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  1. X

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Premium hardware, inferior software + firmware, and a "we always know best" corporate attitude. There is no easy way to know just how little control you will have over the Powerwall before you buy it, or how internet dependant it is. Pretty poor design of a backup device - when the power is out...
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    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Jay I can only agree with you, and I have frequently moaned about the frustrating lack of control of a device I own, and what control I do have being internet dependant. The software is created by children that know nothing about resilient engineering or that the cloud is not always accessible...
  3. X

    Powerwall Overnight Charging Rate

    @BGbreeder looking at my winter data (high use, low solar) my peaks in consumption are around 6kW, less than half the 14kW I have to play with. If Tesla would give me the control I can manage my resources really efficiently
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    Powerwall Overnight Charging Rate

    No aircon or heated pool.... our electricity use is very moderate compared to so many of the graphs I see on this forum. But lack of owner control of devices is an issue, the big corporation and the software they design does not know best and is not able to predict my use.
  5. X

    Powerwall Overnight Charging Rate

    Nope, single phase, and 60A seemed more than enough when installed. Now if they continue to incentivise small windows of cheaper electricity, then I do need to be able to manage the rate things consume grid power and/or time when they do that.
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    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    The random erratic behaviour when charging in Time-Based mode continues. Some nights are fine and others do things like this: The mystery drop to 1.7kW as if it is in self-consumption mode, this time for 20 mins. My internet was working fine, I happened to wake up and check during that 1.7kW...
  7. X

    Powerwall Overnight Charging Rate

    @mw963 my understanding is that Powerwalls in the UK were by default throttled to 3.7kW by a setting configured by the installer. This limit was to match the OffGen rules that allowed equipment that could output to the grid (solar panels and batteries) to be installed without additional...
  8. X

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    Yes Battery SOC has reappeared now, it sounds like Tesla broken something their end for a while.
  9. X

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    @tomho I'm seeing an error on the Windows UWP version this morning, and not seeing battery SOC
  10. X

    Using Fleet API to Control My Powerwall Reserve Percentage

    I created a Third-party developer account with Tesla yesterday, but my attempts to request access for app credentials using valid business details got the immediate error "Unable to Onboard, Contact your account manager....". I suspect my current lack of a web page is the issue, I have a domain...
  11. X

    What is PW's KW draw when charging from the grid? I have 2 PW's and they are charging at 2.4kw.

    Interesting, I'm in UK also and get 3.6kW (the supplier limit in and out unless permission gained from the DSO) in time based mode and 1.7kW in self-powered. So curious @bruce_miranda that you see 2.34kW, what firmware version are you on?
  12. X

    Using Fleet API to Control My Powerwall Reserve Percentage

    Thanks for your input @offandonagain . I do have a tech business I could register with, however I don't have a website any more nor do I have an oAuth provider, and both seem to be necessary aspects of gaining permission and getting FleetAPI working. Have I understood correctly? Just how many...
  13. X

    Discussion: How to get status information from your Powerwalls

    Sorry @Vostok,possibly a false alarm on my part. My scripts are based on Tim Drossers TeslaPy and had unnecessary use of api/1/vehicles endpoint. That endpoint is what vanished over night, so I can get around it. But it has kicked me in the pants to look at swapping to Fleet API, just not sure...
  14. X

    Using Fleet API to Control My Powerwall Reserve Percentage

    I've been using the Owner API to control when my Powerwall is charged from the grid, using Python scripts based on TeslaPy running on a RPi. This API is being turned off this year so I will need to move to using the new Fleet API. I'm hoping that some of the app developers and script writers...
  15. X

    Discussion: How to get status information from your Powerwalls

    Well @Vostok my script (setting mode and backup reserve percentage) using the Owner API failed this morning with "HTTPError: 412 Client Error: Endpoint is only available on fleetapi" so I'm looking at how I get permission as merely an owner to use the Fleet API. At 00:30 GMT scripts ran just...
  16. X

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    Funny, I was thinking how nice it is NOT to have useless animation. Just sayin...
  17. X

    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    Yes @BGbreeder the 5.8GHz signal is pretty robust, weather has never made a noticeable difference (well except for when high winds and rain physically took out the mast mounted equipment). The prior experience with internet via overhead copper wire was that instability and noise rose (and thus...
  18. X

