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  1. E

    Cheaper to buy a new Model Y?

    I think the dealers bought the model y's at too high of a price. They don't want to sell the cars because they would realize those loses. I'm assuming the dealers are just delaying the inevitable? I guess they are hoping the economy gets better, and the "good times" come back where they can...
  2. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    China is a huge market. 25% tariff?? I don't think anyone wants a trade war? Also, doesn't china own a bunch of our debts??? I think USA would be hurt if china decides to sell a lot of our debt. Anyways, not a economics expert, just some guy who can't wait until Tesla's become like Toyotas...
  3. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    Well, Elon did state that much. He's could be lying :) I really do want to see how low Elon can get his cars to be. He's definitely embarrassing a lot of ICE manufacturers. I think he personally gotten other manufacturers to lower their prices.
  4. E

    Buying a Tesla for another person

    It's actually a loan... so I don't think it's a taxable event.
  5. E

    Need opinions - tell me I’m right

    The "family" does not live in a bubble. The "family" relies on other people. You can lose friends. However, your "family" will also lose network connections. Need your son to get his first job? Sorry, your "friend" Jake no longer considers you a friend, so he's going to help his other real...
  6. E

    Need opinions - tell me I’m right

    Your wife is putting you in a no win situation. The golden rule is to treat others how you would like to be treated. You help your friends, they help you. If you always focus on putting your family first. Your friends will take note, and will always put their family first. This is not a...
  7. E

    Worried about the future of Tesla

    It's the media... If I listened to the media, I would be worried also... Get past the media and look at the hard facts (or just listen to other points of view), Tesla is not in a bad spot.
  8. E

    Worried about the future of Tesla

    Elon is polarizing.... and water is wet. Right now, Elon hate is probably at it's highest. The only question is why do people hate Elon? I conjecture it's because of his politics. Just like during the Vietnam war where the silent majority was for the war in Vietnam and vilified those that...
  9. E

    IRS raises maximum eligible price limit to $80k for Model Y

    Herd mentality... which is ironic because most people think they are better than average, but then act "average"....
  10. E

    IRS raises maximum eligible price limit to $80k for Model Y

    The rule change was to help the unions since most of their cars did not qualify. This is especially true if a tesla car could qualify and a union non tesla car could not. The difference between the two would be large. Now the difference between the two would be smaller making the union car...
  11. E

    Elon now under (yet another) investigation by SEC over false self driving claims

    Maybe those that bought fsd and still have their cars, get their money back? Probably cheaper for tesla than retrofitting with new hardware. I think there are approximately 250k FSD users. At an average of 6k per user, that's still under 2 billion dollars. Tesla has like 20 billion...
  12. E

    Model Y Not Worth the Price Now [Nov 2022]

    I want to get one.... one of these days... Not in a rush unless something happens to my old prius which is likely I suppose due to it's age and mileage.. It's living on borrowed time according to people at priuschat and any minute now, it's going to cr@p out on me. It is what it is...
  13. E

    Snippiness 2.0

    A few months ago I was helping my parents look for a tesla. But at the time (got a VIN and everything) but at the last minute they decided to not get one. Yeah, being on here is like a force of habit. I plan on getting one but I just don't want to get "screwed by tesla" so I'll wait...
  14. E

    Cybertruck announce prices may actually happen

    Yes, Musk is a smart guy and has done some amazing things... But yet, you cannot fathom him putting into production a silly thing as a Cyber truck? Ok, whatever.. you be you...
  15. E

    Model Y Not Worth the Price Now [Nov 2022]

    I didn't buy a Tesla... So I yeah, I guess I didn't get screwed by the price drop. You as an adult bought a new Tesla with your own money for a price you agreed upon... You are now driving around in a fancy late model Tesla, while I'm just mopping around in 10 year old prius with over 200K...
  16. E

    Cybertruck announce prices may actually happen

    Did you believe him when he said the prices of Tesla cars were too high to the point of being ridiculous several months ago and something must be done? If you did, congratulations, you weren't surprised by the "surprise price cuts". Were you surprise when he said he was thinking about buying...
  17. E

