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  1. johnmodely

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    My question was based on real world examples of trolly problems, not the literally definition of it. As others have pointed out there are obvious accidents that occur every day that a computer system can quickly determine what the least harm outcomes are. So back to my main question, I...
  2. johnmodely

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    You answered your own question. 6 millions crashes every year means that the probability of such occurrences are in the 10s of thousands if not 100s of thousands. You are the one imagining that it's NOT a thing. Just because robo cars will be safe does not mean those 6 million crashes will go...
  3. johnmodely

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Im not talking about Tesla's current implementation. Im talking about what they have promised with FSD for the past 5 years...robotaxies and drive me from point A to B with no human control expected. Clearly this will be a reality sooner than later with FSD 12.3/4 so this is not a hypothetical...
  4. johnmodely

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Dont see how it's not a real problem. These types of accidents happen every day (and I dont mean the hypothetically of lining up 1 vs 3 people in the middle of the road)...lets say common accidents like oncoming traffic swerving into your lane while there are pedestrians on the side of the road...
  5. johnmodely

    Trolley Problem with FSD 12?

    Has anyone/big YouTubers ran a trolley problem with FSD Beta? Havent found anything and im sure it would be a nice viral video if someone makes it (would probably cost a lot and require a stunt driver etc to make it realistic) Really curious as how impossible scenarios are programed with FSD...
  6. johnmodely

    v12 is not e2e AI

    Yea there is no way they are not running a small "observer" checking against some hard limits (like stop sign you pointed out and dont run over a human etc)
  7. johnmodely

    Once again sc**wed by Tesla

    Lol ok yea a small % that happened to be able to buy a new car in the small window Tesla let them transfer. Solution is simple, let everyone that bought FSD transfer to a new car. If Tesla really wanted to be A-holes about it then let it be a one time transfer. Right now they are just...
  8. johnmodely

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    What I predict is that whatever they announce they will keep it in house for themselves, further screwing over all FSD owners that were promised they could use their cars in the robot taxi fleet and get paid for it. Thats for sure, cause screw over FSD customers is their new game they love playing.
  9. johnmodely

    Anyone else think this is a slap in the face for long term FSD buyers?

    Well they just delivered another massive slap in the face for all FSD owners. 99 a month...and we still cant transfer it over to new cars whenever we want. At this point Tesla has zero excuse to not just offer the transfer whenever FSD owners want to buy a new car.
  10. johnmodely

    Once again sc**wed by Tesla

    Worse own is FSD buyers who paid full price 10-15k and now Tesla offers it for 99 a month. Those owners still cant transfer to a new car... (and dont want to hear about Tesla offered transfers...the two small windows they offered when it suited them does not count when most people cant take...
  11. johnmodely

    FSD now $99 a month

    If Tesla does not let all owners transfer FSD to new vehicles that payed full price for it at this point everyone should be up in arms. They continue to screw over customers that paid full price...while this thing still cant drive in highway traffic without not needing to pay attention every 2...
  12. johnmodely

    How to sue Tesla over historical claims

    Is there really no major class action suite again Tesla for FSD yet? If fsd 12 does not delivery some sort of level 3 for all fsd buyers I dont understand how a class action would not be successful. AFAIK even Tesla holds a large unrealized cash pile for FSD, at this point they should just used...
  13. johnmodely

    Anyone else think this is a slap in the face for long term FSD buyers?

    It's 2024, now 6 years after FSD was promised by years end. Most of us have paid between 5-15k for this, are not allowed to transfer this feature that was never delivered to a new car (other than one short window must of us could not take advantage of), and still stuck with a beta that we are...
  14. johnmodely

    Poll: 3 years from now, would you rather pay for $20K for FSD or $20K for Tesla Bot?

    At this rate the bot will be driving teslas for us before Tesla FSD becomes reality...
  15. johnmodely

    FSD The latest disaster

    this is what pisses me off the most...I travel NYC to upstate NY every other weekend...L3 in slow moving traffic is 60% of the time, yet im still sitting in traffic having to nag and pay attention going 20mph...just f*cking release L3 in slow moving highway traffic its ready yet they want to...
  16. johnmodely

    Sentry Mode is Useless...

