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  1. A

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Ferrybridge is already very well served - I've never seen it full there, and if it is there are Gridserve ones opposite. I wish they would do the long-missing places - Woodall North, Barnsley / Leeds area, Shap Northbound etc.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Horrendous. This kind of thing is going to kill Tesla's sales.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    That doesn't make a lot of sense - he's just said something on Twitter. Nothing has materially changed here in the UK in terms of charging, and new charging sites are continuing to be opened - Tesla and other companies.
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    New Navigation Supercharger Prediction

    what would you doubt?
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    Hows your adaptive high beam?

    I should add another issue i had is excessively bright reflective signs on dark A roads - the Tesla only occasionally dimmed these, other times they were totally blinding with the reflection of the high beams.
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    New Navigation Supercharger Prediction

    So I noticed that the navigation has changed the way it displays superchargers' availability. It previously showed live data when you were driving towards a charger, even when it was several hours away (eg 3/12 stalls available). Now it seems to only show that when you are within about half an...
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    Hows your adaptive high beam?

    They seem to work well. Anyone know why the car was built with this hardware but only now has had it activated? It's not like it's a new software invention - other cars have already had it. One problem I can see is that, when driving through a village etc, it's common to dip your headlights...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Tried the new charging site at Annesley yesterday. It's in another hotel car park, but it's a nice spot. It's just off the motorway and easier to get in and out of than East Midlands Designer Outlet Village. The hotel has a nice, large bar area with tables and sofas - good place for lunch or a...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Is Hopwood Park finished now??
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Tamworth update - a big hole has been dug, then seemingly left there for a while. Fences are blown over, plants are growing back, so there's clearly nothing happening here at the minute.
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    Battery Preheat - Down side

    If it was initially 3% then I wouldn't have gone with that - I need at least 10% on there to feel confident, preferably 15-20. Always seems to end up lower than it predicted.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Real shame they can't get Tamworth up and running - it sits in a bit of a Supercharger desert along that route. Donnington park is also somewhere lacking in chargers and would be useful being as it is on major motorways and next to an airport.
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    Forced autopilot disengements

    Yeah - you switch it on and it immediately warns you - making you take your eyes off driving and make false inputs to the steering wheel.
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    Forced autopilot disengements

    The new 'safety' updates have ruined autopilot. I feel it is much less safe with all of its prompts and warnings, and requires far too much input to acknowledge that you have your hand on the wheel. Furthermore it tells you off for daring to look to the side or touch the infotainment system -...
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    Joe Rogan on Spotify - not available in uk?!

    He's largely a conspiracy promoter these days so no loss.
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    MASTER THREAD: Auto Wiper functionality, complaints, praise, etc.

    Mine go max speed when there's hardly any rain, sometimes they don't stop and you have to switch them off entirely. Other times the windscreen is totally opaque with rain and they don't switch on, or switch on to very slow mode. They are still, consistently awful. They are dangerous, and...
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    Gridserve Charger Sites in UK [megathread]

    On the plus side, the bar in Scotch Corner hotel is nice and the staff are really friendly. We always stop for a coffee and take our dog in - it's a much nicer experience than a service station.
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    New AutoPilot is horrible after update

    The new nag messages are infuriating. I have used Autopilot for 4 years now, I am very attentive and always keep my hands on the wheel. Yet recently it is telling me off for briefly glancing down at the screen to adjust a setting - it is demanding more "slight force" on the steering wheel than...
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    Supercharger sites with reduced/no capacity

    Hopwood Park has been reduced capacity for a few weeks now. Strange that it started at the same time the Applegreen chargers came online. The Applegreen ones are actually faster than the Tesla ones, but more expensive and not easy to operate. I wonder if connecting those up has had a negative...
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    UK Motorway Charging

    I don't deny the need for breaks when driving at all - just if we had bigger batteries the break wouldn't have to entail a high-powered charging session too! I have a regular drive from the South West to the North East. It's 352 miles, and my Model Y can manage about 230 - 280 miles at motorway...
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    UK Motorway Charging

    Reading this article doesn't sound too positive about the future of motorway charging infrastructure - Power vacuum: road to fast charging at UK services has been ‘laboriously slow’ But I'm interested in the claim that every motorway services will need at least 30-40 ultra rapid chargers in...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    This is a real shame, Tamworth is out there all by itself so would be well used I'm sure.
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    OK, let's talk about sticking together!

