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  1. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    This crap matters though... NEVER underestimate that the input from humans matters..-Tesla's downfall - if they think everything can be run on AI...
  2. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Reporting back.... ucmndd ...your solution works!!!! Humans 1 - Robots/AI ZEro Faith returns! thanks for that... One small step for man.... One giant leap for mankind. JG
  3. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Ok I'll try that... thanks for the suggestion I've put in a $30 sell price... that should be high enough... surely... It's just gone past midday here.. Will report back tomorrow if that works Cheers
  4. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Your right. I tried that via the app... It didn't go anywhere> "Contact your installer for support" Of course I've already done that They were/are helpful But we are limited by the engineering and the app.. What more can I say?
  5. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    We have a prevailing weather pattern my part of the world.. for near on 10-12 months... there is othen mist/fog..... ie cloud cover from sunrise until midday... yes there is "light"..sure..but it's weak light.. not nearly enough power off the panels to cover a full 5Kw rate of charge off an 8Kwh...
  6. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    I feel like putting a physical timer on the breaker in the gateway for heavens sake...to stop it doing this behaviour... \But why.. Why the heck should I have to do this? This is TESLA.... the greatest ..smartest.... AI company in the world!
  7. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Ok Ive just experimented doing what you and stopcrazy just said.... I've set time based control I've set off Peak period from 12 midday-3pm I've set Peak from 3pm till 9 pm I've set off peak from 9pm till 0700 (so it will discharge if necessary) off peak I've set Peak again 0700 till midday (In...
  8. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    See where I am coming from here... I just can't believe this... That such a clearly fantastic, innovative company...full of so many smart people hasn't considered that maybe.. just maybe there is a flaw in "that approach"... That approach? (well just like Boeing and the 747Max) You've got to...
  9. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Think of the problem like this. Where is Tesla's "back up" solution for all their customers - each and everyone one of you all... If Tesla sensing goes down? (Without a manual override setting in the app....) How will you all then control your batteries?
  10. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    See everyone - the problem here is sensing It's a fundamental law of computer science and robotics. Garbage in garbage out If the sensor is feeding the wrong info - the robotics and AI won't work... Maybe you all think I'm daft...that in my set up I don;t have sensing on the main...
  11. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    I understand your approach and appreciate the help what fake rate plan would you set up to do what I want?
  12. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    ok What specific settings do I enter to trigger the battery to only switch on at 12 midday and off at 3pm and Battery can only discharge when there is no solar power?
  13. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    ^Ok thanks for that.. So I set up a fake rate plan using time of use... I only want it to charge between 12midday and 3pm I only want it to discharge when the sun is down I set the low tarrif between when.... and the high tarrif between when? How do I precisely do that? (Wouldn't it be...
  14. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Thanks for taking the effort to do that and help out.. but Seriously? It would be that hard for Tesla to :"implement a whole new mode"... To get the app team to just add a manual control option... If customer wants to switch on battery themselves between 12 midday and 3pm set 1200<>1500 in...
  15. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Sure Ive tried doing that. But how does this give me the specific charge control I need? The sun is highest in the sky at 12>3pm. The orientation of my panels gives me the greatest collection between those times. It takes 2-3 hrs to charge my battery and i want it to charge between those times...
  16. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    yep... that pretty much ends the debate I look forward to the new default starting charge time setting appearing in the next powerwall app firmware Should be pretty easy for Tesla to add. Let me know when it's added... :) Cheers
  17. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    I'd just be happy with a "default starting time" to charge my powerwall.. If that's no legal/engineering problem with a Tesla car battery... "parked" in the exact same garage as my powerwall... Why is that a problem for Tesla to have that setting in the app for my powerwall?
  18. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Ok fair enough... There is a default suggestion when to start charging a Tesla car battery is there? It's the same capacity as a PW give or take right? Could be bigger right? It's parked in the garage... just like a PW.. Its' charged off the sun like a PW... So there is a default start time (an...
  19. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Thanks for the input to the discussion... Sure.... there are many things not in Teslas control when it comes to a decision as to "the best time to charge a battery..." This is entirely why it would be better to hand that control over to the end user... To at least give them the option... Cheers
  20. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Tesla has given a local energy company here direct control of the battery and the ability when to charge it or draw power from it - but they can't allow me to do that?
  21. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    ^Utter humbug nonsense Its an 8Kw solar array So between midday and 3pm I generate 6-7kWhrs of power It's a 13.5 Kwh battery that charges at a rate of 5kWhs So I can charge the darn thing in under 2-3 hrs once a day for powering stuff overnight when the sun has gone down.... So I can get on use...
  22. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Why do we have top go thru all this when it's a premium product?.. but sure..I get it... Is there any way of doing this with Home Assistant? I use HA to integrate all my smart energy devices.. thanks
  23. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    ^ The suits and bankers have taken control of the vision is my guess @xWren
  24. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    "So far out of mainstream..." Right... wayyyy out... Nobody wants to charge from Solar at peak solar generation times or spread the charge out so they can run other loads when the sun is shining (rather than use fossil fuel grid charging...) That is not why we put in battery capacity into a...
  25. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    ^ I mean if it was there... I'd jump all over that setting... (it would go a long way to solving the problem...) But where is it?
  26. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Where is that setting in the installer/commissioning tool to set a max solar import rate?
  27. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Thanks for all the help.. but.. I want to charge off solar.... I have more than enough solar.. But I want to charge off solar when I want to.. (not when the PW thinks via it's AI... it's the correct time to charge.. that's because the sensor is feeding the API the incorrect information)... I...
  28. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    I've paid all this money for tesla smarts and have discovered they don;t work at all well in my particular situation .. Why am I forced to have to use the Tesla smarts? Why can't I just turn them off and switch to manual control?
  29. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Thanks for all the help and input everyone - am I clear what I want to do..? I want full "manual override" control Think of the 737Max analogy again... If that sensor (incorrectly) is saying the airspeed is too slow.. telling the computer to stall and dive the nose.. . I don't want the computer...
  30. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    All these measures are just an attempt to outsmart the app bot. Of course I have "tried" them.. They don't work In any case...even if they do (and they don't).. I don't want to play games with the API and app bot... That is not what I want to do I want to set the time when to turn on the battery...
  31. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    BTW Tesla needs to sort this problem. Either by having a way better sensor system or the ability to merge two gateways seamlessly in the app, or allow the customer to directly control battery charging to suit their location nuances. The reason it needs to be sorted is like I say - not everyone...
  32. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    If you search my previous calls for help, you will see I have a two phase power system. Battery, Gateway and Solar on one phase. It was difficult due to the need to retrofit the power system (and the fact that most of the solar falls on the phase where that is the only place for battery location...
  33. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    With all due respect that is not you "telling your powerwalls to charge". They are charging on parameters set by Tesla
  34. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    So I will go back to the initial questions 1/ Is there any engineering or physical reason (damage to battery etc/safety) why I should be in effect told by Tesla when I can or can't charge the battery? 2/ Is there any engineering or physical reason (damage to battery etc/safety) why I should...
  35. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    This is all well and good if the sensors are providing accurate information to the AI/API/app. In my case (for various reasons) they are not. I have explored the reasons, know what they are and unfortunately in my particular setting they are difficult to physically change. So I want more direct...
  36. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    1/ Tell the powerwall when to start charging 2/ Tell the powerwall the rate of charging (that is set the charge rate - charging speed) myself
  37. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    This is why we still have human aircraft pilots BTW. Sometimes AI , sensors and computer programs just aren't smart enough to know every single nuance in every single situation and deployment. So if Tesla even listens (which I doubt) Please give us control of our equipment we purchased (over...
  38. J

