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  1. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Best thing about this update is that radio stations now switch almost instantly. Now I just wish it would flash up with the new station name somewhere whenever you switch and have trip or tyre pressure card showing. On a separate point, the new climate icon is weirdly different to the others -...
  2. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    The horn is my dashcam shortcut
  3. BillN

    Koni active special Reber Germany variant

    I’m also potentially interested in installing these on a UK ‘22 Model 3 RWD. I’m guessing no one else has yet imported these from Germany for installation in the UK...
  4. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Say you are travelling at 50 mph and engage Autosteer, then TACC is set to 50 mph (when using the current speed setting as I do). I then flick the right scroll down 10 times to get the set max speed down to zero, whilst controlling actual speed with my right foot. The car will then slow down all...
  5. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    X amount of quick flicks down on the right scroll wheel
  6. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Fairly often my preferred 'mode' to drive in is Autosteer engaged but with TACC dialled all the way back to zero. The fact you can’t easily just have Autosteer on without having to also use TACC is another shortcoming of the Tesla system vs the way some others operate.
  7. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    If you could see more of what’s happening behind it might actually be quite useful (assuming you were willing to trust it, which you probably wouldn’t be)….
  8. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Power / regen meter moved
  9. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Annoyed they haven’t moved the map buttons. Will still have to reach across when then could just be centrally positioned (as in CT)
  10. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

  11. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    When (if) markets like UK or Australia (where the screenshot is from) get actual FSD then it could make sense - when actually using FSD. Until then it seems odd to me for someone in markets without FSD to be excited by this. Would much rather have the option to have a minimal visualisation with...
  12. BillN

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Meh Surely, just look out of the window
  13. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    The manual says nothing explicitly about not using TACC in urban areas. It does however say Autosteer is only intended for controlled-access highways. Phantom braking can of course happen with TACC only, regardless of whether Autosteer is also in use.
  14. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    A system which switches to dipped beams based on actual lighting levels is much more sensible than one which switches based on a simple speed or GPS based cutoff, IMV, or even one which possibly switches to dipped at the mere sight of a single street light somewhere. Anyway, interesting to see...
  15. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Can anyone who now has the update confirm if the behaviour of the current speed setting for AP has changed - can you now use the current speed option, turn on AP and then have AP exceed the detected speed limit? Currently, AP does not allow cruise control to be set even a single mph over the...
  16. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Yes that does seem a bit extreme in that clip - hopefully not as overt in real life. Have also seen some chat that the matrix effect may also be different in 3/Y vs the S in that clip.
  17. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Exactly - the only difference in opinion is where the starting point is. Most manufactures it seems choose to have a starting point of any street lighting detected then switch to dipped. That then requires the driver to manually switch on main beam if the street lighting is patchy/inadequate...
  18. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    No one is talking about “staying on full beam”
  19. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    But there aren’t any pedestrians in that clip, and if there were an attentive and considerate driver can switch to dipped beam after having seen them (possibly only as a result of the main beam highlighting them to begin with). I wonder, would a parent of a child rather their child a) never...
  20. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Yeah, seems like it maybe switching off based on reflected light after initially shining high beam on parked cars. For me though the second part of this clip below - when matrix has activated and there is more light with which to see potential hazards - is on the whole preferable to the first...
  21. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    My stance is there is no harm is extra light from the car at night even in areas that are generally well lit, provided other road users aren’t being dazzled (either though a matrix system working well or by an attentive and considerate driving deciding to dip when necessary). Instead of a...
  22. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    All great, but I think even people with young kids would mostly agree there are other aspects of software (eg wipers, speed limit recognition, matrix lights which we had to wait years for, etc) which ideally would be addressed ahead of some of these nice to have extras. I think it makes no...
  23. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Some decent examples at the start of this clip of matrix full beam in a street lit area (only on one side) helping to illuminate the pavement and areas around parked cars.
  24. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    “street lighting it not all equal - quite a few street lit areas I drive through are very poorly illuminated” Overall, I prefer a system that makes me choose when I want less light, rather than one than makes me choose when I want to have more.
  25. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Should use dipped beam is for the reason “to ensure you can be seen”… not for any other reason. Someone sat in their lounge is not a road user. By that logic we should all just drive around everywhere, more slowly, with dipped beams constantly.
  26. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    There's only so many hours in the day and there are game updates and hilarious lock sounds to code
  27. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    And street lighting it not all equal - quite a few street lit areas I drive through are very poorly illuminated and then the question of the trade-off between maybe annoying someone sat safely in their home vs being able to see all sorts of potential hazards is straightforward IMV. If the person...
  28. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    My view on full beams in built-up areas is that it's more important for drivers to be able to see potential hazards as well as possible than it is to avoid shining some light into bedroom windows. Obviously with the provision that other drivers, cyclists, horse riders etc aren't dazzled.
  29. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