    This is car culture unfortunately. Most people would never behave in person how they do behind the wheel. Horns in particular are obnoxious things. I don't think cars should be fitted with them any more. People only ever use them in anger.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I agree - "Rapid", "Ultra Rapid" etc is meaningless marketing speak. There's a big difference between 50kW and 120kW in terms of speed for example. Just put the maximum possible kW and be done with it.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    No - we're saying it should do the opposite - i.e. NOT rerouting you away from a supercharger on your route, because it knows that it will not be busy when you arrive.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    It does re-route you when they become less busy, but as Roy B said, you could have already committed to it's alternate route by that point and it would not be en-route any more.
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    First Big Trip - the good and the bad

    I would say regarding your downsides that cars are wider now than they used to be. It's not right that manufacturers keep building bigger cars, and expect public authorities to expand the size of their roads, parking spaces etc. at great expense. In my opinion there should be rules about how big...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Anyone ever noticed the following issue with navigate and supercharging: I set off from Northumberland headed Bristol direction in the afternoon. The car has enough charge to get to Hopwood Park, which I always drive past. However, at the time I'm setting off (3pm) Hopwood Park, Woodall...
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    Tesla's Supercharging UX Case Study

    The idea that you would share how much CO2 you have 'saved' with other people is just straight out of a South Park script. "I just wanted to be part of the solution, not the problem. Theeeeaaanks"
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    The Ferrybridge site must have a lot of power going to it with all of those Gridserve chargers plus the Tesla ones. Shame they don't spend as much time picking up all the litter around the site as they should do!
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    It pains me to see otherwise undeveloped / natural grassland covered in Tarmac to service Teslas with nothing to mitigate the habitat loss. If Tesla really cared we'd see green roofs, permeable paving as well as planted areas / trees etc.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Does anyone know if Tamworth will ever happen? Seems to have been on the cards for years but never really changes. It would be very useful given that Hopwood Park is getting busier.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I travelled on Bank Holiday Monday and didn't have any problems. Was heading south towards Mansfield but Tesla said it was full, as was Woodall, so stopped early at the new Gridserve chargers at Wooley Edge - we were the only people there and the charge rate was fast. Later stopped at Hopwood...
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    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Well I just got the update. Tested it in the garage - it loaded instantly, there was no delay at all. It accurately mapped the garage walls around the car, however seemed to think the closed, white garage door in front of the car wasn't there.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    If Welcome Break really are stopping new Tesla sites because they want to push their own then it's really short-sited. They need both / all categories of chargers at their sites if in the future all cars will be electric. Ultiimately all the sites should be like the Gridserve hubs with 20-30...
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    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    My concern is what happens when the camera is dirty. Which, in the winter, is most days in the UK.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Personally I feel the ability of the chargers to maintain their maximum output even at peak times is more important than the headline rate. For example, couple of charges I've done at the "250Kw" Ferrybridge have stuck at about 80-90KW, when all the bays were full, whilst a similar charge at...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    The only thing I would like is a Woodall Northbound, or somewhere around Sheffield. I know there's something going on at Meadowhall, but I don't really like going off into shopping centres etc when on a long journey.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I drive from Cardiff - Northumberland all the time. The M1/A1 is not hard at all. You have Mansfield, Woodall, Ferrybridge, Washington and Scotch Corner. Also Wetherby now has a really big Gridserve site with 350KW chargers. Just avoid Mansfield around lunch time and Ferrybridge around tea time...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    No news yet, but it's worth noting that there is a large Northbound 350kw Gridserve site just 20 miles south of Tebay at Burton in Kendal which works well. As for the cost - check the locations you're using because the price varies a lot according to time of day. Also, if you can, set up a smart...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    More chargers for the South East. Wonderful, for the minority of the population who live there. For the rest of us in majorityland, still not enough.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    What time of day was it?
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    2023 Model Y no USS discussion, incl. Discussion of Tesla Vision Firmware

    They also need to come up with a solution to the rear camera getting covered in grime so that you can't see anything out of it.
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Yes we drive long distance a lot and the car is constantly changing it's mind on which supercharger to use based on how busy they are. It works well for the most part, however it would be better if it predicted how busy a site was a bit better. eg. Driving south, headed for Mansfield to charge...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    We've come to realise that the 'Peak Times' issue is not going to go away anytime soon. As fast as they build the chargers, there are more and more EVs on the road every day. Add to that the fact that the railways are in disarray and crazy expensive and the promised bus revolution never...
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    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I don't get how people get in this situation. I'd never get down that low on the way to a supercharger. The car tells you how much you have, where to go, and will automatically re-route if you're running low or the sites are busy. The information available to drivers is excellent, and you can...
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    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    That's a really unhelpful response. This is a discussion forum, and we are here to discuss.
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    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    I've use regular Autopilot for the last three years on long drives up and down the UK and can say categorically that the phantom braking has improved. It now no longer does it when passing lorries like it used to, it doesn't do it for 'no reason' like it used to, and when it does do it it tends...
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    FSD Thought

    Thinking that FSD is going to happen on the current cars is pie in the sky. It's just not going to happen. Look at how autopilot consistently gets simple things wrong. Look at all the videos of FSD trying to drive into things. Look at all the promised deadlines that have sailed past and are now...
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    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    I feel like Tesla need a new CEO. Where are the advances in tech? We've just been given an update with more flashing lights and video games. All we want is parking sensors and wipers that actually work