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  1. I

    New OEM air mattress

    I've very curious to know if it accounts for the back-steats not folding all the way down by having the bottom of the mattress be a slightly wedged shape instead of flat to accommodate that space precisely
  2. I

    How to get service?

    The difference with my situation is that I don't even get any errors like the drive "won't mount". Nothing at all happens when I plug all three of my drives in.
  3. I

    How to get service?

    Good to know. Thank you
  4. I

    How to get service?

    Interesting. Have you had to reformat again after it stopped working out of the blue? Is that a thing?
  5. I

    How to get service?

    Dashcam and sentry mode recording. Do you really not know this after making 1500 comments on this forum since 2018, or are you trolling?
  6. I

    How to get service?

    I brought my model y in for service to address a number of issues, one of which was that the car no longer recognizes any USB drives anymore. I've tried 3 separate ones include the one that had been working for 3 years (it still works just fine when I plug it into my computer but not the car)...
  7. I

    USB Drive [the tesla supplied USB drive no longer works]

    Same bullshit happened to my usb and tesla of course wants to charge me $65 to replace the usb even though my car is under warrantee. Tesla went from luxury to walmart in less than 3 years. They have contempt for their customers as soon as they take delivery
  8. I

    How to get service?

    Yes of course I tried to make appointment through the app first. they were auto canceled by tesla's bots without anyone talking to me about it. The issue with my battery is that it's draining sometimes more than 10 miles per night in my climate controlled parking structure of my apt building...
  9. I

    How to get service?

    How do I even get Tesla to honor my appointment or talk to a human about my car's issue(s)??? I've tried multiple times to set up appointments for both issues with my battery, and my dash-cam not working. Their automated bots just send me a message telling my they are not issues at all and...
  10. I

    FSD now $8,000. Who's buying?

    "no" Is elon's one word response to letting the suckers who bought FSD for $14k to transfer their license to a new car purchase. That's what the CEO thinks of the customers who bet their hard earned money on the Tesla team and believed in them when no one else did.
  11. I

    FSD now $8,000. Who's buying?

    Lied to by Elon once again. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a class action from the folks who bought at 12-15k with the assurance that "the price will only go up"
  12. I

    Poll: When will FSD V12 be in wide release?

    I just want v12 to be as good as v10 and know that windshield wipers don't need to be on when it's not raining ;)
  13. I

    FSD Price Cut to $12k Tonight, Aug 31/ Sept 1 2023

    Another Elon Musk false promise? You’re kidding! Color me shocked.
  14. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    So now I'm gambling a non refundable $250 on tesla being able to have my car ready (without the usual paint and fit finish defects) by sept 30th.
  15. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    That all fine and good if I sell my current car AFTER I find out that Tesla can't deliver my new car in time. But if I sell my car now before it depreciates further I'm now screwed when tesla can't deliver by sept 30.
  16. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    I understand that it's purpose is to boost quarterly results, but you can't screw the customer out of their $15k software purchase. according to their terms, if I buy a new tesla now, sell my old tesla now (stripped of FSD), and then tesla for one reason or another can't deliver my new car by...
  17. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    WTF?! I'm sure this won't create any issues whatsoever.
  18. I

    Snippiness 2.0

    Cool story boomer. "Communication" without wasting both parties time is all I'm asking for. Welcome to the year 2023 where business can be done through this new fangeled internet thing. Also if you could read, you'll see I'm not asking for "free wifi", I'm asking for the paid premium...
  19. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    I already told him in my email that I'm not interested in existing inventory so you don't have a point there. The fact is, it's a sleazy salesman tactic to get you to invest time in either a phone call, or a visit, because that investment statistically makes you more likely to make a purchase...
  20. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    It shows aversion to having a written record and accountability for anything he says to me. Email is so much more effecient and organized. If I'm on the phone, now I'm taking notes which not only is a pain in the butt, but opens the door for errors, and for things to be misheard.
  21. I

    Elon: One-time FSD transfers for purchases in Q3

    What a mess. I inquired about upgrading my MY to a new one with trade in to take advantage of the FSD transfer and the sales guy is refusing to answer my questions through email or text. He's insisting on a phone call. Sketchy AF!
  22. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    they don't though. even when I request a push. they simply ignore me.
  23. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    The amount of bad will this is creating with tesla users is not worth the few thousand dollars in bandwidth they save every year. It would help profitiability in the long run to remove friction and headache.
  24. I

    How to sue Tesla over historical claims

    Looks like they're setting up to do this to millions of users again with hardware 4. Someone needs to press elon on making FSD licenses transferable at least. So we can upgrade our whole vehicle.
  25. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    How about pushing updates to people who paid 15k for a software feature? That’s great business no matter how you slice it. Or push updates to people who they detect are never/rarely connected to WiFi which would indicate they’re out of range.
  26. I

    FSD Beta 11.4.2 Ignores White Shoulder Boundary!

