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  1. sixela

    Blog Musk Says Fremont Factory Has Started Production Despite County Order

    Not a productive attitude if you want to remain a manufacturing powerhouse, and I doubt that Elon Musk "wouldn't care" about a sizeable portion of its addressable market. In fact, the United States cared very much about what they thought in Europe after WWII, and even injected quite some funds...
  2. sixela


    No, _some_ hospitals are. And in fact, you want *all* of them to be at last partially empty.
  3. sixela


    The current distribution of patients over here has 15% under 15 and 25% between 50 and 65. Two points: -15% is not "essentially zero" (witness the general wailing and gnashing of teeth in the investors' thread when the stock price drops 15% ;-) ). -in the age bracket 50-65 a lot of people...
  4. sixela


    Basing a hypothesis only on a "cui bono" argument without any other compelling evidence is the hallmark of a conspiracy theory. And by the way: from the evidence, a large number of people is sitting at home watching Fox News (including someone in a large white building in Washington, DC).
  5. sixela


    No argument from me.
  6. sixela

    Tesla en het Coronavirus

    De huidige R0 wordt in België door het model van de Universiteit Hasselt geschat op 0,79. Het is dus niet zo dat de bewegingsruimte om het onder 1 te houden nu zó groot is, al kan het inderdaad wel met een veel actievere economie. Voorbeelden genoeg van diverse verzamelingen aan maatregelen in...
  7. sixela

    Tesla en het Coronavirus

    Fijne combinatie van "argumenteren door bewering" én "ad hominem". Ben je het lijstje van logische dorgeredeneringen aan het afvinken? Doe maar. Ik ben ermee klaar, want je Gish-galop in dit onderwerp is vrij hallucinant. Ik ga op dat vuurtje geen olie meer gooien, want gelukkig ben je (althans...
  8. sixela

    Tesla en het Coronavirus

    Bronvermeldingen, graag? Want ik lees inderdaad wat experten daarover zeggen.
  9. sixela

    Tesla en het Coronavirus

    Daar zijn nu eenmaal de virologen en epidemiologen experten, en niet RobsEV. Tenzij je de R0 dichtbij of onder 1 krijgt. Daar zijn we nu nog niet aan toe: nu zijn de maatregelen gekozen om R0 niet alleen onder 1 maar zo laag mogelijk te houden, omdat het aantal nieuwe hospitalisaties en doden...
  10. sixela

    Tesla en het Coronavirus

    Dat doen ze niet. Ze zetten de tering naar de nering, en ze weten blijkbaar beter dan jij dat als je naar een situatie gaat waar de R0 (hoeveel mensen iemand besmet wanneer hij zelf besmettelijk is) terug naar of iets boven 1 komt te liggen, je dat beter doet bij een laag niveau aan...
  11. sixela


    Uhm -- I thought pulse oximeters measured the oxygen saturation of your blood (granted, it measures the peripheral oxygen saturation rather than the arterial one), and hypoxemia was directly related to that. I thought hypoxia, on the other hand, when it was not being used indiscriminately --but...
  12. sixela


    "If they say a test is crap" There are different levels of "crap". If you want to do random sampling of a population just to discover roughly how many people have been exposed to a virus in your population, then you need a less reliable test than when you want to determine who's guaranteed to...
  13. sixela


    It depends. Often the way in which an infection will kill also depends on the particulars of the host group most affected (and comorbidities, of course). The Spanish flu was known to cause nasty cytokine storms, especially in younger individuals, so people ended up dead without suffering from...
  14. sixela


    We came her for an argument, not for mere contradiction. Of course it's easy to be "more correct". Given *any* disease that could kill millions when left unchecked, it's a fair bet that people will try to mitigate the effects to limit the disease's spread. If that is successful at cutting down...
  15. sixela


    There has been sampling of the "untested " population over here in Belgium -- the people with symptoms that heir general practitioner tells them "they should treat as if it were COVD-19" but don't get tested. Sampling reveals that an estimated 39% have the flu, 11% have SARS-CoV-2, and the...
  16. sixela


