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  1. M

    EAP (Enhanced Auto Pilot) for $4k. Who’s in?

    this is just what i was waiting for . I dont really want FSD -- i have little confidence that Tesla will delivery real FSD and i dont mind driving myself around town. I do want lane changes on the highway, i want freeway interchanges, and i want summon + self-parking. so this is the perfect...
  2. M

    Model 3 inventories up -- any deals happening?

    ~My advice to someone who was about to take delivery would be to go to your SA and ask for a free color upgrade or free wheels or free life supercharging .. if they wont budge, then eat the $100 and cancel the order .. then come back in 7 days and see what the deal is .. no way tesla is...
  3. M

    Model 3 inventories up -- any deals happening?

    i just took delivery of a P3D on the 13th .. and now sseeing what is happening with inventory i think i missed an opportunity .. i should have cancelled my order (lost $100) .. and waited to see if i could get $2000 or so off a P3D in inventory on the last few days of the quarter. i bet...
  4. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    I think if you miss your appointment a few times you could get pushed to next quarter as long as had someone else to give your car to.
  5. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    so when the final decision time came -- i decided to take the car .. i ended up taknig a loan rather than paying for the car cash .. loans are pretty cheap atm .. and i'll pay off the loan whenever the market recovers .. worst case scenario, the end of the world is here, and then i;ll be...
  6. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    well .. appointment came and went -- and thanks to my wife who stepped in and told me to take delivery .. we now have a 2 Tesla garage. YOLO .. The wheels are pretty damm good looking.
  7. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    Got the text... Scheduled for Saturday 13...
  8. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    yeah - i put off my call to my broker by one week while i was in hawaii .. and guess what .. the market crashed while i was there .. lol ..
  9. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    All the virus and market craziness has me spooked, and second guessing spending 60k
  10. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    SA texted me today, got a vin assigned Gonna have to decide if I'm taking delivery soon. Ordered 2/11 in Seattle.
  11. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    Its pretty much close to impossible to implement that sort of approach .. if you can time the market and do it successfully multiple times -- then you will be a billionare and should be in finance. .. the markets will bottom out, and eventually will recover all their losses .. and we'll forge...
  12. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    looks like i'm going to be taking a pass on the car for now .. although i can still afford it .. just doesn't make sense to splurge on a luxury purchase when portfolio is down roughly 10% since the high point. i'll be back to buy when market recovers.
  13. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    I feel bad that i keep on hoping that my car is not delviered before the last week of march .. -- and then i'm considering missing my appt so that my reservation will be pushed to end of Q2 .. (while so many here are hoping to get their car asap) -- just because it gives me a better chance to...
  14. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    is that even a thing -- how can you transfer a position?
  15. M

    Tesla landing, proof of income?

    It depends on your credit score and how much you are asking for. Typically for cars there is very little proof that is requested. -- its not like borrowing for a mortgage ..
  16. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    Nice to see that i'm not the only one second guessing my purchase.. I agree with those who say that we're in a wait-and-see state at the moment. -- I feel like I have many options, i could take delivery, and either cough up the cash, or take a loan, or a combo of the two. -- I could also...
  17. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    i think if you were planning to finance this turn of events helps you -- i suspect that interest rates are about to drop .. and car loans might get slightly cheaper.
  18. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    i think thats an option -- hate the idea of carrying debt.. but an option .. i know its more of a knee jerk reaction to the current panic in the markets .. but since delivery is still weeks away, i'm in a wait-and-see pattern .. in the end i can probably extend my delivery time by just...
  19. M

    Anyone considering delaying their purchase due to Market Downturn related to Corona virus?

    I'm considering delaying my P3D+ order. Given the current market downturn, and rising concerns about this virus. This was going to be my second Tesla, but now thinking that it would be best to keep 60k+ in my pocket in case we see a prolonged downturn. This would be our second m3, don't know...
  20. M

    Performance or LR AWD

    I bought a AWD-LR in dec 2019 .. great car love it. but a part of me wished i had just gotten the performance -- i plan to track the car a few times a year for fun. Now i'm waiting for delivery of a P3D in march 2020. -- so if its something you think you want, just get it (as long as the money...
  21. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    btw -- you can wait until the last minute to do your financing .. it takes minutes for a loan to be approved ... when i took delivery of my AWD LR last december, i had setup on the tesla profile that i'd be paying cash, but when they called to make delivery i didn't have the cash on hand...
  22. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    i still bet that that everyone (or nearly everyone) that put in an order in the first 6 weeks of this quarter will receive their car this quarter
  23. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    you really have nothing to worry about -- tesla makes the bulk of the NA deliveries at the end of the quarter.. its all about making quarter numbers and they will deliver almost all of their orders.
  24. M

    Thinking about becoming a two-Tesla family but have some Q's

    Nice to see other families doing this -- We have a Model 3 AWD LR -- and are in line to receive a Model 3 Performance later this quarter .. plan to use 1 charger at home for both cars .. should be ok since my commute is 15 miles each way .. i charge my car about once a week. the big problem...
  25. M

    Bill gates needs a TRT

    just goes to show that you dont need to be right too many times to make lots of money. i think elon missed a good opportunity to just send gates a model s p100d ..
  26. M

    Wife wants a VOLVO, I'm going to suggest a Tesla.

