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  1. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    My understanding is that an Israeli player called Irish team antisemitic on Wednesday, ie before the game. The game was scheduled for Thursday. "It's known that they are quite antisemitic and it's no secret, and maybe that's why a strong game is expected," Israel player Dor Saar said in an...
  2. S

    Driving in a hilly city like SF or Seattle?

    I have NCA pack. I have the dots on the regen side of the power indicator, which, I believe, means I don't have full regen. I don't have a garage. I have to drive >30mins in our mild winter weather to get rid of the dots. My commute is ~20 mins, but the limited regen works fine for me. I...
  3. S

    Driving in a hilly city like SF or Seattle?

    If the slope is >10% or so, regen struggles to slow down the car rapidly. So if you know the roads, then you start regen ahead of time. I have one such, short & steep hill in my commute. I usually lift of throttle before starting to decent and I usually need to tap the brake to bring the car...
  4. S

    Home charging management software?

    Looks like something IFTTT can do. Or potentially Home Assistant + TeslaMate might be able to do it as well.
  5. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well, let me repeat: why execute a person lying on the ground? Is the Haaretz article also propaganda?
  6. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Genocide "trumps" immigration ban. There is no comparison.
  7. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    …So when there is video evidence, or investigative journalism that shows Israel as they are, it is propaganda. But when it comes to hamas or Palestinians, statements by Israel or inconsistent witness accounts are accepted without any questioning (as in the mass rape and mass torture claims)…...
  8. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    They do boast about it as explained in the article. (moderator note: for the benefit of those not wanting to pay to see the article, the word genocide does not appear on the referenced pages except, at the time of my viewing, in a link from the first page to the opinion piece by Anshel Pfeffer...
  9. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Israeli soldiers boasting about genocide on Telegram. (moderator edit) Reported by Haaretz in December. As usual, Israel denied...
  10. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Why execute him? He is already on the ground.
  11. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    You misunderstood my point, which was pretty obvious actually. As Israel terrorize Gazans, they are only helping hamas. Not sure if it is as simple as that. Let's not forget how Netanyahu helped breaking the Palestinian leadership into two, making sure West Bank was governed by another group...
  12. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    You keep saying that, there is still no proof of mass rapes, mass tortures or the like. Anyways, we went back and forth enough times. Truth will come to light, and we will discuss again when that happens. Here is an example of Israeli military action. Do you also consider this as "heinous...
  13. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Short of killing every single Gazan, I don't think hamas can be eliminated.
  14. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I don't see you using the same language when Israel military kills innocents people in West Bank. Or when Israel military protects settlers as they kill Palestinian civilians. There is definite exaggeration in what happened in Oct 7th. I know we disagree on this. There were civilians...
  15. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I missed this... Apparently Biden is an antisemite as well. https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-issue-order-targeting-jewish-settler-violence-wbank-politico-2024-02-01/
  16. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    There is all this talk of eliminating hamas.. Experts say that it is an impossible target. And we know that to be the case from history. Militant, resistance groups like hamas are impossible to eliminate. So one wonders, why netanyahu set this as a supposed target? On the other hand, there...
  17. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I don't think so. There may be few people in the past in Israel leadership that were willing to have peace, but majority did not. Even when they said they were willing, in the background they did things contrary to this peace. Netanyahu is the prime example.
  18. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    If you think leveling a city and using dumb, 2000lb bombs in dense population areas is proportionate, there is nothing to discuss. You cannot defend yourself from the people you occupy, as per ICJ. https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/Research/International%20Law/ilp261104.pdf
  19. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I absolutely agree that anyone who killed civilians should face justice. I guess where we differ is how this justice is applied. You cannot level a city, kill 10s of thousands, injure 10s of thousands while starving the population in the name bringing justice. If you do, then as you said...
  20. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I know, right? I find the term "war crime" an oxymoron. War is a crime.
  21. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I do want hamas off the scene. But unless Israel changes its attitude, that won't solve anything. As you very well know, Netanyahu is responsible from hamas. It was his plan to break Palestinian leadership by supporting hamas. Now if hamas goes away, but we are back to occupied Gaza, with...
  22. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Well, I don't know one-state or two-state solution is the right one. I have my opinions but it is something that can only be decided by people who live there. I don't think anyone here believes hamas is the victim. Palestinians are the victim. This is an important distinction.
  23. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    What I "cherry picked" is a video broadcasted in state owned news channel. Not tik tok, not Ben Gvir's twitter account, state owned news channel, as per the link you shared: This is a perfect example of bias. When some teacher in some school teaches Palestinian kids to hate jews, it is big...
  24. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    You are correct. If Israel stops now, and somehow the Gaza is rebuilt, and we are back to status quo, Hamas will attack again. It is only normal. You cannot continue to oppress people, violate their freedoms, imprison them in tiny land, and expect no armed resistance. If you disagree with...
  25. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    You are making a leap. All we have is that 12 people allegedly took part in Oct 7th. Now you are saying the organization is supporting terrorism. That is a massive leap. By the way, let's say it is that way. That UNRWA is somehow supporting terrorism. Why pull the support now? When people...
  26. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Again, I disagree. The wording is all inclusive of Gazans or sometimes Gazans and West Bankers. Maybe the intention was not that, but the wording is all inclusive. I suppose this is where we disagree. You may be seeing Gazans/Palestinians as terrorizing their neighbors, but there are couple...
  27. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I disagree. I either write about Israeli army, or Israel as a government. Or sometimes I specifically mention Netanyahu or use the word "Israeli ministers". I have made that clear several times, since I was called an antisemite by several users. I also made couple of statements that I have no...
  28. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I would change that doctor, not the hospital. I think that is the part you are missing. Fire & prosecute the 12 (allegedly) involved. Why punish 2.3 million people in Gaza, when they need the help most? Do you not believe the news articles that people are at the point of starving to death?
  29. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    They may be terrorists. But was the hospital a command center? That's a leap. Regardless of that, if you find terrorists, go arrest them. Don't execute them. That's a dangerous precedent. I haven't seen any guns in the hospital room. Also, Israeli army criticizes hamas as dressing up like...
  30. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    NY Times forced to pull hamas mass rape story from podcast after groups fact check the claims. I kept saying, there may be rape, but the narrative of mass rape (and mass torture) has no proof. Eventually, truth comes to light. But unfortunately, the damage is done.. lies already spread, and...
  31. S