    I wouldn't brag about "not being Italy" just yet. A minister in Belgium did, just a handful of doubling times ago. the US isn''t testing very thoroughly yet you're catching up to Italy at an alarming rate. One wonders how South Korea managed to control the epidemic, without the 'benefit' of Trump.
  17. sixela


    Well, if you don't bother to scroll back, then it's going to be hard to address the points I brought up. Since obviously you're more interested in contributing your pearls of wisdom and claims of expertise than in reading what others have to say, I'll provide a link. Coronavirus I have a...
  18. sixela


    Indeed, "new cases" as an indicator leads "deaths", but it's a lot less robust. In Belgium they only test people with severe symptoms (i.e. pneumonia, not always attributable to SARS-CoV-2) and health workers. Doctors are now treating all more benign respiratory infections as "possibly...
  19. sixela


    No one has robust numbers for the number of infected people, which is what you're trying to estimate. Everyone has numbers about confirmed infections, but the fraction of people that might have an infection that are getting tested is not accurately known in many countries.
  20. sixela


    The link was posted before, and that opinion piece was _really_ poor (and not an article that will be peer reviewed). Scroll back a few pages... You're darn right he is "unusual", though.
  21. sixela


    Correct, but the number of deaths is a more robust (albeit lagging) indicator. Deaths are not usually undercounted, especially in a country with a health service like e.g. the Italian one.
  22. sixela


    SARS was very contagious only well after symptoms had developed (SARS-CoV-2 makes transmission easy even if only the upper respiratory system is infected, when there are only mild or even no symptoms, fairly soon after infection), and the generational time for the virus' spread was entirely...
  23. sixela


    Yeah -- I should have added sarcasm tags.
  24. sixela

    Factory shut down

    I think you should read this: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf It even managed to Boris Johnson to grudgingly accept the bleak truth.
  25. sixela


    Why 65? [Disclaimer: I'm well over 30, and still alive because people who get an appendicitis at age 34 don't die of peritonitis thanks to health services and antibiotics]
  26. sixela


    Some head-in-the-sand talk about this epidemic, you mean? "If we assume that case fatality rate among individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 is 0.3% in the general population — a mid-range guess from my Diamond Princess analysis — and that 1% of the U.S. population gets infected (about 3.3 million...
  27. sixela


    The hospitalisation rate is much higher, and I wouldn't want my lungs to look like some younger folk MRI pictures I've seen recently...sure, they're not going to die from it, but you're making it sound like a walk in the park for everyone who is young and doesn't have a comorbidity. That is a...
  28. sixela


    Not to mention there is no immunity in the population and the doubling rate is extremely short. I think some people underestimate what an exponential function can do... With a doubling rate of 2.5 days, 8 days is a factor of roughly 10. A factor of 1000 is roughly 24 days.
  29. sixela


    That focuses on the ones that are most at risk of bumping up the R0. In a population with a small ratio of infected vs. total people, you'd rather have 10 meetings of 100 people than one meeting of 1000 people. Not to mention that social peer pressure to go home if you have symptoms that might...
  30. sixela

    Tesla in de pers (NL/BE)

    Die packs waren voor de Roadster met de hand gemaakt. En neen, in een andere branche worden zaken niet altijd goedkoper als je je moet houden aan de originele stuklijst. Ik repareerde ooit voor de Belgische overheid computers die 9 jaar oud waren, met een speciale chipvariant die slechts in...
  31. sixela


    They aren't effective at preventing you from catching a virus, but they are darn well effective at lowering your chances of transmitting the disease through droplet transmission if you have a cough. Of course that supposes that people are actually mindful about the effect they have on others...
  32. sixela


    Unfortunately, people aren't always either rational or obedient, and governments depend on the goodwill and common sense of their citizens. Just look at Italy: announce a lockdown of part of the country and people rush to the last trains to scatter all over the country. Tell them to stay home...
  33. sixela

    Tesla in de pers (NL/BE)

    [ nu je het vraagt: ja, en dat zal niet de eerste keer zijn. Wat betreft de typegoedkeuring: ik heb net hetzelfde type op het conformiteitscertificaat als een kennis enkele straten verder. Ik werd een boot vroeger bediend; ik heb HW2.5 en hij heeft HW3. Dus in Europa heeft de introductie van...
  34. sixela

    Range is missing 30 miles?