    Model Y Not Worth the Price Now [Nov 2022]

    Would you have preferred to not know about the "surprise cuts"? Dealerships hide rebates and incentives from buyers all the time. I remember seeing $8,000 rebates a while back. One person can pay $35k for a car, and another can pay $25K for a car but nobody really notices because the...
  18. E

    Model Y Not Worth the Price Now [Nov 2022]

    I hope so but while tesla is still trying to get full self driving to work, other manufacturers seem to be throwing in the towel and saying it will take "years"..... Not only do the legacy car makers need to innovate in the front end, but they need to innovate in the back end - supply change...
  19. E

    Cybertruck announce prices may actually happen

    No curves... barely any rounded edges. Basically a trapezoid on wheels? Hahhahah.. to keep the cost low. We will see if this is a case, but it makes sense. Slap a flat panel of steel on the back, top and sides and call it a day? Hahhaha maybe?
  20. E

    I voted with my wallet

    Elon has says he wants to build cars for the masses. That is why the next generation tesla roadster has been delayed for years now - the company is not focusing on it. This is also the reason, they are not focusing on the model s and x. Not my words, teslas own words. Tesla wants to be...
  21. E

    I voted with my wallet

    Tesla cannot be everything to everyone right now. They are trying to go mainstream as fast as possible. Then, after that, they will refocus on the niche luxury market. Basically, tesla doesn't want to sell $100k cars to rich people since rich people are a small minority of the general...
  22. E

    The recent price drop

    Yeah, without uber I wouldn't be able to go out at nights. Thanks for your service. I think you might have over extended when you bought your tesla. My parents were going to buy one a couple of years ago., but ultimately thought it was too expensive. When tesla gets cheaper, I'll probably...
  23. E

    Big price drop

    Elon is working on fixing this...
  24. E

    The recent price drop

    Yeah... some people call it a bubble (like tech bubble, housing bubble, tulip bubble, etc.. etc..) Imagine spending your life's fortune only to have a bunch of tulips at the end. Crazy, right? Thank God, I assume you didn't spend your life's fortune, and you still managed to get an awesome...
  25. E

    More price drops coming?

    That's a good point... but the fact is Elon needs to move cars. He has the "highland" version of the model 3 and he could always give include fsd to "over come" the 7.5k tax credit (assuming Tesla will no longer qualify which is the worse case scenario). What is surprising to me is that...
  26. E

    Big price drop

    SooooooOoo... What u are saying is that Elon still has some more work to do to get Tesla prices even lower. I don't disagree. That is his ultimate goal.
  27. E

    More price drops coming?

    At the end of the day, the question remains: "How nimble is tesla at coping with change?" History has shown tesla to be very nimble and pragmatic. It's the OODA loop on hyper drive hahahah. This company is being run by a man that slept at his factory, I expect nothing less. Hahahhahaha
  28. E

    More price drops coming?

    It depends on demand. Demand depends a lot on the economy. How will the economy rebound (unlikely) or how much it will get worse (likely). Inflation affect tesla materials only so much. If a deeper recession hits, inflation will not be as bad because there will be less demand for basic...
  29. E

    Musk’s Greed exposed! Now that the Tesla demand has dropped and inventory is high; He dropped the prices considerably while still making a lots of 💰

    Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times.. Good times create weak men; Weak men create hard times. ..Rinse, repeat... Back in the day, we had wars that would remove a lot of weak men... Oh well.. Just a cycle..
  30. E

    Model Y used prices still holding after $13k MSRP cut - when will they drop?