    Not sentry was on and it was charging above 20% when I plugged it in...it just did not detect it at all
  17. johnmodely

    Sentry Mode is Useless...

    So pissed right now...I live in the NYC and park my car overnight at a city charger when I need to charge it, and found this the next morning: Of course car alarm did not go off and sentry mode caught none of it. Seriously fed up with Teslas gimmick software meant to fool people into thinking...
  18. johnmodely

    Is all neural networks really a good idea?

    Highly doubt FSD 12 is "full neural network" with no hard coded logic. Im sure the initial "action" pops out of a black hole neural net, but can 100% guarantee there is a "monitor" program running to make sure those net actions dont violate some very strict rules (like dont hit a human, or drive...
  19. johnmodely

    Ghetto NEMA 6-20 Charging with two 120v 20a outlets

    Maybe this is worth it if you have no idea what your doing, but 300 bucks for something that takes 5 minutes looking at your panel to figure it out for someone that knows what they are doing is not worth it.
  20. johnmodely

    Cross Country Road Trip...Must needed items to bring?

    Doing an ambitious NY to Seattle cross country drive with our 3 month old in a few weeks (and yes we have a contingency plan in case he can't handle the long drive). We are definitely bringing a little 12v mini fridge we can plug in the back, and a portable battery bank with 120v output. Any...
  21. johnmodely

    What on earth is Tesla doing with versionings?

    L3 is already part of FSD IMO (ie if Tesla desided to enable "traffic jam chauffeur") there is no reason current FSD can not handle that at L3 level. Bunch of Autos have already released similar and dont think they are any better than current FSD under these conditions. Tesla is stuck in the...
  22. johnmodely

    FSD+Nag+Sunglasses, 11.3.X Relief

    wear a baseball cap...nag free driving 24/7...they dont know what to do with that case :D
  23. johnmodely

    What on earth is Tesla doing with versionings?

    its annoying, clearly they are at a standstill probably until 12 gets released, in the meantime at least upgrade everyone to latest feature branches thats in beta....
  24. johnmodely

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    This is just a horrible policy What? This is a Tesla first policy and horrible for customers. What about all the people that bought 15k FSD twice now? What about everyone else that is not ready to buy a new car in the next two months? This is just a money grab to shut up all the long term FSD...
  25. johnmodely

    I got HW 4.0 but NO FSD Beta

    Has Tesla even announced/talked about HW4? I assuming this includes a new FSD chip but dont see any info on it.
  26. johnmodely

    Micro Mice vs Tesla 😂

    Check out this video, these guys have figured out micro second control of autonomous vehicles with low powered CPUs, and Tesla still has not figured out how to keep a car centered in a lane in a curvy road...Sure this is not apples to apples comparison but Tesla really needs to take a hard look...
  27. johnmodely

    When will privately owned Tesla Robotaxis be operating on HW3 or lower?

    It does have perception problems with the current camera setup. I dont think HW3 cameras will ever be robotaxi capable. At minimum front bumper cameras are needed or much wider higher resolution front camera. This whole "creeping" business is super unsafe and is easily solvable with bumper cameras.
  28. johnmodely

    What are people that bought Full FSD doing?