    It's shocking Tesla does not hand over direct control of their PW in the app.

    Why is this? Is there any logical reason (engineering/warranty/cost etc) why Tesla would prevent the end user to direct (via the app) 1/ When to charge their battery? and 2/ How rapidly to charge their battery? Is Elon Musk so arrogant that he thinks the AI in his app is so intelligent it...
  39. J

    Tesla Powerwall2 on Two Phase installation

    I'm sorry for all the messages - I really am - but this is just not working as it should. The smarts I'm talking about.. without sensing on the main board. without sensing "Net metering" as it were... Ya'll in the US need to understand the drill over here... most people over here don't know a...
  40. J

    Tesla Powerwall2 on Two Phase installation

    To use a second gateway as a simple monitor of all loads in/out of the house (rather than a Neurio) until the PW3's arrive (which I would then place on the other phase - connected to that second gateway) Cheers
  41. J

    New Tesla PW2 install on two phase house.

    @Gareth Oakes this is very frustrating - clearly I need a Neurio meter installed. Seems like a no brainer.. Like you I can't be the only one in the country who has installed the battery and gateway out the back of the property a long way from the main meter. Not everyone has a brand new house...
  42. J

    Tesla Powerwall2 on Two Phase installation

    can you add a second gateway - with associated clamps over the main board (instead of a Neurio wifi monitor) so it basically functions in the app as a the power monitor?
  43. J

    New Tesla PW2 install on two phase house.

    Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct I have turned off the battery inverter isolator The battery is charging and also the car is charging. They both act as a "load" on Phase B I've gone back to only charging at night on off peak power. @Gareth Oakes nailed it. The PW2 and...
  44. J

    New Tesla PW2 install on two phase house.

    Will confirm all... when the sun is actually out!
  45. J

    Thanks for all the help - here are my off grid plans!

    Hi everyone. I am very much appreciative of all the assistance here on this forum, last couple days as I plan to use Tesla to transition off grid over the next 12-18 months. Here in Inner suburban Melbourne Australia. Kindly shoot holes in this plan - Id' welcome any comments! Our place has...
  46. J

    New Tesla PW2 install on two phase house.

    It depends how far the suboards (of each phase) are from the mainboard. You can't say put one gateway near the mainboard then have a 75 meter run (like I've got) then connect a PW like 75m away... At least that is what I was told.. The Gateway needs to be closer to whatever board (and loads)...
  47. J

    Why has Tesla taken so long to sort how 2 Gateways are "seen" in the app?

    I'm lucky here I have a smart meter that can be read real time using zigbee (well every 10 sec) via the Rainforest Eagle (Canadian tech) And can see that in home assistant.. So I don't really need clamps or Tesla smarts anyway I know exactly what's going on at the meter at all times (which at...
  48. J

    Why has Tesla taken so long to sort how 2 Gateways are "seen" in the app?

    Ok so I've learnt rolling out Tesla PW's on two phase can be an issue with the app... (can't merge the smarts or the visuals as "one") you've effectively got two separate systems seen in the app.. have to swipe left and right etc... I've also learnt some of ya'll over there in the US need two...
  49. J

    New Tesla PW2 install on two phase house.

    Ah ok. sorry I didn't know what you meant... Sure. Done that with charging already The problem is with the net monitoring I've done a deep dive on some other threads. The app (and in fact the whole Tesla cloud/smart ecosystem) needs net metering at the main board to function properly. In a two...