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  1. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    hmm - so 'sort of' the wifi from the car is going out to the internet and back - i guess what im saying is i'd like to be able to send commands to the car via the wifi enabled charger, or the wifi enabled car, vs having to use BLE to send commands - and the tesla charger already has an interface...
  2. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    It's a shame you can't just control via the wifi - any time my car is charging at home it's on my wifi.. - or via the tesla charger..
  3. S

    Model Y Tow Package available soon from Tesla Australia

    I'm happy with it - the latch mech can be ever so slightly clunky, construction is solid, it's a hefty lift on & off - but the tie down method is great, when carrying bikes of different sizes/type you need to load them in specific position/order. Also if you are parked on a slope nose-down it...
  4. S

    Model Y Tow Package available soon from Tesla Australia

    Can't imagine putting a vert rack on a model 3 - but my single-trail.com.au bike rack has an adjustment on the bottom to stop the wobble (put tongue in, tighten adjustment with spanner). you would want a towbar rated for plenty of down weight capacity - the racks themselves are heavy - even...
  5. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    I honestly wonder how that works.. how much of the dug up oil used to produce the plastic, ends up in the plastic.. and then does it get released as it degrades in the sun? like a log? Should i be storing my 3d print waste in archive like conditions to stop it re-releasing it's carbon?
  6. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    Has two electric cars but a fossil fuel lawn :D (not having a go - made me giggle)
  7. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    Thought mine was broken - was homeassistant deciding my MQTT device id's were no longer valid - forces you to use the big long hex id's now..
  8. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    our off-peak is 16c and our FIT is 10c - so charging when the sun is out really is great for us. anyone know when the API access will get turned off?
  9. S

    Australian Deliveries of Model Y - All Windows Double Glazed?

    I think it's been law in australia for a long time for windscreens - two pieces of glass with a layer of clear plastic between them - more like bullet proof glass than double glazing.
  10. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    BAH! - but that stuff will pretty much kill tessie?
  11. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    I think it's likely to be with tesla's back end - car operating normally - but wasn't able to get updates to the app - even when the car is awake and driving.
  12. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The weirdest one is the 'primary' bluetooth device not sticking between drivers randomly.
  13. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    could be - but you almost hit the dashboard - i thought Elon protected our rights to speed more than that :D
  14. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Hey all, As per my previous posts in here - looks like the relentless 'autopilot will set to 60 even though it recognises its a 40 school zone' is fixed... yay! so.... Was driving along the other day - had the autopilot set to 95 in a 90 zone (because im a bad ass) - car thought the speed...
  15. S

    Why has Tesla's charging advice changed

    Given the charge curve that superchargers use now - i doubt there is any measurable degradation - li-ion is a pretty mature technology - just look at tool batteries - routinely charged hard, used harder & stored full - and now last years and years. I would much rather be keeping my car battery...
  16. S

    Why has Tesla's charging advice changed

    Coming from RC electric battery background - seems weird to me to want a storage charge level so low - generally (for any lithium chem battery) you would store at 70% - and transport at 30% - you never want to let them spend time actually flat.
  17. S

    Why has Tesla's charging advice changed

    I actually think that might be a firmare thing - certainly if the battery is above 90 - the charge rate limiting (eg like how a supercharger rolls off) will limit regen, but i think the level of lift-off regen has reduced - e now have to brake to come to a stop at the hill near our house - where...
  18. S

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    Back in the day you could tell the energy provider you ere putting on a big ole aircon and they would upgrade
  19. S

    Tesla refusing to invoice insurance company for repair

    Most insurance companies want a cut-rate well under retail - probably why Tesla won't deal with them.
  20. S

    Is Car Insurance "choice of repairer" essential for Oz Tesla owners?

    Hmm - it's up to insurance to repair your car fit for purpose - if the only place that can get parts are tesla qualified places - seems like that makes YOUR choice of repairer pointless?
  21. S

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    I was surprised it was that low (the 216v limit)- So if your 'normal' house voltage is that low - and your street supply is 63a (i thought that was the breaker just for your charger circuit) i wouldn't be surprised if you had that much droop between board-circuit-car my supply voltage is...
  22. S

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    Any idea how big your supply is? (the cable to the house) Does the house voltage normalise when you aren't charging?
  23. S

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    I don't understand how a 5 pin socket for single phase would work - two of the pins not hooked up? I've seen some weird and wonderful wiring in data centres of weird specific purposes - but that's pretty out there.
  24. S

    Advice needed - should I pay $150 to inspect the undercarriage?

    So - if you were in canberra i'd tell you to swing past one night.. but if you can find a local workshop thats comfortable with putting it on a hoist for you - or alternatively find a nice high gutter it a quiet spot you can put one side of the wheels on and look under it with a torch - most...
  25. S

    Fluid Leaking Under Frunk

    If it's coolant it should feel slippery between your fingers - like it has detergent in it - the colour would be difficult to see in a puddle
  26. S

    Why does my Model Y only charge at a max of 24 A?