    Used car prices will slowly come down... too many upside loans; this will affect the supply of used cars (people wouldn't be able to sell their cars w/o losing a lot of money, hence they will try and keep their cars as much as possible). I suspect 6 to 8 months before used prices stabilize...
  31. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    Why aren't people buying as many cars than before? Why are less people buying houses? Why are stocks tanking? Why are young adults moving back to their parents? Why are people in general complaining about not being able to afford food? If we are not in a recession, what kind of economy are...
  32. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    This is from a person who never saw the price cut coming.. and is now livid about it.
  33. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    So tesla lowered their price, now you are a "Ford man".... got it... now worries... you should really sell you tesla and get a ford if it really means that much too you.
  34. E

    Cybertruck announce prices may actually happen

    I thought the S and X were the high end vehicles.... don't count Elon out. He wants to push out as many electric vehicles as possible. People have "lost" money by misjudging Elon. Don't repeat those same mistakes.
  35. E

    Big price drop

    Elon is such an evil genius... if this was a superhero movie he would be monologging right now about how he deceived the world... and how it wasn't possible to stop him because his plan to screw over everyone happen DAYS ago... Muahahhahahah... Elon doesn't even know most of these...
  36. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    So in this economy Ford selling a lot of vehicles because of their EVs? I think I drove by a Ford dealership and saw a lot of cars in their lot. I could be wrong though. Whatever... Instead of buying a tesla, people are now buying Fords because Elon lowered the prices of tesla cars... makes...
  37. E

    Musk’s Greed exposed! Now that the Tesla demand has dropped and inventory is high; He dropped the prices considerably while still making a lots of 💰

    Elon is greedy because he is selling cars for CHEAPER... next news, Santa is even more greedy. He is GIVING away toys for FREE to little boys and girls!!! What has the world come too?? And when will it ever end?
  38. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    Which brands are doing this? Which brands are making tons of $ on their ICE vehicles? I heard we are in a recession and interest rates r high. Most cars are not selling.
  39. E

    Big price drop - LR down $10k, Plaid down $21k

    Tesla has been really good at cutting cost and being efficient. I wonder how low Tesla can go when producing cars.. They must be the most cost efficient car company right now.
  40. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    Huhm... I wouldn't call the original Roadster (a repurposed Lotus Elise), Model S, or Model X luxury. Yes, it was expensive, but that was due to telsa being in a niche market and at that point, wasn't really mass produced. The brand wasn't about luxury but more about "saving the planet"...
  41. E

    Discussion: Model 3 Price reductions - Jan / April / Oct 2023 and all other pricing discussions

    Tesla's goal is to create and sell cars that a lot of people can afford. They want to replace ice cars with EVs. This is not a secret. They built gigafactories to pump as many cars as possible. They streamlined processes to be able to pump out as many cars as possible... they prioritize...
  42. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    How do we know that tesla can't do that right now.. but because of demand, they are taking in as much profit as they can while building as many cars as they can. (Profit that is used to reinvest in more factories, and r/d) You are right though... to full fill Elons original dream of replacing...
  43. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    It's a friday and I got a lot of my stuff done yesterday. Habahhaha... yeah, the internet can be a time waster... :)
  44. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    Tesla cars are suppose to be for average people... for the masses.. not those with "high deposable" incomes. Mercedes, Ferrari, audi, etc... those cars are suppose to be for those that care about branding.. nothing has changed.. those cars are still available...
  45. E

    Big price drop

    Why not just imagine a world full of EVs instead of gas cars? That was Elons stated goal and lowering the price of EVs definitely helps in heading that direction. Cars are not an investment.... Cars are for the most part depreciating assets.
  46. E

    Pricing strategy for 2023?

    Elon has been saying either we are in a recession or there's going to be one for months now.. i cant remember exactly... it's on Twitter...
  47. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    I saw a simple 3 bedroom housing going for $700k... it wasn't a "premium product". I didn't even entertain the possibility of buying it... since then, the prices of those types of houses have come down. I agree, just because something is more expense doesn't mean it's premium especially for...
  48. E

    Discussion: Model 3 and Y price drop Jan 2023 / April 2023 / Oct 2023 and All other Pricing Speculation going forward

    What are these 800k owners going to buy? Tesla has built a competitive advantage (a "moat" as some busines people would say) based on pricing. Would these 800k owners buy an alternative car that was $10k or $15k more expensive? Remember these are the same owners peeved off at their lost of...
  49. E

    Big price drop

    Will other EV makers catch up with Telsa? Tesla is showing to the world right now they can lower their prices by a lot because of their efficiency (mega mold, simplicit dash layout, no dealership, no advertising, etc, etc..) not to mention their tech which is still further along than any other...