    Battery estimated capacity question

    I think I have to drive longer to get a better idea of the rated line. I took the pictures shortly after I started driving (of course, I pulled over to take the pics) to capture the decimal points because as you drive longer, the rated line extends and you quickly loose the decimal points.
  32. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    How do you define terror?
  33. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I actually went back and read some of the things I wrote. Most of the time, I refute claims, ask for clarification of claims, or share information on Israel's activities, human rights reports, or Israeli newspaper articles etc. Please show me where I attacked someone. I definitely "attack"...
  34. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Looks like, we can be pretty sure it was the Israeli army.
  35. S

    Battery estimated capacity question

    Thank you for the calculation. attaching screen captures.
  36. S

    Battery estimated capacity question

    I finally got around getting the info. It has been pretty cold here but this week temps are around 50-55F. I used the energy app to get decimal point for SOC. SOC: 74.2% or 178.3miles Consumption: 196Wh/mile Projected range: 187miles How do you calculate degradation threshold?
  37. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    And what is the context in this video? What is Israeli army doing in Palestinian lands? What would you teach your kids if your land was invaded? Love the invading army? I'm not suggesting involving kids is the right thing here, but a really f**ked up situation has been created. So you get...
  38. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    My posts are trying to show that things are not black and white. Many people posting here suggesting that all Gazans, including children, are terrorists. Back to UNWRA, you are setting a bar that is impossible to meet. They have 13000 employees in Gaza, and I believe another 30000 (or maybe...
  39. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    In Hebron, Israeli soldier beating a Palestinian kid. Most moral army never rests.
  40. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Are you saying UNRWA gave the order to those 12 aid workers to ALLEGEDLY take part in oct 7th? Or did they act on their own? Cutting funding with this excuse is collective punishment which is a war crime.
  41. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Did you see the Israeli children singing about genocide in state media: What does Israeli curriculum teach regarding Palestine and Palestinians? You have one video of someone doing something stupid vs the whole state of Israel’s curriculum.
  42. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Israel's on going efforts for two state solution: https://www.timesofisrael.com/12-ministers-call-to-resettle-gaza-encourage-gazans-to-leave-at-jubilant-conference/
  43. S

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It's funny how things work. Israel government directly supports settlers. Settlers go and kill American citizens in West Bank. America continues to send money and weapons to Israel. 12 out of 13000 employees of UNRWA is alleged to committed crimes, not under UNRWA directive but on their own...
  44. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Oh I got it now. I needed to change the configuration file docker-compose.yml to tell which version of teslamate to use. Now I can see my car in the teslamate. Thank you for the help!
  45. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Yeah looks like the API update is the issue:
  46. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Yes I believe this is the issue. Last night I was able to find someone with the same issue in r/TeslaMate. That person fixed it by using preview. I need to go figure that now.
  47. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Yeah I know.. sorry, I was frustrated at the time. I had some other road blocks getting the RPI running, so at that point I was done.
  48. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Yes that was one of the first things I tried, but it didn't help.
  49. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I am a novice when it comes to raspberry pi.. where to I find the logs? This is a new install, so I am guessing everything is the latest version... I followed this: https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-teslamate/ Teslamate version is 1.28.2. Teslamate page is empty (aside from the menu bar...
  50. S

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I cannot find any answers in google, so asking here. I cannot see my car in teslamate even though it says signed in successfully... I installed teslamate using a container in raspberry pi 3b. I have stopped & restarted the container several times, and rebooted the rpi, and signed-out and...