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  1. Wado

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Have to say 12.3 is pretty amazing solving nearly all my normal problem areas. I have had a couple of navigation issues where it didn’t get over to catch an exit but by and large this is a pretty amazing step forward.
  2. Wado

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    My wipers are awful they run intermittently on a clear day with no rain very annoying. I'm running HW3 and I'm also getting an automatic parking unavailable notification every time the car stops. I've talked to service, and they are blaming it on the software.
  3. Wado

    No longer getting the updates

    Thanks that seems to have done the trick.
  4. Wado

    No longer getting the updates

    How do you do that?
  5. Wado

    No longer getting the updates

    Just rebooted we shall see.
  6. Wado

    No longer getting the updates

    I’ve been on 11.3.4 for quite awhile.
  7. Wado

    No longer getting the updates

    Not sure what's changed, I was never top tier but usually if an update went out on Sunday, I'd receive it Monday or Tuesday. It seems like a lot of 11.3.6 updates are going out but I've yet to see one. Probably been said many times, just venting...
  8. Wado

    Bright work blushing

    What are people using to keep the bright work sharp mine is losing its shine.
  9. Wado

    Hit a pothole and got 2 flats on my Model 3 Performance

    Hit a pothole not long ago bent two rims causing slow leaks. I guess luckily both rims were repairable.
  10. Wado

    Wiki FSD Beta 10.4

    Things that are just wrong. 1. why does it cut corners not cool and a computer should no better. 2. you should never swing out then turn in WRONG 3. when leaving a light keep up with traffic, FFS my car is a rocket and prius run away from me at lights. 4. on the freeway again speed transitions...
  11. Wado

    Wiki FSD Beta 10.4

    What’s the verdict from those who have received 10.4 is it a significant upgrade?
  12. Wado

    Wiki FSD Beta 10.4

    Same still waiting 😭
  13. Wado

    Safety Score

    It seems they think driving like 90 year old with failing eye sight is safe.
  14. Wado

    After what time has passed would you consider an FSD class action lawsuit?

    If it turns out to be vapor ware he should reimburse the purchase price at the very least.
  15. Wado


    So to be clear I find NOA to be safe and effective but it seems like it is allergic to the fast lane. I'm all about lane etiquette but moving me over to go 10 MPH slower makes no sense. If I'm set for 70 MPH and traffic has me going 60 MPH I should not be moving over.
  16. Wado


    Well a number of proclamations from Elon have come and gone. We’re getting the new software with a button to opt in, 2 weeks. Then two to three weeks and so on. I think the last was that we would get it in June, that ship has just about sailed and I haven’t heard a peep from Elon. I know...
  17. Wado

    Electrify America

    I’ve been hoping we might get a V3 Supercharger here someday and I’m sure we will but I was looking around the other day and found this Electrify America and they claim to be 350 kw. Anyone used these guys before?
  18. Wado

    Custom front grille

    Looks pretty good to me, I’d like to see in real. The front view of these cars is the weakest view I’d love to fix that.
  19. Wado

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.50.x - Driving Visualization improvements, new voice commands, Camping Mode

    Well they must have been having server side issues when I tried it yesterday because today it’s working pretty much flawlessly. Voice commands are a really nice addition to our amazing cars.
  20. Wado

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.50.x - Driving Visualization improvements, new voice commands, Camping Mode

    After install the new visuals are pretty slick but my voice commands aren't working at all..
  21. Wado

    Another rear end accident on AP

    This appears to be the answer. Why Tesla's Autopilot Can't See a Stopped Firetruck
  22. Wado

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.2 - FSD AutoSteer Stop Sign Warning and Adjacent Lane Speeds

    just got 40.2.1 absolute crap day here hope to test it soon.
  23. Wado

    Another rear end accident on AP

    You guys are correct it says radar in our car but the intent is the same. I believe the radar should give closure rate something much harder to do with cameras I think and it should not be susceptible to darkness or most whether conditions. Don't get me wrong guys I use the hell out of all the...
  24. Wado

    Another rear end accident on AP

    eww the infamous disclaimer.. If that's really the case then TAAC is utterly unreliable and truly dangerous. TAAC is hardly new tech many cars offer similar options and I've owned, do own some of them. I've never had an issue with any of them including the Tesla and the Tesla has arguably better...
  25. Wado

    Another rear end accident on AP

    I'm hoping that something like that is what happened I would just like to know what the investigation turns up. I'm pretty sure our computer would tell the whole story.
  26. Wado