    Umm have you even looked at how Tesla treats FSD revenue?? Not only is it not depreciated on its books, not even full revenue from all FSD purchases has even been REALIZED. So Tesla in their own finances are not realizing full FSD revenue because they well know was not and still has not been a...
  29. johnmodely

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Someone needs to get Elon to come to NYC and drive one of his cars here on FSD and see how he feels about it 5 minutes later...
  30. johnmodely

    Tesla design chief Franz von Holzhausen on Roadster 2.0

    What happened with the roadster? This project dead they haven't mentioned anything about it for years it seems...
  31. johnmodely

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Huh? That’s exactly all they have been marketing / need to solve for their own robotaxi. The new platform they are building is designed for city driving, and this is what they will be dealing with everyday. If they don’t solve this then FSD will never be anything more than a glorified driver...
  32. johnmodely

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    If you guys want to see what FSD beta really has to solve, check out this video this is a perfect representation of typical FSD drives in NYC
  33. johnmodely

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    The only progress or test relevant to FSD are in NYC/Boston/Chicago/San Fran as far as im concerned. If it can't go more half a mile in hard dense city environments then FSD is no where solved...going 10 miles in suburbia with simple lights and right turns and one or two people per intersection...
  34. johnmodely

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    At this point there is no way a class action for FSD Beta buyers wont go through...
  35. johnmodely

    FSD Beta v11.x

    FSD Beta on highway where there are super curvy roads and you are on the left lane seems like beta has a hard time sticking to center of lane, it keeps hiding the yellow line which in this highway is super close to the concrete divider/rail...I have to disengage on almost every curve in the...
  36. johnmodely

    What has happened with the rollout of V11?

    Yea finally got the push...looks like this is going out to everyone left on 10.69
  37. johnmodely

    What has happened with the rollout of V11?

    Still no update here...teslafi is showing about 1/3 of beta group stuck on 69 has updated to .6 though
  38. johnmodely

    What has happened with the rollout of V11?

    Should do a poll to see how many FSD cars on v11 are on a subscription vs bought it outright...wouldnt be supprised if all the new v11 updates went to people with subs first (since they are still getting revenue from them so they want them happy), and just another FU to people that dropped a...
  39. johnmodely

    There will be NO HW4 upgrade for HW3 owners

    No Tesla needs to transfer the full cost especially if we are entrusting them with actually delivering what was supposed to be delivered years ago with the original car purchase. I picked up FSD at 7k as an early adaptor, I still have no received what I was supposed to receive and Tesla has...
  40. johnmodely

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yea im stuck on 69 as well, dont know what the point of keeping 20% on the old version is...
  41. johnmodely

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Seems like Tesla is doing some sort of A/B test with 11.3.3 and 11.3.4
  42. johnmodely

    Elon Musk and others urge AI pause, citing 'risks to society'

    There is no difference between ChatGPT AI and Tesla AI from a theoretical and data standpoint. Both feed it enormous amount of real world data, and create neural networks which humans have limited knowledge on how they work in both cases. One spits out a bunch of text based on the likelihood...
  43. johnmodely

    V11 updated FSD wiper fix?

    I have this problem, I have a Y
  44. johnmodely

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Has anyone figured out how they are rolling out new releases? Is it just random selection at this point? I have been in beta since the Safety score rollout, and used to get the new releases usually the day off. It does not seem like they are prioritizing "older" beta testers anymore (or wonder...
  45. johnmodely

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I read that tweet as not referring to the next point release, but as typical musk fashion of needing one more major release where all NN are on video and FSD beta is "complete" in his mind
  46. johnmodely

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Plotting the major released would be more useful than the point releases since 11 is a major release
  47. johnmodely

    FSD Beta v11.x

    sigh looks like the rollout was paused....what are we thinking couple more weeks before everyone gets it?
  48. johnmodely

    Autonomous Car Progress

    I can't believe they have been talking for 2 hours and have said absolutely nothing new...
  49. johnmodely

    Make FSD Transferable - Sign the Petition!

    Liability will be there regardless of whether you have the car or not, even if there is one person left and successfully files a class action that wins, you will still be paid if you had bought it in the past. Which makes the fact that they refused to transfer it while its not complete even...
  50. johnmodely

    Growing FSD liability could be massive.

    We are taking about FSD purchasers, not your grandma buying a Tesla. Highly doubt ANYONE that dumped 7-15k on FSD purchase had not heard of or read about Musk's comments about it. The only reason I even paid for it was because of his comments on AI day and that Robotaxies would be here by end...