    my $0.02 regarding marital stuff .. let your wife do/have whatever she wants -- you do you, let her be her .. i've never succeeded in getting my wife to like/want something she didn't want (and when i did, i lived to regret it) .. -- the only caveat was that i did succeed in getting my...
  27. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    tesla has a huge incentive to deliver in march to you -- their quarterly numbers. i think you'll get your car.
  28. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    Last quarter i bought a model 3 AWD .. ordered at the beggining of the quarter (oct) -- and it was delivered in december (1st week of dec). -- this quarter i ordered a Performance Model 3 -- in the middle of the quater (feb 11) -- and i expect it to be delivered sometime in march. until...
  29. M

    Stealth Performance Now Available!

    i dont think 18" wheels fit over the larger brakes right? -- you'd have to use 19" wheels .. and you'd still loose some range because of the size and non-aero covers
  30. M

    Performance Waiting Room

    I'm back -- Last quarter i got in line and waited forever to take delivery of a AWD-M3 (white with FSD and aero wheels) .. turns out that my wife loves that car so much that she wants it for herself. -- so being the kind husband i am -- i have given her the car, and now am back in line waiting...
  31. M

    Model S REST API

    I love the idea of using a real-world analog gauge for this . you can figure out the actual power used by logging the charging_state.charger_power field. it gives you the instant power being drawn from the wall . you have to do some math to figure out the actual kwh that were drawn over time...
  32. M

    Tesla Disappoints Again...

    you'd think after 4 tesla's, OP would know to expect this from tesla.
  33. M

    non-FSD model 3 autopilot. What other features are there besides adaptive cruise control+autosteer?

    i got the FSD -- and after doing both NoA and AP .. i prefer to use AP .. -- less nagging to keep hands on the wheel .. and NoA is still too early to be trusted fully .. too many mistakes on my route. but i'm still glad i forked over $6k (7k now, but i paid 6k) for NoA .. i like the lane...
  34. M

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    I dont understand your case. How does the price of the model 3 affect your ability to take advantage of a tax credit that you knew was coming to you. It doesn't matter what you paid -- whether it was 80k or 60k .. the tax credit was the same $7500 .. you knew you would be eligible when you...
  35. M

    Some Quick Help Please - Charging in the Rain?

    the UMC has a nema 4X rating .. should be ok in the rain
  36. M

    Sell my 2018 to buy 2020? Am I crazy?

    If i was in your shoes i'd go a different route 1 + 2 - upgrade to a coilover setup from mpp or up, get the UP sway bars too 3 - upgrade to the MPP big brake kit. 4 - upgrade wheels tires to fit big brake kit 5 - buy the 2k performance boost. even after doing all these things and having them...
  37. M

    First time charging at home questions

    some states have regulations about locking a house panel .. emergency crews need access in case of fire.
  38. M

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    i seriously doubt someone who can buy a 60k car doesn't have enough diversified sources of income to find some tax somewhere .. we're only talking about a 7.5k liability -- its peanuts. even if you live off an inheritance -- that estate (or trust) or whatever has taxable events .. plan to...
  39. M

    "Acceleration Boost" option, discussion as to which models and how much quicker

    i'm gonna save my 2k -- for when they make a "track mode" in app purchase
  40. M

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    you missed my point .. i'm saying that if you know that you are going to have a 7500 tax credit -- then you can plan to have a tax liability .. so that you can take full advantage of the credit. someone who complains that they were not able to take advantage of the 7500 tax credit, failed to...
  41. M

    Awkward time to buy?

    I dont think you're going to see a speed boost like the AWD just got -- mostly because this boost was a freebie for tesla .. the hardware could alreadydo this (same hardware as the P model) .. if i was you -- i'd pick something up from inventory this month. the right time to get a tesla is ...
  42. M

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    its not very hard to have a $7500 tax liability .. even if you're in some super low tax bracket .. like 10% .. you only need to make 75k in taxable income to get there .. hard to imagine that you could buy and $60k+ car and not somehow be able to plan to have a 7.5k tax liability that you can...
  43. M

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    sure wish that the debate over motor numbers and binning would just go away .. lets hear more about the real world numbers of this upgrade .. i'm on the fence about buying -- thinking i'll hold out and see if they make track mode available too .. i'd pay for that $500
  44. M

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    I have a 3 week old AWD with FSD -- the upgrade showed up for me on my tesla page. if this had track mode it would be a slam dunk for me -- as it is .. i'll take a few days to think about it. i plan to track this car and sink about 10k in mods over time (suspension / brakes / wheels / tires)...
  45. M

    Driving up to Big Bear or any mountain...additional energy required to gain elevation

    get the AWD .. from a few weeks of ownership there is alot about battery use that i did not know .. 1 - you often dont charge to 100% -- usually you charge to 90% .. 2 - you often dont go to 0% -- i would feel uncomfortable driving below 10%. depending on weather, you use up some energy on...
  46. M

    Winter charging issues, frozen charge ports, road trips

    in seattle winter .. i've seen my AWD efficiency go down about 33% during normal driving. -- i like creature comforts, so i'm just glad i got the bigger battery
  47. M

    Navigate on Autopilot did not nag to keep hands on the wheel..

    The display went from double blue lines -- to a single blue line .. so the navigate on autopilot was on (and it was doing the right thing)