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  1. R

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'm hopeful that future updates will come more quickly and more regularly in the new E2E model. My thought process is that Tesla will simply be targeting the slightly weak spots in the current version via adding targeted training videos to the overall net that "smooth out" the rough edges...
  2. R

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yep, I've been experiencing the same thing randomly on my 2022 MS. Driving along just fine on a straight road, when the piercing "danger" sounds go off with no warning, and no indication on the screen that anything is actually wrong. My hands are on the wheel. It's happened a bunch of times...
  3. R

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I had to disengage v12.3.3 several times today while driving on city streets, due to the car going simply too fast. I found it cruising along at 52 in a 35 mph zone a couple of times, and it wanted to do 42 in a 30 mph zone, etc... It felt totally safe at the speed it was driving, but I...
  4. R

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I've never been a believer in the whole "burned my daily check" thought, but when I saw your note just now, I figured what the hell, so I went and sat in my 2022 MS refresh (with USS), and when I hit the software tab, I'll be damned if it didn't start downloading 2024.3.10! I was previously on...
  5. R

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just got home from a month in Florida, and got to try out v12.3 finally, after reading all about it here! Overall, I'm extremely impressed with the new end-to-end approach, and excited for the future of FSD! I have never had any expectation of my car becoming a Robo-Taxi, or allowing me to sit...
  6. R

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I just got the push for 12.3! Yay! I have a 2022 Model S LR on Hardware 3, located in Nebraska. Looks like it's going much wider tonight!
  7. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    First drive with 11.4.9 (2023. today. A fairly short, easy drive, but my overall impressions were positive for this version. After I had been driving for a while, I realized the car hadn't nagged me once, which is unusual (though I do normally keep one hand on the corner of the...
  8. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yep, I have a refresh Model S (2022) and I just got the push overnight also, so it seems you're right. I'm looking forward to some of the new features, and it's always "interesting" to see how FSDb changes with these updates. I use FSDb pretty much every drive, and it has a bunch of issues...
  9. R

    Tesla recalls 2 million vehicles to limit use of Autopilot

    I have a 2022 refreshed Model S, and I'm currently on FSD (2023.27.12). I haven't gotten the holiday update yet, but am waiting patiently. My wife got the update on her 2021 Model Y (no FSD). Some nice updated features that I'm looking forward to getting in my Model S. Doesn't seem...
  10. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I keep reading about all the problems everyone is having with the auto wipers setting, and it made me wonder why I never have "dry-wipes" on my 2022 Model S Refresh LR. It started raining today while I was driving (I very seldom drive my Tesla in the rain), and the wipers didn't come on...
  11. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I'm not sure about a "Wide" release of 11.4.7, but I got it yesterday (surprisingly, since I'm definitely not an influencer of any sort). I've gotten the last couple of iterations ahead of most people, which is great, but I really don't know why. I do provide a LOT of feedback on problems, and...
  12. R

    After 5-weeks, I turned FSD Beta off!

    What you've described has happened to me too many times to count on 11.4.4. This to me is the worst flaw I've seen so far in FSDb, and it's pretty surprising that Tesla hasn't figured out a quick way to stop this dangerous behavior. It was very rare in 11.3.6, but is nearly constant in 11.4.4...
  13. R

    FSD 11.4.x experiences

    Yep, still problematic for me too. Otherwise I do like how 11.4.4 is working for me, in terms of confidence, smoothness, etc. I'd still like a bit earlier braking when approaching a red light at 60 mph on a divided highway, but I can live with that. But the frequent lurching into turn lanes...
  14. R

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    This same behavior happens to me all the time on 11.4.4! It was actually even a bit worse on 11.4.3. It was not an issue at all on 11.3.6. It makes FSDb nearly unusable at times, and certainly makes most drives more nerve-wracking than simply driving myself. I get it in left turn lanes on...
  15. R

    FSD 11.4.4 wide release??

    First drive with 11.4.4. Went a bit better than my experiences with 11.4.3. Drive was 17 miles each way, and I had 3 critical interventions, all for the same basic reason - the car suddenly swerved into a turning lane while zipping along at 60 mph when it should have simply continued on...
  16. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I just got 11.4.4 along with like 2,000 other cars on TeslaFi... Hoping for some improvements to the "Phantom Lane Changes" into turning lanes on 2-lane highways when the route is clearly straight ahead. I'd be ecstatic if the overall experience is similar to what I was getting from 11.3.6...
  17. R

    FSD 11.4.4 wide release??