    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    @BGbreeder I understood what you were suggesting for a reserved IP address and the problems when not. The addresses on my local network are managed by a router (in my house) that I do not have access to configure. I know, I had thoughts about that, but this is all part of my internet via radio...
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    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    @swedge thank you but no it is not a temperature issue. Last night was our coldest this winter (we got to -2C or 28F), and the charging in time based mode was exactly as I would expect with some ramping up at the beginning because of warm up, but no flats at 1.7kW and then odd spikes of 3.6kW ...
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    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    @BGbreeder thank you for your interest, questions welcome. No I am unable to fix the IP address in my router. I am rural, no fibre here and 3 miles of overhead copper wire can not deliver stability nor speed, so I have internet via radio and as part of that I am not granted access to the router...
  21. X

    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    @JohnRatsey interesting that a 2PW setup gets 5kW, did you get permission from your DSO for that? Maybe your installer simply enabled it (good for you if so), someone I didn't go with offered to do that for me so it must happen. Yes you can force mains charging by raising the backup reserve...
  22. X

    Powerwall time based control not saving

    I'm sure when my Powerwall was installed back in 2021 that time based mode only became available after several days because Tesla need to collect some initial generation and consumption data for the predictive algorithm to use. Something like that could have been a factor too.
  23. X

    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    Last night in time based mode my off peak charging was at 3.6kW, behaving just like the previous years. I'm increasingly convinced that those nights when it has not done that are some sort of bug. The previous night was one of the erratic ones: In all the erratic "spike" pattern charging...
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    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    @BGbreeder it does seem unlikely that there is a battery reason (or even a grid supply one) to further cripple the charge rate in normal operating conditions. LiPo battery cells are normally charged at 1C, so on my Powerwall a 14kW rate would be fine (although everyone doing that would upset the...
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    Recent Odd Charging Behaviour In Time Based Mode

    In the last 2 weeks I have noticed odd charging behaviour when my Powerwall is in time based mode, compared to the previous behaviour 2021 through 2023. Any one else care to check their data, or ideas what is going on? First some details of my use. While I have solar panels, my Powerwall usage...
  26. X

    Powerwall Firmware 23.44.0 eb113390

    @scdoubleu I'm an "if it ain't broke don't fix" it guy, happy to be as far away as possible from the untested bleeding edge of Tesla firmware. If they behaved professionally and at least published release notes I might consider it. What has changed? I've just been through 3 years of winter...
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    Powerwall Firmware 23.44.0 eb113390

    @auxms75d I'm still on 22.18.5 (in UK, firmware roll outs are slow?) and was told by Tesla support via email that an update coming in December 2021 (yes 2 years ago!) would have self-powered mode charging at the higher rate like time based. It didn't happen, but I really could use that over the...
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    Tesla Powerwall II and Octopus Agile

    Well it is another UK company and frankly the control parameters used by GivEnergy make way more sense in the UK energy market and weather. Unlike Tesla they don't pretend to have "AI" (i.e. a poorly designed and overly complicated algorithm that tries to use past data to anticipate future use)...
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    Tesla Powerwall II and Octopus Agile

    That seems to be all about Tesla cars, so can I encourage UK Powerwall owners to continue to use this subforum because our conversations are energy specific. We are also on Octopus Go, considered switching to Agile but lack of integration with both Powerwall and my current charger makes it...
  30. X

    3 Powerwalls only charging to 87% from grid on time base control

    I'm yet to be convinced that Powerwalls in the UK use any kind of weather forecast, but yes time based control does apply some algorithm that estimates both solar generation and use based on your historic data (e.g. what happened yesterday, or this day last week) and will decide not to charge...
  31. X

    Discussion: How to get status information from your Powerwalls

    @offandonagain thank you for that great summary. @offandonagain pointed me at the Gateway API as a route to controlling some aspects such as Powerwall reserve percentage and mode, and I would love to be able to control the hardware that I own locally rather than via the cloud. Lack of local...
  32. X

    Discussion: How to get status information from your Powerwalls

    @Vostok can you expand on this impending API lockdown. My use of the Powerwall depends entirely on being able to set the mode and backup reserve percentage using the API, the Tesla algorithm is unable to predict my weather (for solar generation) or domestic consumption adequately especially over...
  33. X

    Powerwall 2 using grid power in Time Based Control mode

    I make extensive use of Tim Dorssers open source work on Github TeslaPy and this could be of specific help No longer able to set Powerwall to self_consumption mode · Issue #136 · tdorssers/TeslaPy The sort answer is the JSON endpoint to set mode is "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/operation" and...
  34. X