    According to this - the solaredge inverter chargers only provide 23a single phase 5kw (if its a SE5000H ) - https://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/se_single_phase_inverter_integrated_ev_charger_datasheet-aus.pdf but the 'normal' solaredge ones should do 32a
  27. S

    Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) in Australia

    My umc upgraded itself somewhere from 8-10 and 12-15 - but tails are marked as 10&15 externally. sucks about QLD ripping off single phase places -
  28. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I've only had the car 3-4 months so it's never worked :D might be worth checking for a stonechip or something on the front facing camera portion at the top of the windshield.
  29. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I still don't understand how it can see school zones, knows they are enforced - show it on the screen (as active/red etc) and still disregard it when engaging autopilot...
  30. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    well - that was easy - haven't actually scripted it yet - but should be a bit easier :D
  31. S

    Charging from Excess Solar with Teslapy

    So - now i have my charger installed - how would you guys automate this? I have home battery/solar/export all integrated with home assistant - but have not implemented any command over the charge rate on the car. there seems to be a open source tesla integration - teslamate - anyone have any...
  32. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Had the 'tap keycard to unlock' - not opening from the phone key again today (only second time) - but i was able to open the phone and unlock via the app & proceed as normal after - but if you were planning to be out of phone range, might want to carry that keycard
  33. S

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    I was going to post here a map of the 2003 Canberra fires - but you are referring to Australia - pretty much all of it, except the sandy part in the middle.
  34. S

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    You could say the same about any tax though - I'll leave it at, the amount of excise collected per state is similar to the amount of federal road funding that state receives - do you believe that heavier (on average) more powerful (on average) electric cars shouldn't contribute to the general...
  35. S

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    except 1. The roads are almost completely funded by fuel excise. 2. Anyone that currently owns an electric car probably replaced a modern fuel efficient clean burning vehicle with it - due to them being 60k anyway. 3. Wood heaters in houses are far worse than cars/trucks
  36. S

    Experience driving Tesla alongside other road users

    I'd like to have a few 'from a roll' against myself - if that makes sense - just to see where it stands from different speeds/conditions against my other cars.. I think my LR would probably 50-100 faster than the other cars in the fleet, but over a full 1/4 - or on the highway (private road of...
  37. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    hmm well it is a network - just because it doesn't have an ip - i mean it has an address - and it does check in - so the mobile network knows where to send traffic for that device.. as i said, the only actually passive device is a pager - which is why they are permitted in parts of hospitals...
  38. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    So we seem to have a recurring issue around priority bluetooth devices. We will end up with one device being priority on both tesla accounts/driver profiles - when you switch it, it might reflect that device 1 is a priority for driver 1 - great, but a couple of days later - get in the car and...
  39. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    They are now giving them away to anyone with a seniors card - base station and a fob with GPS and a couple of pre-programmed buttons.
  40. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    I'd assume the data would be a separate board - it probably does require one of the control computers to send/receive meaningful data - but thats probably by design more than good practice - to be honest it would be better for it to be some sort of management/diag board - like an ILO/IDRAC port...
  41. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    I disagree - i mean it is network attached - because it's listening for an SMS.. i doubt there is any real world difference on a device with a 84kwh battery whether it's listening on GSM or 4G - it's entirely possible that it's a more universal solution for a worldwide car though - could use...
  42. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    My apologies, looking at the related stuff - that is the most random method for wake that i've ever heard of - the battery drain to have an idle data connection would be almost nothing - like - 5 minutes of headlight usage per day. I guess the good thing about sms is that it will keep trying to...
  43. S

    Tesla app unable to wake car

    'wake on sms' sounds like the most ridiculous excuse ever.
  44. S

    19‘’ Turbine Wheel Covers Cybertruck Style For Model Y

    I doubt they would increase range... smooth flat disks maybe.. but pushing that square section forward at 200km/h isn't going to be less drag
  45. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Jumping out of different cars - the tesla is by far the hardest for me to intuitively know what speed im doing - so i'm often using autopilot in the areas as im leaving my house - when it doesn't get it right, it's frustrating - luckilly everything except the school zone works fine for me though.
  46. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    yes & no - the sign probably runs in separate segments - turning each section on for short periods - so you would need to composite several frames together to read it.
  47. S

    Supercharger - Gundagai NSW

    Looking at plugshare today - plenty of check ins to the tesla and the other chargers from the 15th may
  48. S

    Experience driving Tesla alongside other road users

    Feels like every other Tesla driver in canberra is hypermile-ing.
  49. S

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    So - twice now since the latest update 2023.12.5 - two separate phones we've had the car fail to unlock - telling us to use the keycard - err - i pretty much never carry the keycard... should i be? is this new behaviour?
  50. S

    Extending the reach of a 10A home charger

    I'm not sure that's correct in every state, but im pretty sure it's not legal to change the load rating of the cord by changing the plug - or making a converter, without a license - you aren't able to do much other than plug & unplug... nor are you permitted to do your own data cabling without...