. Jim

    Beware of Model X

    Reading all of these issues makes me nervous since my warranty ran out in early August. I'm beginning to feel as though I've been had and am just waiting for the hammer to drop. There are some absurd comments about having a pile of money in reserve to cover inevitable expensive repairs. I...
  33. Mr. Jim

    "Forgotten" iPhone

    That's the perfect excuse to order a plaid. Can I quote you and show it to convince my wife?:cool:
  34. Mr. Jim

    "Forgotten" iPhone

    I inadvertently had my MX “forget” my iPhone and it will no longer synch with it. Any thoughts how to fix this?
  35. Mr. Jim

    Cabin heating at night

    Sorry I didn't explain it well, it was in my garage at night.
  36. Mr. Jim

    Cabin heating at night

    It is in the high 70’s but my X cabin is 95. This has been going on for a long time. Could this be du to sentry?
  37. Mr. Jim

    Mileage shortfall

    You’re likely right
  38. Mr. Jim

    Mileage shortfall

    I’ve recently taken several trips and on return it seemed my battery had lost some range. Last night I took the battery to 100% which I very rarely do and found that amounted to 268 miles. This is short of the nearly 300 I used to see. That’s about 10% down. The car is nearly 5 years old and...
  39. Mr. Jim

    FSD is a fraud

    Kind of like summon...
  40. Mr. Jim

    iPhone Tesla app map

    Hey Marty - that is the exact car I had many years ago. Good that you have kept it in good condition. I sold it when I went off to grad school -- helped to pay bills.
  41. Mr. Jim

    Cabin overheat protection in Arizona

    We just came back from a trip from San Diego to Tucson then Indio then back to Santa Barbara. For the most part this MX was useless in the heat. Our cabin temperature hit 115 because the air conditioner was shut off by the car. I do have a service appointment so we'll see if anything is...
  42. Mr. Jim

    Extreme heat issue

    We are due to be in the Southwest next week and some locations will be 110+. This is a bit warm for us Santa Barbarians so I was wondering if any of our members have encountered this with their cars and what can I expect to happe with them. I know the cold issues but this is the other side of...
  43. Mr. Jim

    Colorado Overlook Road in Canyonlands National Park

    That would be a trip that would trigger the worst of my paranoia genes. I don't think it would be awsome but rather worrisome thinking about being stuck there. I've been to Dead Horse Point State Park and that was enough for me and my X.
  44. Mr. Jim

    Odd driving occurance

    I wasa headed home today on 101 and suddenly the screen went black then replaced with the Tesla logo then everything came back. I assume it was a reset. In addition when I used the car later I noticed that the icon for the air handling was dark. It did come on after I pushed it but this has...
  45. Mr. Jim

    Socal to Reno drive

    Man I would hop over Walker pass and head up 395, magnificent ride. It is a waste to head up either 99 (Ugh) or the really boring I-5.
  46. Mr. Jim

    Camping in a Tesla X 6-Seater like a dream... better than the 5-Seater and even with a cpap machine!

    My wife uses one of those funnels at Burning Man Saves hassle.