    Powerwall 2 using grid power in Time Based Control mode

    Yes the max charge rate is only available in autonomous mode, with self-powered charging at half that rate. I even raised a ticket with Tesla and was told it would be changed in a firmware update in 2022, still awaiting that miracle. Having had the same frustration at the automated Powerwall...
  35. X

    Charging Powerwall Overnight

    Willing but lazy (and struggling a little to remember what I did because it has been just working well for so long), so I can certainly point you at what I did but also you will need sufficient technical knowledge to make sense of minimal information. I have a RPi2 (running Raspbian) attached...
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    Powerwall 2 using grid power in Time Based Control mode

    @WillC welcome to the wonders of the Tesla algorithms which in the 3 years I have had a Powerwall, and whatever version of the firmware (which may or may not have some kind of weather based solar prediction), is simply unable to cope with the daily variation in UK weather. Today's weather and...
  37. X

    Tesla App down? [02.14.2023]

    Totally agree. It is just bad design based on the assumption that both your internet connection and the Tesla servers are always working. In practice they aren't, and Tesla hasn't even bothered to provide dual redundancy so that there is never maintenance outages. I have worked on mission...
  38. X

    How to tell after power outage if you are using PW Batteries or if the grid is back on?

    That would make sense, but I experience a noticeable delay even when the Powerwall is currently supplying power too. It is like the sudden absence of the grid causes it to briefly stop supplying while it figures things out. Since I'm in the UK while the grid is there we can export, but absence...
  39. X

    How to tell after power outage if you are using PW Batteries or if the grid is back on?

    That is not my experience. When the grid goes there is a noticeable delay before the Powerwall cuts in, enough to cause clocks on devices to reset and PC to reboot etc. The return of the grid is invisible, so we do have to keep checking the app to see if we have grid power or not. Anyone know...
  40. X

    Getting daily production from Tesla Gateway API

    OK figured it out (I would edit my previous post if I could) api/1/energy_sites/{SITE_ID}/calendar_history?kind=power&end_date=2022-08-15T22:59:59Z will give me any day of power data in 5min intervals regardless of what "period" value I set. The trick is to get the time part of end_date...
  41. X

    Getting daily production from Tesla Gateway API

    Which endpoint do you mean @Vostok, /powerhistory for the battery or /history for the site? As best I understand while /api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/history retrieves the cumulative energy generation/storage (kWh) for a specified recent period, it only returns power generation/storage (watts)...
  42. X

    Getting daily production from Tesla Gateway API

    Does anyone know the API endpoint and parameters to get the historic time series power data for any given date? As @mjhwa says the app can do so, although scrolling back to the day you want is tedious, so it must be possible. I have looked at "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/history" and...
  43. X

    Powerwall 2 charge and discharge rates

    Ah yes, DNO involvement is all about discharging to the grid, I had not registered that you were only talking about charging and local supply.
  44. X

    Powerwall 2 charge and discharge rates

    Yes the installers can configure this to 5kW, but officially you are supposed to have permission from your local DNO to do this and they charge a fee for the "planning" calculations and possible site visit involved. Curious if your installers simply set it for you, I certainly had one company...
  45. X

    Powerwall 22.18 Firmware

    Still on 21.35.3 here, have been since November 2021. I just assumed that roll out in UK was always well behind the US, but who knows the mystery of Tesla firmware release strategy. I was promised by support that the December 2021 update would support a 3.6kWh charge rate when in self...
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    Tesla: we need more control over our PowerWalls

    The dependency on cloud access (via internet or 4G) to be able to control the Powerwall is just seriously flawed design. One reason to have a Powerwall is island mode - being able to continue to consume solar generation and have battery backup during a grid outage. When the grid is out things...
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    Tesla: we need more control over our PowerWalls

    That's right, Powerwall is my only device like this and it is the aspect that I hate.
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    Tesla: we need more control over our PowerWalls

    How is the app running for you now @mw963? It recently ground to unusable slowness on my phone for me too (also in UK). I noticed that my phone it has been updated from PlayStore, while on an old tablet it was an older version (still v4) and worked much quicker. So maybe an update issue? Long...
  49. X

    Does Tesla not sell Gateways with less than 2 powerwalls

    In UK with one Powerwall + Gateway
  50. X

    Cost of Neurio external meter?

    We were charged £306 + VAT for a Neuiro meter in March 2021, 2 suppliers quoted much the same price for this. It was purchased because of the location of our solar inverter compared to the Powerwall and logistic difficulty in running cable for the CT. For the first 5 months it worked...