    This latest update is a complete disaster. So many regressions. Drives even more like a senile invalid than ever including STOPPING AT GREEN LIGHTS before making right turns. That’s is so unsafe! You can even see on the visualization the line where it plans to stop. Having serious doubts...
  27. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    No use arguing with someone who's religion is Tesla. Let me guess, Tesla's service, and paintwork are also flawless
  28. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    Why even have a "premium connectivity" product then for any data? It’s 2023 and you drive a Tesla. If you can’t figure out how to do the wifi or your Boost Mobile phone charges too much for the gigabytes I don’t know what to tell you. This is a solved problem Tesla. There's no reason anyone...
  29. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    But it's not a solved problem. instead of cherry picking and handwaving away which points you want to address, explain the logic of allowing terrabytes worth of media to be downloaded but not the most critical data for the product? Explain the company decision to charge some 15000 dollars for...
  30. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    It's annoying as hell and creates a ton of friction, and most importantly bad will. Connecting to my phone costs even more money on top of what I already paid and continue to pay, and can take hours, even days to download the update. Just send me the update over LTE you cheap MF'ers. Out of...
  31. I

    How TF are people who live in apartments supposed to update?

    Is Tesla's mission to get everyone into an EV and FSD, or just the people who live in houses with a strong WIFI connection? I live in an apartment building with no WIFI in the underground parking. I paid $15,000 for an additional software feature, and I pay monthly for Tesla premium...
  32. I


    I'm guessing you like to make assumptions? Been a tester for well over a year. If users need to hit the accellerator in order to not get honked at, than it's a bug that needs to be addressed before the name "full self driving" makes sense. Right now it's "partial self driving"...
  33. I


    I'm not an aggressive driver by any stretch. The uneven acceleration exhibited by FSD is actually lowering safety as I see it. It encourages other average drivers around me to make maneuvers to get around me. It also causes stress and potentially confrontation with the other drivers around me...
  34. I


    My high blood pressure comes from the potential of an LA road rager greeting me with a tire iron because FSD is driving like an absolute A**H***. It's almost as though it's simulating a elderly distracted driver.
  35. I


    Is there a mandate about limiting acceleration? My understanding is that it only need to come to a complete stop (which I have no problem with). Currently it basically "creeps" 75% through the intersection at a painfully low speed before accelerating to the speed limit.
  36. I


    "Assertive" should also mean, don't go through intersections at 2mph after a light turns green or it's our turn at a stop sign. ACCELERATE WITH PURPOSE LIKE A NORMAL F**** DRIVER! Am I taking crazy pills, or is this infuriating to others?
  37. I

    Supercharger Prices?

    I swear it used to show you the rates for superchargers on the map, but now it doesn't. Is it just me or does it not tell you supercharging rates anymore?
  38. I

    Autopilot nag gone??

    That's who we've been talking about for the last 3 pages
  39. I

    Autopilot nag gone??

    this guy is somehow avoiding nag too.
  40. I

    Tesla, please fix the horrible stop sign behavior

    that's what I end up doing, but with each update I hope that it will be fixed but it seems to never improve. Seems like one of the easier problems for them to solve.
  41. I

    Tesla, please fix the horrible stop sign behavior

    I live in a city where it's unacceptable to roll all the way through the intersection at 1mph when it's your turn to go through at a 4 way stop. Then of course it starts accellerating like a normal driver once it's completely through the intersection. This is by far the most frustrating thing...
  42. I

    Supercharger - Marina Del Rey, CA (LIVE 28 Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    This is slighty off topic, but since we're all basically in marina del rey, can anyone recommend a good place to get my tires rotated?
  43. I

    Supercharger - Marina Del Rey, CA (LIVE 28 Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Thanks! So your pic is outdated then? ;) 😉
  44. I

    Supercharger - Marina Del Rey, CA (LIVE 28 Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Any more accounts of charging without valet?
  45. I

    Supercharger - Marina Del Rey, CA (LIVE 28 Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    This is entirely stupid. Hopefully they figure that out soon and remove the valet requirement. Super dumb. Way to convert the planet to clean energy by making it even less affordable
  46. I

    Safety Score

    That’s weird