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  1. jhneuerburg

    Wrong speed limit in FSD/Navigation

    I have similar speed limit issues (my cars report incorrect speed limits on nearly all county highway roads in Minnesota). Tesla has made it next to impossible to resolve or report these speed limit issues. Due to this issue, I have given up on FSD and I now solely use AP and revert to TACC...
  2. jhneuerburg

    FSD Performance Degraded due to poor weather

    TACC (and AP) will limit speed (sometimes well under the speed limit) and display "speed is limited due to poor weather" or visibility. This is not only an issue in rain, but also happens when driving into the sunrise, sunset, or fog (even light fog that creates very little visibility...
  3. jhneuerburg

    FSD Performance Degraded due to poor weather

    It also affects TACC and AP. Those are times I miss a standard cruise control option, as typically the weather is not that bad when the car starts complaining.
  4. jhneuerburg

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    Here are a few more recent images: This should have displayed 55mph speed limit (2 lane county highway): This should have displayed 55mph (2 lane county highway): This should have displayed 65mph (4 lane US [federal] highway). This instance happened in the dark. Unfortunately, the other...
  5. jhneuerburg

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    They seem to make filing complaint or bugs fixes nearly impossible here. All throughout their site they allude to the option of contacting the customer support team directly, however there is not such option available. I scanned through each answer link, through my account, etc. The only...
  6. jhneuerburg

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    I think my issue is map data and sign reading. Yesterday I had a speed limit issue on a US four lane highway with signs, car displayed 45mph speed limit while the sign displayed 65mph. Many of the county roads do not have signs but are 55mph unless marked otherwise. I cannot find a way to...
  7. jhneuerburg

    Speed limits completely off in Eastern Europe

    I just had this start happening to me yesterday on a 4 lane US highway with a speed limit of 65mph, not just 2 lane roads anymore. My wife has also been dealing with this in her car.
  8. jhneuerburg

    Does anyone actually have FSD v12 yet?

    Tapping accelerator is only a temporary fix and upon releasing the accelerator, the speed of the car returns to the incorrect speed limit (plus defined offset, maxed out at 5mph above displayed speed limit). One has to hold the accelerator to override the incorrectly displayed speed limits...
  9. jhneuerburg

    Does anyone actually have FSD v12 yet?

    THIS!! ^^^ Both of my cars are on 2024.3.10 and speed limits on non-US highways (like paved county highways, paved township roads, and some state highways) is a major failure!! I am frequently limited to 35 or 40mph on nearly all county highways in Minnesota which are generally assigned a...
  10. jhneuerburg

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    I didn't know about that email address and will email them today (and every other time I discover a new road)! So far I have collected images of 11 different roads in my area from the last two months that have incorrect speed limits. There are many more, these are just the ones I remembered to...
  11. jhneuerburg

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    1) We have FSD on one of our cars and it still limits to 5mph over speed limit on non-major highways. Yay, so I can go 35 in a 55, instead of 30!!!! So FSD is near useless on that car. They need to fix speed limits in general or provide a path for submitting corrections for both FSD and...
  12. jhneuerburg

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    OP, you are not alone!! Same issue here in the US! This is one of my two main issues: 1) The car defaults to 30mph (sometimes 65mph) on nearly all county highway roads which are generally 55mph speed limit in my area after the holiday update. 2) Way too many wheel nags with HAND(S) ON THE...
  13. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Fargo, ND - 45th St N (permit filed 10/19/23, 12 V3)

    Was part of a conversation with Tesla mobile service tech from Fargo today. Finally got on the list to have my M3 rear cable harness recall completed. Not sure what his incentive to lie to me would be. Figured it was worth sharing, but feel free to form your own opinion to the contrary.
  14. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Fargo, ND - 45th St N (permit filed 10/19/23, 12 V3)

    I just talked to a tech today that mentioned these will be v4 and will include pull throughs.
  15. jhneuerburg

    Speed limits completely off in Eastern Europe

    This is the cause of nearly all my frustration with my M3s. All rural two lanes in Minnesota are either 55mph or 60mph. Autopilot regularly assumes the speed limit is 35mph, making autopilot completely useless. When will Tesla fix this?! I may on occasion be that crazy person yelling at my...
  16. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Little Falls, MN

    Little Falls appears to be online!!
  17. jhneuerburg

    Host of New (non-Tesla) Chargers Planned for Western Minnesota

    Brolan, your point is valid. My experience with ZEF has been terrible. Their L2 chargers almost always seem to work, however I have had about a 20% success rate with their CCS connections (which also tend to come with a high connection fee). I have had a 100% success rate with Tesla, Shell...
  18. jhneuerburg

    Host of New (non-Tesla) Chargers Planned for Western Minnesota

    2023 has been a great year for rural Minnesota Superchargers! Fergus Falls, Little Falls, Tofte, Marshall, Willmar to name a few... There are still a lot of gaps the further you travel away from the main highways, which can make winter travel difficult on the colder sub-zero stretches of...
  19. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Fergus Falls MN

    Still a no-show for me in the app.
  20. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Little Falls, MN

    Same here, although I normally use Monticello! I'll be passing by here in a week or two and will check if anything is happening yet.
  21. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Fergus Falls MN

    I also recently received word that Ottertail power is installing the two Shell CCS chargers at this site and they have plans for a few more in the area, along with around a dozen or so scattered L2 charging locations through the rural area where there are some gaps!
  22. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Fergus Falls MN

    Chargers appear to be installed. Looks like it is getting close! Unfortunately, I was in a rush and couldn't stop to get a picture.
  23. jhneuerburg

    Supercharger - Fergus Falls MN

    This is GREAT news!!! I'm a rural Minnesotan from the north half of the state and regularly do business in Fergus (weekly, in not monthly) and this will be a godsend in the winter! Just need Little Falls, Park Rapids, Detroit Lakes, Grand Rapids, and Thief River and I'd hardly ever have to...
  24. jhneuerburg

    Model 3 in Snow/Ice

    Tires are the most important factor here! I drive a LOT for work across MN, ND, SD, and WI. I drove a Honda Civic before getting my Tesla M3. The Civic had snow tires on it and it drove reliably on the ice/snow (without snow tires it was terrible!). There were many times I would pull in for...