    11.4.3 was the worst version I've used so far, due to how many times the car would suddenly decide to jump into a turn lane when it needed to simply continue on straight on 4-lane highways (which I drive on all the time). I had experienced this several times with previous versions, but it was...
  18. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    "- Improved short-deadline lane changes, to avoid going off-route, through better modeling of target lane vehicles to improve gap selection assertiveness." I hope this translates to fewer instances of my car darting into a turning lane on the highway when the path it should take is clearly...
  19. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    11.3.6 was my favorite version so far! I wish I could go back to that one! 11.4.3 has some goodness, but it is constantly jumping into turn lanes when it needs to go straight, and it's keeping me on my toes!
  20. R

    FSD 11.4.x experiences

    For me, 11.4.3 seems a bit smoother overall than 11.4.2, but on a 20-minute drive today it kept trying to dart into a turning lane when it should have continued on straight. I happened like 6 times over the course of 10 miles on a 60 mph 4-lane divided highway. Nearly every turn lane to the...
  21. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    11.4.3 must be going fairly wide now, as I just got the notification to install it on my 2022 MSLR. It doesn't seem like much has changed, but I'll be interested to see if there are any further improvements. I'm one of those people who thought 11.3.6 was a bit better than 11.4.2 overall...
  22. R

    FSD 11.4.x experiences

    My experience has been the same! I had much smoother drives and fewer disengagements with 11.3.6 compared with 11.4.2. Some minor improvements also, but mostly much "harsher" driving with the return of the super-twitchy yoke on many turns, crazy acceleration on some turns, etc. No...
  23. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I just completed my first drive with 11.4.2, coming from 11.3.6 yesterday. Virtually no change for my drive, unfortunately. Still mostly just fine, but the problem areas on my normal commute remain exactly as they were in 11.3.6 (I've identified these errors via the microphone probably 50-60...
  24. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Looks like a huge push of 11.4.2 is happening this morning! I just got a notification that it's downloading. Looking forward to giving it a try. I expect some minor improvements in smoothness compared to my current 11.3.6 version.
  25. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    It seems like 11.4.1 is being deployed at a slow but steady rate, and definitely beyond just employees and You-Tubers. I see from TeslaFi that there have been a couple hundred cars receiving it so far (or queued to receive it). Hope that means it will go wide soon! I know we would normally...
  26. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    It's my belief based on my experiences with FSDb that Tesla is definitely moving in the direction of eliminating the wheel torque requirement altogether and substituting the interior cameras for monitoring driver attention. I say this based on how few nags I am now getting with 11.3.6, compared...
  27. R

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    From a Robo-Taxi perspective, I think Tesla should focus completely on eliminating safety issues and maximizing smoothness, while being less concerned with speed and agility (that we are all demanding as drivers of these cars).
  28. R

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I agree with this assessment! However, I think that most robo-taxi riders will be somewhat indifferent to a somewhat slow and methodical ride as long as the car gets them to their destination safely and relatively smoothly. As an actual driver, though, the slowness can get pretty annoying, and...
  29. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I guess I'm one of the exceptions here, but I am glad that I purchased the FSD option when I bought my 2022 MSLR. At the time, it cost $10k, so a roughly 10% increase in the price of the car by adding the FSD. I realize that as a percentage of the car cost, the current $15k is much higher...
  30. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I have a 2022 MSLR, and have many drives which are pretty much intervention-free (if I had the patience to let the car do it's thing, slowly and cautiously). I tend to mostly intervene when I'm impatient and want to quickly change lanes and zip around slower traffic. However, I do have spots...
  31. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I am an admittedly very impatient driver, and drive fairly aggressively, so most of the time if I'm in my normal hurry, FSDb drives me nuts with it's slow driving and indecision. I normally intervene constantly simply because the car is going too slow or not shooting around other slower drivers...
  32. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I never got 11.3.3, I went straight to 11.3.4. The nags were significantly reduced for me on 11.3.4, and now seem to be even further reduced on 11.3.6. If you take your eyes off the road to look at your phone or at the touch screen for too long, you do get a quick nag still, along with an...
  33. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Took my first drive on V11.3.6 this morning. Previously had 11.3.4. No noticeable changes in the updated version. Still having problems where the car pulls into a turn-only lane instead of remaining in the right lane to continue forward. Fairly smooth acceleration and deceleration with these...
  34. R

    What has happened with the rollout of V11?