    Exactly. The range displayed is more or less based on US EPA range. Marketing literature in Europe is mandated to use the WLTP average. Both use a mix of low speed “city” driving and faster road and motorway driving, with AC and heating switched off. Both aren't representative of real range on...
  35. sixela

    First impressions after first drive

    For more realistic ranges than WLTP: Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus That says 140 miles on highway in winter (and that's going from 100% down to 0%). 87*100/55=158, so you're doing a bit better than that -- but then the temperatures are rather mild for "winter". Note: in winter the AC and...
  36. sixela

    Leaking roof!? Serious concerns about Tesla waterproofing...

    If that worries you, seriously: get an e-Tron. And no, I'm not joking.
  37. sixela

    Leaking roof!? Serious concerns about Tesla waterproofing...

    If I wanted clicks, I could very easily cause the problem myself...it's not that hard to dislodge the seals under the glass roof. [personal tally: 1 Model 3, 0 issues with humidity]
  38. sixela

    Will the Next-Gen Tesla Roadster Be Delayed?

    If you think that Tesla doesn't keep promises, then I would caution against taking what the VW group says at face value...
  39. sixela


    Of course that's one of the reasons it pays to wash your hands. Even if you pick up viruses on your hands, they're going to infect you when you bring that hand with disease vectors to your mouth... I'm not saying that it's impossible to catch the virus by contact with hard sudrfaces (let alone...
  40. sixela


    Yes. All too well, having had a norovirus infection spread to me from the previous occupant of an AirBnB in Amsterdam. Well, that wasn't a week, but it was more than a day.
  41. sixela

    Road and Track latest Taycan vs Model S

    Audi E-tron sells quite nicely over here, despite all the sleuthing by Tesla fans to prove otherwise by looking at stock that you can purchase (the sales model is very, very different...) The trouble is, though, that people are buying lots of 55 for which there are no batteries (left), and less...
  42. sixela


    No, they don't have to cough right in your face. But surfaces (unless wet) are much less of a problem (even though indeed on some porous surfaces a coronavirus can survive for longer than the roughly 2 hours it takes to die on surfaces like stainless steel, in part because those surfaces can...
  43. sixela

    Road and Track latest Taycan vs Model S

    Would take it all with a grain of salt. At 140-150km/h on a German A-bahn, a Taycan is quite efficient (you'd be hard pressed to consume less kWh per km with a model 3!) -- and yes, that does matter to many. And its range and km/min charging rate is surprisingly good too, despite its...
  44. sixela


    tl;dr: no. The surface has to remain moist for more than a day for your hypothesis to actually come true. Those viruses DO NOT survive in dry residue from droplets. Those must be FRIGGIN' LARGE droplets to remain liquid for a day on a surface they landed on.
  45. sixela


  46. sixela

    What is the name of the wheels

    Stiletto (as on the Model 3, but in black). Not sure they're going to be offered, though, since the Model Y order page only lists the newer Gemini, Induction and Überturbine as options.
  47. sixela

    Wiki Sudden Loss Of Range With 2019.16.x Software

    Are we going for the world record in vagueness in recriminations in this thread? What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Hound him away? Even though I do not agree with many in this thread (I've made my arguments, no need to rehash it once more) I do enjoy the informational content, but...
  48. sixela

    Car drove without phone or key card!

    One of the reasons for PIN to drive...
  49. sixela

    Accident for unable to brake efficiently: Tesla's or my fault? [early 2020]

    The ABS started working to ensure that you could still manoeuvre the car to the right,...
  50. sixela

    Star Trek: Picard

    I guess Robddenberry got through to my younger impressionable self better than he did to you, because that was most definitely not the impressions TOS left me. That plus, the Romulans really weren't meant to be Russians. I could quite easily see they were modeled on (suprise!) the Roman empire...