    MASTER THREAD: all Smart Summon-related posts go here

    Mine goes in and out of the garage with summon daily. I had an issue once where it was on the way in and disconnected, when i restarted it was half way in so I don't think it had a good visual on the door surround, the car turned the wheel and likely would have hit if I hadn't stopped it.
  27. Wado

    I absolutely Love driving my Tesla

    Couldn't agree more :)
  28. Wado

    Another rear end accident on AP

    sure would like to get a little incite from Tesla on this. I've had a few cars including the M3 that basically have TAAC and in all of them including the M3 it seems quite reliable. I drive a 60 mph road regularly that has stop lights, so sometimes cars will be stopped at a light up ahead and...
  29. Wado

    Safety question: I would like a hard-wired override in case of computer failure/hacking

    All good stuff thanks for the input.
  30. Wado

    Safety question: I would like a hard-wired override in case of computer failure/hacking

    Look into the throttle issues that caused Toyota so much trouble and killed people. A Prius can over power brakes and they are anemic at best. CBS says that the throttle issues on the Toyota may have killed 89 people.
  31. Wado

    Safety question: I would like a hard-wired override in case of computer failure/hacking

    I believe the motors can easily overpower the brakes but good to know.
  32. Wado

    Safety question: I would like a hard-wired override in case of computer failure/hacking

    I understand the MCAS I think, it was given far to much authority and could so rapidly put you in a bad place you just didn't have time to react. The fact that there was no redundancy in the system is beyond my imagination. Poor design poor implementation.
  33. Wado

    Safety question: I would like a hard-wired override in case of computer failure/hacking

    I have a question and I think its valid. Just let me say I really love my M3 and I have grown up with cars and bikes racing, selling, wrenching. I’ve owned a lot of vehicles and I’m not sure any have given me the level of excitement that the Tesla does. My question is about the automation in...
  34. Wado

    This truck design had better be a joke....

    I was thinking the same thing.
  35. Wado

    This truck design had better be a joke....

    Lol makes an Aztec look good and that's a tall order.
  36. Wado

    This truck design had better be a joke....

    Gotta be a joke right?
  37. Wado

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    Just loaded here haven't driven yet.
  38. Wado

    Assume FSD was fully functional....

    I use mine probably 80% of the time already. we have a fair amount of traffic in my area and it drives me crazy all the idiots in the fast land and the total inconsistent speeds that people drive, I use TACC or better yet NOA it just removes all stress I let the car do what it does and it no...
  39. Wado

    Blindspot monitoring and Lane Departure avoidance errors

    We talked on email and exchanged pictures before making an appointment. They determined that this was within normal operation parameters. I'm not sure what I think of this to be honest, basically they are saying in cold whether its ok that functionality of the car is compromised for periods of...
  40. 20191028_143210


    Condensation B pillar model 3
  41. Wado

    Blindspot monitoring and Lane Departure avoidance errors

    This is the response I got from tesla after showing this picture. I've seen this a couple times now and it clears on its own within an hour or so. Seems to be temperature humidity sensitive. 20191028_143210 by Wado posted Nov 1, 2019 at 9:34 AM BellevueService Oct 30, 2019, 5:41 PM (2 days...
  42. Wado

    What are your top 5 likes and dislikes about the model 3 User Interface?

    Largely a fan of the interface but with version 10 I can no longer launch music with voice commands and I’d like to see that rectified. I could see expanding voice controls in a number of ways.
  43. Wado

    Blindspot monitoring and Lane Departure avoidance errors

    What I have found a couple times, now that it has gotten cold here, is that the b pillar cameras are forming condensation right in front of the camera. This causes the alarm you are talking about. I’ve read that there are heaters to clear this but don’t know if that is good info. Mine clears on...
  44. Wado

    V10 Impressions from those who have installed the update

    Like so many others I got version 10 and couldn't wait to go check it out. I wanted to see if the NOA had changed so I took a 44 mile run to check it out. Not sure if its always been there but the car was able to deal with on ramps, turning on the signal and merging on the the freeway...
  45. Wado

    28.3.1 and summon

    Well I don't know whether one has anything to do with the other but I use summon a lot and now it doesn't work at all. First time I've driven it since the update and I couldn't get it out of or in to the garage with summon today. I've had it be finicky in the past but today it was a no go...
  46. Wado

    Did any performance owners ever get their spoiler?

    installed when I received the car figs great.
  47. Wado

    What did you name your Tesla?

    Galadriel "All shall love me and despair"
  48. Wado

    Vinyl Wrap wood grain dash (having issues)

    I'm thinking maybe the easiest way to get a quality fit would be to remove the wood piece wrap and reinstall. People are making carbon fiber replacement pieces and they don't look that tough to install.