    Downloading 11.3.6 now, coming from 11.3.4. This must be a pretty wide roll-out, as I'm never this early to receive new updates. I was fairly happy with 11.3.4, but my car was definitely moving inappropriately into turn lanes when it needed to continue on straight, so I'm hoping this is one of...
  35. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    The biggest problem I'm having with 11.4.3 is that my car will pull into inappropriate turn lanes when it's supposed to be continuing on straight. I watch the route planner visualization when I'm driving, and if I'm in the right lane of a 4-lane divided road, and a right turn only lane comes...
  36. R

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    Yep, same thing happens to me pretty much all the time on 11.3.4. My car is a 2022 MS LR. With previous versions, the gray steering wheel was almost always available as soon as I pulled out of my driveway. Now, for the first mile or so, it will flicker in briefly and then disappear. I think...
  37. R

    I'm actually shocked at V11.3.4

    My experience with 11.4.3 is similar. I used 10.69.2 every day, but definitely had to disengage it routinely on turns and roundabouts, knowing it would fail (or be too slow) on those. I still enjoyed the things it did right, and got a lot of good use out of it. With 11.3.4, the amount of...
  38. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    More driving on 11.3.4 today, including interstate for the first time on this version. I have to say I'm personally extremely happy with this version overall, especially the interstate portion. I use FSDb every day, and have been stuck on 10.69 for a long time. I found that version to have...
  39. R

    FSD Beta 11.3.3 Problems #2

    I hate that twitchy steering wheel thing! I get it on UPL turns all the time also, and it always makes me nervous...
  40. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Finally received 11.3.4 last night around 9 pm, along with the big wave that got pushed out! Sad to see many people are still stuck on 10.69! I thought I'd be the last one, but I guess not... Went for a drive to try it out, and found lots to like in the new version. It seemed a bit smoother...
  41. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    From looking at Teslafi, it still looks like all of the downloads of 11.3.3 are going to cars coming from 11.3.2, so I don't think there are any new testers being given access to 11.3.3. I could be mistaken, though (and hope that I am).
  42. R

    Model S existing inventory and pricing

    I also live in Nebraska, and have bought several new Tesla's from the Kansas City location. I haven't been subject to double-taxation on any of the cars.
  43. R

    Tesla's Hardware 4: Will it improve FSD?

    My Tesla MS used to severely overreact to cars slowing down to turn in front of it (or cars turning left in front of me quite a ways away). It always bugged me how sensitive it was to cars well ahead of it. With FSDb, though, my car now reacts really well (or should I say, doesn't react, which...
  44. R

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I'm definitely in the group that thinks FSD Beta is useful and fascinating to use most of the time. But as others have pointed out, it definitely has it's quirks, and still has to be monitored pretty closely. It doesn't drive as well as I do (or at least it doesn't drive the same as I do)...
  45. R

    Model S/Model X Prices Slashed!

    I sold my 2020 MSLR to a local dealer in the summer of 2021 for $78k, during the peak of the Covid insanity. I then bought a 2022 MSLR for $84k (though it took 9 months to actually deliver, and I tacked on $10k at the time for the FSD package). It worked out well at the time. Seems like the...
  46. R

    Where to get plaid 19inch tires?

    I also have a set of these tires for sale. I convinced Tesla to switch me to the all-seasons right after the purchase, and would love for someone to get some use out of my "spare" tires. Feel free to shoot me a note and we can work out a sweet deal!
  47. R

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    For what it's worth, I've had my MSLR for 10 months, and have not regretted having the yoke a single day. I'd still chose a yoke vs a wheel today. It's part of what makes my car unique and fun, and I very quickly adjusted to the shape and the controls. No regrets! I'm glad the wheel is now...
  48. R

    FSD tale of two systems

    I use FSDb every day here in Nebraska. I live on the edge of town, and traffic isn't too bad. For me, FSDb drives just fine 80-90% of the time. I have longer 15-20 mile drives with zero interventions. I've learned where FSDb will inevitably mess up, and preemptively disengage in those spots...
  49. R

    Settings Reset After 2022.44.25.5 Update - Unenrolled from FSD Beta?

    2022.44.25.5 is FSD Beta version 10.69.25 (the Holiday update for FSD Beta). Perhaps you just need to go into your settings to be sure the FSD Beta options are turned on? If that doesn't work, you could try re-installing the software via the Service Screen. I'm on 2022.44.25.5 right now and...
  50. R

    Holiday Update & FSD

    I'm in the same boat, currently running and awaiting install of I do believe we'll see over the next 24-48 hours, it just takes a while to deploy to the entire FSDb crowd, and it hasn't made it to use just yet. I'm hopeful that V11.0 is being tested behind the...