  30. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    An Australian car just got it
  31. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

  32. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    2024.8.x apparently fixes the Current Speed setting when using Auto Steer so that you can once again have an offset above the detected limit. Hallelujah if true.
  33. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Key differentiator seems to be only 2024.2.7 cars have got it so far. In Europe only the UK (and Spain for some reason) are heavily on 2024.2.8.
  34. BillN

    [UK] 2024.8.x

  35. BillN

    Remotely popping open door

    🤷‍♂️ you asked the question I gave an answer. The buttons obviously do more beyond pop open the doors
  36. BillN

    Remotely popping open door

    Yeah 2 mins
  37. BillN

    Remotely popping open door

    S3XY buttons
  38. BillN

    Aftermarket Tesla CarPlay and Android Auto Devices

  39. BillN

    Aftermarket Tesla CarPlay and Android Auto Devices

    I’m pretty sure this is the optimal solution still… Apple Maps (or Waze or whatever you prefer) on MagSafe steering wheel column mount, ABRP on Tesla browser. Waze running in background for safety alerts only. Bluetooth controller (or just Siri - which crazily doesn’t work with CarPlay) to...
  40. BillN

    Aftermarket Tesla CarPlay and Android Auto Devices

    Ended up having to scroll wheel reset the car to get the Tesla app and other services working again…
  41. BillN

    S3XY buttons at Abstract Ocean

    I wish there was a way (eg via button press) to disconnect curent Bluetooth phone connections and so enable swapping of the phone which is connected without having to force quit the app on the currently connected phone.
  42. BillN

    Aftermarket Tesla CarPlay and Android Auto Devices

    Nothing really in particular wrong the Ownice unit, but I’m not sure I like it as a general concept, and think I just prefer having my iPhone mounted on the steering column… Issues: - map is better (IMO) as a sort of HUD in front of you rather than off to the side on the main screen - CarPlay...
  43. BillN

    Aftermarket Tesla CarPlay and Android Auto Devices

    Just received my Ownice (ordered on May 4th - super quick) First impressions are very good. For £62 it seems like a bargain and a total no-brainer, even if I can’t currently think of too many situations where I’ll want to actually use CarPlay much, as I’ve grown accustomed to having Apple Maps...
  44. BillN


    I think the problem with this would be the headlights wouldn’t then automatically turn on at dusk - so you could end up driving around with only front side lights on, until you eventually realise.
  45. BillN


    It’s mainly about people behind you being able to see your car. With lights off, DRLs are on, but tail lights aren’t, and with heavy cloud and lots of spray your car (especially if it’s MSM or black) can become difficult to pick out. I too was surprised the headlights didn’t automatically turn...
  46. BillN


    I tweeted the suggestion to this chap who has ‘liked’ my tweet - so maybe we’ll see the option to swap the press/hold functionality at some point..
  47. BillN


    I think I’m going to set it to either temp or camera, but I like that you then still have access to the other options too.
  48. BillN


    I guess it all comes down to how different individuals use their car, which I suppose is why I think it would be good if there was the option to swap the single press and hold functionality. Personally, I can’t recall ever using the pause button due to mostly radio listening, whereas I do use...
  49. BillN


    Yeah, I just realised that after another short trip. I tend to listen to DAB radio, where it has the same outcome as it obviously can’t be paused. Regardless, I suspect a lot of people will end up using the hold button functions more often than they use the pause function (which of course...
  50. BillN


    Finally got 2023.12.1.1 this morning and had a quick first look at the changes. Scroll wheel button thing is a good improvement, but tbh I’m still glad to have S3XY buttons installed for dedicated stuff like chill/standard, glovebox, interior lights etc. The length of time to wait whilst...